Dad Jokes

Whenever family argues, I feel an overwhelming urge to write my congressman for solutions.
(Though come to think of it, his answers are pretty much form letters thanking me for writing and saying he doesn't have a solution, but thanks for thinking of him anyway.)
Lol. I was expecting that Cole! I thought about changing the wording But just left it as it was I was afraid I would really mess it up. 😆

We’ve got almost 40 miles an hour winds going right now in a bad storm is coming.

Luckily we have all the countertops installed today yay!

Hope you’re having a great day buddy 😁
Man we had a Rockin storm still have rain and some lightning and there where several tornadoes thankfully so far so good. It was bad enough that I had the shelter in the closet ready just in case.

My wife and I always compromise. I admit I’m wrong, and she agrees with me.🤣
Not really a joke at all but true story.

So I’m at work today and a lady I work with said “did you hear about what happened at the hospital Tuesday? My sister works there in the heart monitors and right next door in ICU there was a patient who was smoking crack in the ICU while hooked up to her oxygen tank and blew up part of the ICU!”

A guy sitting in the break room was listening and says “Have I ever told you I’m a big fan of Charles Darwin?”
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