>>> Axe-Fx Ver 8.05 and Ultra Ver 8.06 Firmware Released <<<

FractalAudio said:
Why on earth you use External controllers to control the effect state is a topic for another discussion.

Then let's start the discussion here. What's so wrong about it?

I always use Button 1 on my FCB1010 for higher gain. But on every patch the method to get higher gain is different. Sometimes I switch on a drive, sometimes I switch on a filter just boosting the mids, and while I do this I sometimes switch off a compressor (because usually I don't like having a compressor and a drive at the same time), and maybe I switch off the chorus -you get the idea. One button to rule them all, says the hobbit.

I love the flexibility of this method.

If there's a better way for this, I'm happy to learn.
Ok, I just skimmed through the 7 pages of this thread, and did not see any Fractal response to the line in the upgrade notes:

"Changed Continuous Controller defaults to defined values for use with MFC-101."

Sure would love to hear something from Cliff on it. But as always, I am thankful for the upgrades.

jiagap said:
Ok, I just skimmed through the 7 pages of this thread, and did not see any Fractal response to the line in the upgrade notes:

"Changed Continuous Controller defaults to defined values for use with MFC-101."

Sure would love to hear something from Cliff on it. But as always, I am thankful for the upgrades.


Get over to the midi controller section and look up the MFC video thread.
Scott Peterson said:
Get over to the midi controller section and look up the MFC video thread.

Sweet! Thanks Scott. I had been checking over there almost daily for months, just missed it the last couple days. So, DUH! I am excited now, a ray of hope!
jiagap said:
Scott Peterson said:
Get over to the midi controller section and look up the MFC video thread.

Sweet! Thanks Scott. I had been checking over there almost daily for months, just missed it the last couple days. So, DUH! I am excited now, a ray of hope!
Helps to hit the "View New Posts" button in the upper right >>>>>^
Thanks a lot, Cliff! :)

Not only for just this release - I'm a bit behind with thanking you for the reworked, version 8 Drive sims.
Like in real life, I never cared much about drive pedals, but for some (cover) songs, I need them, but the result was just ok so far.
But now I really enjoy the fuzz pedals and finally see some use in others for my own patches. Really really BIG sounds in there.
Both thumbs up!!

I had a chance to test the external-controller-on-startup thing with my R1 tonight. As I mentioned before: the R1 is pretty basic and it doesn't send the IA values along after the patch change number.

I powered up the Axe-Fx and then the R1. Then I switched, via the R1, to a patch that uses an external switch under my rocker to turn a wah on/off. The wah, when I first went to the patch was on. So the external controller the switch is attached to powered up ON as expected after this update.

I proceeded to click the switch on and off again. Wah switched off as expected.

Then I switched to a patch that uses the rocker pedal for whammy effect and the switch to turn the whammy on/off. This patch was in the expected state: the whammy effect was off. And the switch turned it on and off as expected.

Switching back to the wah patch the wah was now off as expected.

So it appears that if you update to 8.05 and you use external controllers to control things: after you power everything up you should move and toggle all your external controller pedals and switches just to let the Axe-Fx know they're attached. After that it's business as usual.

So throw my vote in for a "Start Up State" option on each external controller that lets me decide what it starts up as.
8.07 is a very minor release. If you use a triangle waveform for your chorus and want LFO phase other than 90 degrees you should install it, otherwise I wouldn't bother.
I dig the cc defaulting to max value...but the extrnal coller bypass coming up as "on" is no good for me. As in, when I take the Axe in my home studio I usually leave the midi controller in the bus, I don't need to have the delay/pitch/whatnot on. So all I had to do was bypass my volume and I'm good to go.
Now I have every effect turned on and have to bypass, and by bypass I mean go into the external col set-up for the bypass state, select none for 4 to 7 efx...that's a hell of a time waster for me.
iaresee said:
I had a chance to test the external-controller-on-startup thing with my R1 tonight. As I mentioned before: the R1 is pretty basic and it doesn't send the IA values along after the patch change number.

I powered up the Axe-Fx and then the R1. Then I switched, via the R1, to a patch that uses an external switch under my rocker to turn a wah on/off. The wah, when I first went to the patch was on. So the external controller the switch is attached to powered up ON as expected after this update.

I proceeded to click the switch on and off again. Wah switched off as expected.

Then I switched to a patch that uses the rocker pedal for whammy effect and the switch to turn the whammy on/off. This patch was in the expected state: the whammy effect was off. And the switch turned it on and off as expected.

Switching back to the wah patch the wah was now off as expected.

So it appears that if you update to 8.05 and you use external controllers to control things: after you power everything up you should move and toggle all your external controller pedals and switches just to let the Axe-Fx know they're attached. After that it's business as usual.

So throw my vote in for a "Start Up State" option on each external controller that lets me decide what it starts up as.

+1 using an MPX-R1 too and it´s getting a little bit annoying.. since I never use the Axe without the R1 a global start up state would be enough for me.
Other than this it´s a great release. I reworked my presets yesterday and really like the new drives, the Bender Fuzz in front of a cranked Fender is stunning :shock:
Many thanks Cliff!
Enzo Sutera said:
iaresee said:
I had a chance to test the external-controller-on-startup thing with my R1 tonight. As I mentioned before: the R1 is pretty basic and it doesn't send the IA values along after the patch change number.

I powered up the Axe-Fx and then the R1. Then I switched, via the R1, to a patch that uses an external switch under my rocker to turn a wah on/off. The wah, when I first went to the patch was on. So the external controller the switch is attached to powered up ON as expected after this update.

I proceeded to click the switch on and off again. Wah switched off as expected.

Then I switched to a patch that uses the rocker pedal for whammy effect and the switch to turn the whammy on/off. This patch was in the expected state: the whammy effect was off. And the switch turned it on and off as expected.

Switching back to the wah patch the wah was now off as expected.

So it appears that if you update to 8.05 and you use external controllers to control things: after you power everything up you should move and toggle all your external controller pedals and switches just to let the Axe-Fx know they're attached. After that it's business as usual.

So throw my vote in for a "Start Up State" option on each external controller that lets me decide what it starts up as.

+1 using an MPX-R1 too and it´s getting a little bit annoying.. since I never use the Axe without the R1 a global start up state would be enough for me.
Other than this it´s a great release. I reworked my presets yesterday and really like the new drives, the Bender Fuzz in front of a cranked Fender is stunning :shock:
Many thanks Cliff!

ditto here.
I haven't updated because I don't want to mess with the midi changes. I want a way to use my Axe-FX without the midi controller attached and without having to go through and bypass blocks or modify settings everytime.

It's a hassle to bypass the volume block like we had to do before, but now I would have to mess with the wah instead along with any effects set to be controlled by external controllers. Even though it was a hassle before, it was better than the current state of operation.

I'm holding out for a while longer to see if this can be improved first.

dk_ace said:
I haven't updated because I don't want to mess with the midi changes. I want a way to use my Axe-FX without the midi controller attached and without having to go through and bypass blocks or modify settings everytime.

It's a hassle to bypass the volume block like we had to do before, but now I would have to mess with the wah instead along with any effects set to be controlled by external controllers. Even though it was a hassle before, it was better than the current state of operation.

I'm holding out for a while longer to see if this can be improved first.
I proposed a compromise solution a few pages back:

GM Arts said:
Perhaps a flexible compromise might be to:
> have External Controllers 1 to 6 initialise to zero - this should cater for most patches for most users with the old behaviour
> have External Controller 7 initialise to 64 - this will cater for users needing a middle value such as panning, to start with sound in both channels (instead of all left or all right)
> have External Controller 8 initialise to 127 (max) - this will allow volume pedal users to power up the AxeFX with volume insted of dead patches
Do you think that might work for you?
Maybe an evaluation needs to be made that compares how many people have benefited from the "start up value" change and how many people have been impacted. If more have been impacted I would think it best - just my opinion here - to rollback the changes.
GM Arts said:
[quote="dk_ace":3ecbfij2]I haven't updated because I don't want to mess with the midi changes. I want a way to use my Axe-FX without the midi controller attached and without having to go through and bypass blocks or modify settings everytime.

It's a hassle to bypass the volume block like we had to do before, but now I would have to mess with the wah instead along with any effects set to be controlled by external controllers. Even though it was a hassle before, it was better than the current state of operation.

I'm holding out for a while longer to see if this can be improved first.
I proposed a compromise solution a few pages back:

GM Arts said:
Perhaps a flexible compromise might be to:
> have External Controllers 1 to 6 initialise to zero - this should cater for most patches for most users with the old behaviour
> have External Controller 7 initialise to 64 - this will cater for users needing a middle value such as panning, to start with sound in both channels (instead of all left or all right)
> have External Controller 8 initialise to 127 (max) - this will allow volume pedal users to power up the AxeFX with volume insted of dead patches
Do you think that might work for you?[/quote:3ecbfij2]

I could make that work.

Well, the easiest remedy would be a global switch to say "All controllers to max at startup". Then everybody could have their ways.
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