>>> Axe-Fx Ver 8.05 and Ultra Ver 8.06 Firmware Released <<<

hhjh.de said:
Well, the easiest remedy would be a global switch to say "All controllers to max at startup". Then everybody could have their ways.


Not necessarily. I think some sort of middle ground option could work well. It would be nice to have the best of both worlds. GM Arts proposal would allow something approaching that.

Cliff made the change because a lot of us were looking for something that makes it easy to use the Axe without your controller attached. If it stays as it is in this firmware plus a switch to turn it off, many of us with this need will have to just switch it off as it doesn't work as intended. If that happens, we haven't really accomplished anything.

If it comes to that, fine, but I think it's still worth some more discussion to see if we can accomplish the goal in a way that works for more people.

dk_ace said:
[quote="hhjh.de":wuimt6jc]Well, the easiest remedy would be a global switch to say "All controllers to max at startup". Then everybody could have their ways.


Not necessarily. I think some sort of middle ground option would work well. It would be nice to have the best of both worlds. GM Arts proposal would allow something approaching that.

Cliff made the change because a lot of us were looking for something that makes it easy to use the Axe without your controller attached. If it stays as it is in this firmware, many of us with this need will have to just switch it off as it doesn't work as intended. If that happens, we haven't really accomplished anything.

If it comes to that, fine, but I think it's still worth some more discussion to see if we can accomplish the goal in a way that works for more people.



The GM Arts proposal... if its the one where a set of controllers startup with certain values and then another one with a different value and yet another one with a different value... is over complicated in my opinion.
mworkman said:

The GM Arts proposal... if its the one where a set of controllers startup with certain values and then another one with a different value and yet another one with a different value... is over complicated in my opinion.

I'm not saying his solution is the best possible, I'm saying this topic is worth more discussion as a global disable feature puts most of us right back where we started.

The Axe-FX is meant to be powerful, not simple. So if a slightly complicated solution is the best (meaning the most powerful), I'm all for it.

It might be best to have three global options: all ext controls at max, all at min, and a hybrid option such as GM Arts solution.

dk_ace said:
mworkman said:

The GM Arts proposal... if its the one where a set of controllers startup with certain values and then another one with a different value and yet another one with a different value... is over complicated in my opinion.

I'm not saying his solution is the best possible, I'm saying this topic is worth more discussion as a global disable feature puts most of us right back where we started.

The Axe-FX is meant to be powerful, not simple. So if a slightly complicated solution is the best (meaning the most powerful), I'm all for it.

It might be best to have three global options: all ext controls at max, all at min, and a hybrid option such as GM Arts solution.


Its all valid discussion.

All at max isn't working for some.

All at min was the cause for the request in the first place and the orignal behavior, correct?

The hybrid solution creates problems because for example if the first 6 controllers default to max what if somebody needs the 7th or needs more to default to the minimum value.

Ideally you would be able to set the default value on a per controller basis.

How many people were being affected by the original behavior? I think what gets me is that you configure your Axe-FX with a foot controller essentially telling it this is how I want you to work. Then you have it in a more stand alone and it doesn't work for you. Part of me says why not just go out and get your foot controller and make sure you always have it.

I am sure that is not possible for some.

The other thing is when you save system state or system status does it capture the controller values? Like can you essentially save a "profile" of the Axe-FX that is for when you have a midi controller attached and another profile when you don't have a controller attached?

It seems like a lot of work if you are switching between the two but then that is why I was asking how many people are being impacted by the original behavior. If it is the majority then sure it would be great if something can be worked out. But if it is a handful of people out of 100's or 1000's Axe-FX users then I come down of the side that says go with the masses and the few are on there own to find a work around.
I still think the best solution is a user-set startup value for each of the 8 controlles. That way everyone can have whatever they want. As I wrote before, this would require a small UI change and I expect Cliff has better things to do, which is why I suggested the compromise.

I don't think different startup values should be a problem. It's only because the pedals have different startup values than external controllers that we've been able to solve the problem on the front panel in the past. Granted, its 20+ button and dial clicks per controller, so it's not much of a solution. :)

If nothing else, it's confirmed this has been a problem for several users for a long time.
Enzo Sutera said:
+1 using an MPX-R1 too and it´s getting a little bit annoying.. since I never use the Axe without the R1 a global start up state would be enough for me.
Other than this it´s a great release. I reworked my presets yesterday and really like the new drives, the Bender Fuzz in front of a cranked Fender is stunning :shock:
Many thanks Cliff!

Cool. I thought I was alone in my use of the R1. It's sort of an odd bird of a control: advanced in that you can have 10 preset selects or 10 IAs available with ease, but primitive in the way it can't send IAs along with PC. For now it's working. I dig the attached expression pedal. One less thing to lug and carry.

Anyhow, I haven't been able to work around this issue save for remembering to toggle the toe switch on the R1 when I first set up. If I do that, even in a patch where the external controller that the switch is attached to isn't connected to anything, everything is fine. And because toggling the switch entails rocking the rocker pedal, it sort of all works out with one step.

If I had multiple of these it'd be a right PIA.
I vote for whatever solution lets me control the startup value of the External Controllers. The optimal solution is user selected startup values but I would settle for GM's hybrid solution if that's all that is available. The way it is now is not very good for me because I have to remember to switch off my wah before going live.
FractalAudio said:
Only the power-up state is changed. If you have a MIDI controller attached, as soon as you send a CC the controller value is set. Your presets will work as before.

Why on earth you use External controllers to control the effect state is a topic for another discussion.

Pretty simple really ... I have my midi pedalboard set up like that - Drive, Delay, MOD[ulation], .. *Special Effect* .. etc.

Once I press MOD button - anything that is modulation - things like chorus OR flanger OR phaser comes up. Special effect - depending on the patch it could be anything from Ring mod to multidelay doing a pitch descent thing or whatever else. .. And so on, that way I have my pedal board set up exactly same way for everything and type of effects change from patch to patch. And the best thing --- if I have delay "on" and switch to a different patch that also has a delay in it - it will be "on" as well - which is just like a real pedalboard but better. That is why I like it setup that way.

Now, all of the effects in the patch are bypassed through ext controllers 4 to 8. And the buttons on my FCB1010 are attached to ext controllers 4-8.

Doing it this way makes perfect sense for me and matches the capabilities of my midi controller perfectly.

But at this time with the newer v8.07 all of my effects initialize at "ON" (obviously) and I have to bypass them one by one.

Cliff, could you please consider thinking of a better way to set initial start values on power up for the ext controllers ?

mitch236 said:
I vote for whatever solution lets me control the startup value of the External Controllers. The optimal solution is user selected startup values but I would settle for GM's hybrid solution if that's all that is available. The way it is now is not very good for me because I have to remember to switch off my wah before going live.
Due to lack of space I had to keep things simple. There is now a "EXTERN STARTUP VALUE" in the I/O -> MIDI menu. You can set it at zero or one. All external controllers will start up with this value. You can change it on the fly and it will reset all the controllers.

What I wanted to do was have a separate page in the Control menu where you could actually manually enter the external controller value and it would be saved but memory limitations in the standard prevent this.
FractalAudio said:
Due to lack of space I had to keep things simple. There is now a "EXTERN STARTUP VALUE" in the I/O -> MIDI menu. You can set it at zero or one. All external controllers will start up with this value. You can change it on the fly and it will reset all the controllers.

What I wanted to do was have a separate page in the Control menu where you could actually manually enter the external controller value and it would be saved but memory limitations in the standard prevent this.

Any chance for this in the Ultra? Or on this topic would you prefer that Standard and Ultra are the same?
FractalAudio said:
Due to lack of space I had to keep things simple. There is now a "EXTERN STARTUP VALUE" in the I/O -> MIDI menu. You can set it at zero or one. All external controllers will start up with this value. You can change it on the fly and it will reset all the controllers.

What I wanted to do was have a separate page in the Control menu where you could actually manually enter the external controller value and it would be saved but memory limitations in the standard prevent this.
That's aces for my needs Cliff. I wanted them off by default. Thanks.

Edit: So is this 8.07 for the Standard?
FractalAudio said:
Due to lack of space I had to keep things simple. There is now a "EXTERN STARTUP VALUE" in the I/O -> MIDI menu. You can set it at zero or one. All external controllers will start up with this value. You can change it on the fly and it will reset all the controllers.

What I wanted to do was have a separate page in the Control menu where you could actually manually enter the external controller value and it would be saved but memory limitations in the standard prevent this.

Cliff - you are my hero ... Thank you very much,


iaresee said:
FractalAudio said:
Due to lack of space I had to keep things simple. There is now a "EXTERN STARTUP VALUE" in the I/O -> MIDI menu. You can set it at zero or one. All external controllers will start up with this value. You can change it on the fly and it will reset all the controllers.

What I wanted to do was have a separate page in the Control menu where you could actually manually enter the external controller value and it would be saved but memory limitations in the standard prevent this.
That's aces for my needs Cliff. I wanted them off by default. Thanks.

Edit: So is this 8.07 for the Standard?

No, he means the next version of firmware when it is released.
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