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I suspect AxeExit of not handling global blocks well.
Send/Return and (some) Cab blocks are global blocks in my presets. The levels are set correctly on my Axe.

Other causes can be:
- the preset uses an user cab (Bogners)
- exp.pedal needs to be moved (Ebow preset)

I tried troubleshooting another preset (ChorgPedalP1) and found both amps with all levels turned down, as well as all the sliders on the amp's EQ, and each of the first three blocks with level knobs turned all the way down too.

Gave up at that point--just too many things to fix and too many other presets that are working okay. I might try reproducing one directly on the II just to see what it sounds like.

Danny W.
I am guessing the ownhammer IR's do not come with the II? Do you have to use it to get the Mark Day tone?

There are a lot of OHs among the stock presets in the II.
Mark Day uses one in the stock preset that's included.
I tried troubleshooting another preset (ChorgPedalP1) and found both amps with all levels turned down, as well as all the sliders on the amp's EQ, and each of the first three blocks with level knobs turned all the way down too.

Gave up at that point--just too many things to fix and too many other presets that are working okay. I might try reproducing one directly on the II just to see what it sounds like.

Danny W.

Yeah, that's understandable, I would too.
The file is now offline. Waiting for an Axe-Edit upgrade.
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I think it's because you're using global amps. The next version of Axe-Edit should handle this better.
I think it's because you're using global amps. The next version of Axe-Edit should handle this better.

I hope so!

But it's not just global amps. Just 10 minutes ago I saved a preset without ANY global blocks.
I exported it and: all Amp parameters are greyed out in Axe-Edit (as if it were a global) and effect blocks show the same values for X/Y while on the II itself they are different.
Your 'Vibrovrb' patch is a little gem. Crisp, articulate, yet with lots of meat. Full bodied, robust, yada yada yada. Lovely. :) Thanks.
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Experimenting using cab sims with the EVMs. A cab sim makes the tones thicker, especially at low volume levels. I don't want to use too many different IRs ; changing sounds for every song reminds me too much of wedding bands...

Anyhow, the addition of cab sims increase the low end, so I've turned up LowCut in Amp blocks to 80Hz. And because the cab sims make the tone darker on the EVMs I'm using OwnHammer IRs, which are a bit brighter compared to stock and Red Wirez IRs.

When using X/Y in effects blocks, the X state makes the IA switch on the MFC that switches between X/Y for that effect light up green.
That's not my preference , I want to keep "green" for engaged effects and presets. So I've assigned my favorite effect settings to "Y" state instead of X, and use Y as the default setting. Setting a block to X or Y and saving it as the default setting can be done per preset.

Interesting yek!! I also have the EVMs... Great that you keep exploring the capabilities of the speakers :) I really appreciate it!!
I haven't got the time to explore it much, since lately my work has been INSANE busy
Updated Axe-Edit 1.0.202 seems to solve all problems! :)
So I exported and uploaded all my presets again.
Hopefully no problems anymore when using these on your Axes.

Except for the first two, these didn't work for me either--still no sound.

I went to the third one and bypassed all the blocks except send and return and there was still no output. Don't see anything obviously wrong with the send or return blocks.

Gave up again! :?

Thanks anyway!

Danny W.
Except for the first two, these didn't work for me either--still no sound.

I went to the third one and bypassed all the blocks except send and return and there was still no output. Don't see anything obviously wrong with the send or return blocks.

Gave up again! :?

Thanks anyway!

Danny W.

Can you check if there are any blocks that have the Bypass parameter set to Mute?
Can you save a preset that you opened and attach it to a post here?
Do you use Out1 or Out2?
Do you bypass the Cab block?

Edit: global blocks seem to be the issue again.
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Cool stuff, Yek! It's good to hear clips of funky sounds with appropriate riffs, so we can hear what they're all about. Thanks!
I especially like the "Chorgpedal" gated crystals thing. It both highlights and tames the crystals effect, which can be overwhelming.
Thanks guys.

@Rex: that's a preset created by Raca, slightly modified.
Please pardon me for this double post, but I placed it in another thread by mistake.

I've downloaded and attempted to audition Yek's latest presets. Something is peculiar. I still can't get any signal to pass. It's probably operator error, but here's what I've tried so far.

1. Running Axe Edit 1.0.202 and Axe FW 1.05 on my Mac with OS 10.6.8.
2. Import any one of your patches into Axe Edit to audition. No audio.
3. Try another patch from several other users. Works fine.
4. Tried eliminating effects block from the chain, one-by-one. No audio.
5. Eventually eliminated every block except an amp and cab. No audio most of the time. Sometimes, depending on the patch, with just amp and cab I'd get audio.
6. Tried deleting amp and cab and recreating amp and cab with alternative choices. No audio.
6. Tried saving the patch to the Axe FX II and edit from the front panel. No better.

So I ran out of time this morning. Got to get my a** to work. When I get home tonight, I'll try and put together a screen capture video showing what I'm doing. Maybe that will reveal the error in my ways! ;-) Anybody else with a similar experience?
Most of the issues I had hearing these turned out to be due to not having user cabs loaded, and were solved by swapping in a stock cab. YMMV.
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