>>> Axe-Fx Ver 8.05 and Ultra Ver 8.06 Firmware Released <<<

mik said:
FractalAudio said:
Due to lack of space I had to keep things simple. There is now a "EXTERN STARTUP VALUE" in the I/O -> MIDI menu. You can set it at zero or one. All external controllers will start up with this value. You can change it on the fly and it will reset all the controllers.

What I wanted to do was have a separate page in the Control menu where you could actually manually enter the external controller value and it would be saved but memory limitations in the standard prevent this.

Cliff - you are my hero ... Thank you very much,



Hi Cliff,

After reconsidering, and reviewing responses from other users, I'm not convinced the new approach with External Controller startup values is best for all users. It's great to have the choice to either start with everything on, or everything off (old behaviour) of course, but clearly I and other users have been frustrated in the past by not being able to start with volume on, and since turning everything on, I and other users have been frustrated by having volume, but various other effects turned on and maxxed out.

Most competing units don't have your MIDI CC assignment flexibility, but power-up with volume on, panning centered, and everything else off. This seems logical.

Would you please reconsider my hybrid solution? (even less resource use than your current changes) - this has met with some degree of acceptance in earlier posts. Namely:

Perhaps a flexible compromise might be to:
> have External Controllers 1 to 6 initialise to zero - this should cater for most patches for most users with the old behaviour
> have External Controller 7 initialise to 64 - this will cater for users needing a middle value such as panning, to start with sound in both channels (instead of all left or all right)
> have External Controller 8 initialise to 127 (max) - this will allow volume pedal users to power up the AxeFX with volume insted of dead patches

Whatever happens, even if nothing, please accept my thanks for you fantastic patience and efforts to meet conflicting needs from different users, balanced with the best utilisation of AxeFX resources. This isn't my ultimate solution: I'm honestly trying to propose a solution here that meets the needs of most users.

GM Arts
GM Arts said:
Perhaps a flexible compromise might be to:
> have External Controllers 1 to 6 initialise to zero - this should cater for most patches for most users with the old behaviour
> have External Controller 7 initialise to 64 - this will cater for users needing a middle value such as panning, to start with sound in both channels (instead of all left or all right)
> have External Controller 8 initialise to 127 (max) - this will allow volume pedal users to power up the AxeFX with volume insted of dead patches
Interesting idea. :idea:
GM Arts said:
Hi Cliff,

After reconsidering, and reviewing responses from other users, I'm not convinced the new approach with External Controller startup values is best for all users. It's great to have the choice to either start with everything on, or everything off (old behaviour) of course, but clearly I and other users have been frustrated in the past by not being able to start with volume on, and since turning everything on, I and other users have been frustrated by having volume, but various other effects turned on and maxxed out.

Most competing units don't have your MIDI CC assignment flexibility, but power-up with volume on, panning centered, and everything else off. This seems logical.

Would you please reconsider my hybrid solution? (even less resource use than your current changes) - this has met with some degree of acceptance in earlier posts. Namely:

Perhaps a flexible compromise might be to:
> have External Controllers 1 to 6 initialise to zero - this should cater for most patches for most users with the old behaviour
> have External Controller 7 initialise to 64 - this will cater for users needing a middle value such as panning, to start with sound in both channels (instead of all left or all right)
> have External Controller 8 initialise to 127 (max) - this will allow volume pedal users to power up the AxeFX with volume insted of dead patches

Whatever happens, even if nothing, please accept my thanks for you fantastic patience and efforts to meet conflicting needs from different users, balanced with the best utilisation of AxeFX resources. This isn't my ultimate solution: I'm honestly trying to propose a solution here that meets the needs of most users.

GM Arts

And what if I'd like to have more than one external controller initialize to max values? If I understand your approach I would be limited to just one external controller that behaves this way. I don't like the idea of being locked into which controllers behave a certain way.

The pending implementation allows us to either work like we did before the recent start up value change or work the way you originally requested and I think we should stay that way. Unless Cliff decided to, for the Ultra, allow specific start up values for each controller.
FractalAudio said:
Due to lack of space I had to keep things simple. There is now a "EXTERN STARTUP VALUE" in the I/O -> MIDI menu. You can set it at zero or one. All external controllers will start up with this value. You can change it on the fly and it will reset all the controllers.

What I wanted to do was have a separate page in the Control menu where you could actually manually enter the external controller value and it would be saved but memory limitations in the standard prevent this.
Cliff I wanted to say: diverging the features on the Standard and Ultra so the Ultra could do more with the external controllers would be impetus to make me spend more money with Fractal and get an Ultra. :)

Also, if the flash space used on the Standard for backing up the first 64 patches can be used for this stuff I'm all for losing that flash storage. I'm not sure when you say "memory" if you're talking on-chip memory or the flash.
Okay, I did some finagling and now there are individual startup values for all eight external controllers. You can set them all to 0 or all to 127 or some to 0 and the rest to 127. I hope this makes everyone happy. If not I'll pull a Jay and Silent Bob on your ass.
Brilliant, Cliff :D :D :D

Other than continually saying thankyou, probably the best way to show my appreciation will be an honest and positive HC review.
GM Arts said:
Brilliant, Cliff :D :D :D

Other than continually saying thankyou, probably the best way to show my appreciation will be an honest and positive HC review.

Good to hear because a plane ticket to Australia would be expensive... :lol:
FractalAudio said:
GM Arts said:
Brilliant, Cliff :D :D :D

Other than continually saying thankyou, probably the best way to show my appreciation will be an honest and positive HC review.

Good to hear because a plane ticket to Australia would be expensive... :lol:
And I'm sure Jay and Silent Bob would make GM Arts pay for it in more ways than one...


Thanks Cliff.

PS. I'm gassing for a second ultra.... but I wonder if I should wait till you have a distributor set up in Australia. Will I have to go to them for all warranty matters, even though mine came direct from you?
What a great day - son's birthday, Australian football grand final, and ... soon an AxeFX I can finally turn and just play. Thanks again, Cliff !!!

So yes, I'm happy. Call me crazy, but using a volume pedal live shouldn't disable the unit if you can't or don't have a footcontroller to plug in. I really think this is a win for all users.

So Cliff, if you ever spring for a ticket down under, I can put you up for a few nights (just don't bring Jay and Silent Bob, unless it's Jay Mitchell of course ;-)

Anyway time for us all to move on and upwards I think.
:D :D :D
FractalAudio said:
Okay, I did some finagling and now there are individual startup values for all eight external controllers. You can set them all to 0 or all to 127 or some to 0 and the rest to 127. I hope this makes everyone happy. If not I'll pull a Jay and Silent Bob on your ass.

Wow .. this is just spectacular,

Thank you,

FractalAudio said:
Okay, I did some finagling and now there are individual startup values for all eight external controllers. You can set them all to 0 or all to 127 or some to 0 and the rest to 127. I hope this makes everyone happy. If not I'll pull a Jay and Silent Bob on your ass.
Wow. Thank you. As a tip I've posted a tasty Axe-Fx clean clip in two other forums I haunt, thus instantiating a riot of Axe-Fx envy and hopefully resulting in some credit card running up via the Fractal web store. ;)
FractalAudio said:
Okay, I did some finagling and now there are individual startup values for all eight external controllers. You can set them all to 0 or all to 127 or some to 0 and the rest to 127. I hope this makes everyone happy. If not I'll pull a Jay and Silent Bob on your ass.

Thank you for doing this. It took me a while to figure out why some of my patches were feeding back uncontrollably - it was due to having a CC (pedal) assigned to the Return block, defaulting to ON when I would scroll the patch to edit it (e.g. no MIDI controller attached).
Sebastian said:
I played the only gig I have at the moment a few hours ago, so now that this is done...

WHERE IS 8.08 ??


It's right here (no Standard version yet):

Ultra 8.08

http://www.fractalaudio.com/Documents/V ... ra8_08.zip

Release notes:


Added Number Springs and Spring Tone parameters to Reverb block. These parameters, in the advanced menu, only affect the Vintage types. Number Springs allows you to vary the number of virtual springs from two to six in increments of two. The Vintage Small defaults to two, Medium to four and Large to six (previously all defaulted to six). The Spring Tone parameter allows you to vary the tone of the Vintage type. The models now all default to a value of 5.00. Presets created with earlier firmware will read 0.0 and can be left as is or adjusted to taste. A setting of 0.0 will result in the same tone as earlier firmware.

Added Extern Startup Value parameters to I/O -> MIDI page. This parameter chooses the startup value of each external controller on power-on. A value of 0% starts the external controller at the minimum, a value of 100% starts it at maximum. You may use this parameter to define the startup state of external controllers when assigned to a MIDI CC# but no MIDI controller is connected.

Added tempo averaging. When tapping the TEMPO button, or sending a Tempo CC message via MIDI, tempo is averaged over the number of taps, up to ten taps. If more then ten taps are entered the average is over the last ten. The averaging is reset if more than two seconds elapse between taps.
Added MIDI Tempo sysex message for use with MFC-101. The SEND TUNER SYSEX parameter in I/O->MIDI is now SEND REALTIME SYSEX and enables sending of the tuner and tempo sysex data. Set this to ON to enable these features for use with the MFC-101.

Added OFF VAL parameter to Modifiers. This parameter allows you to select the point at which the effect automatically disengages. The default value is 5%. Values of 50% or less cause the effect to disengage when the controller is below the value programmed. Values greater than 50% cause the effect to disengage when the value of the controller is above the threshold. This can be used, for example, to program a Wah to disengage at heel down (less than 50%) or toe down (greater than 50%). For example, to program the Wah to disengage at toe down, set the OFF VAL to, say, 90% and turn AUTOENG on.

Added default CC values for all items in I/O->CTRL menu. Using the Reset System Parameters utility will now set the CC values to these values rather than setting all to zero. The new default values are required for the MFC-101 “Axe-Fx Mode” of operation.
Fixed I/O->MIDI parameters not being reset when running Reset System Parameters utility.

Added Nav Left/Right accelerators to Modifier menu.
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