Axe-Fx II Firmware Version 2.00 Up

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At this time my counsel is advising me to refrain from any comments that may be misconstrued. We feel it is in the best interest of the corporation to not comment on the improvements made to the product or products in question. Rest assured that if there is any update to the situation we will apprise all interested parties at that time.

Understood. I've alerted my team and Junior partners are mobilizing for 48 hours straight research on the fiduciary implications.

(Damn, I love a smart-ass...well done Cliff...and message received)

It appears the link to the update is dead in a couple places, including>support. I managed to pull it down from one of the posts here in this thread. Just a heads up.
Wow I just upgraded...absolutely 100% improvement. My tone was great before, very close to the real deal, but now...its there! Incredible, thanks Cliff!!
Thanks Radix, found it

NP Lizzie, hey I was born in Ft Walton :)

Ok, this is my first update with the AxeII. I installed the MAC USB driver, proceeded to Sysex Lib (my go-to for countless Ultra updates) no go. Installed the latest
version of Axe Edit which showed the Axe was connected... awaiting file ... nothing. I am currently downloading via MIDI and all seems fine. Obviously, I did something wrong concerning the USB connection, can anyone clue me in? When you select a midi in/out what did you choose? I tried 'new external device' but Bus 1 is what made Axe Edit see the AxeII. Thinking I should try reinstalling the USB driver. ---- update via midi worked fine, still I would like to ditch the midisport. Thanks in advance :)

Oh, and 2.00a sounds superb. Due to Sir Cliff's hints I was expecting good things in the high gain dept- check! but the clean patches really seemed to have come to life for me, definately something good going on in the low end. Fiddled with the rotary, finally found that sound I had in my head. No compromises, great tone all round-- I is a happy camper. Thanks Cliff :)
Just a heads patches all got REALLY loud after the update, but ive heard that is common. Just a warning, almost blew off my roof hahaha
Just loving 2.0 ... sounds beautiful ... quick question ... I have the presets from 1.05 all sorted out and put in various directories (e.g clean, hi-gain, etc. ) ... are the preset for 2.0 different from 1.05 in terms of parameter settings and should I dump a new set of axe presets from 2.0 into these directories and replace the old 1.05 preset dump? Anyone know? ( I'd check but Axe-Edit doesn't show the new parameters yet - as expected.)
Yea, I saw the new splash screen as well. Great job on the camera work to get that photo... is a pretty quick splash.
I've already posted once on this thread but can hardly contain myself! I finished setting up 2 new patches from scratch and definitely agree the noise floor has dropped. I hardly need the gate at all. The patches are really quiet now. The clarity and fullness just fills the room like never before. I am just blown away! My patches are just flat out sick now!

Also i had a chance to mess with the cab warping. Far from subtle. Minute tweaks create big changes. I have not yet been able to incorporate this but plan to experiment further.

The new Soldano amp rocks and is just ripping. Can't wait till i get back from work tomorrow, when I'll be cranking the house down.
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