Axe-Fx II Firmware Version 2.00 Up

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In general are you saying this update has improved all amp sims, or specifically just the new recto?

Overall... there is a preset called 029 - Energy Ball (mind you the Powerball sim has always sounded buzzy and lacked in the mids quite a bit in the past) preset that has the drive disabled... enabled the drive and it's the best I've heard either the Axe-fx Ultra or II ever sound... there is that high end "sizzle" that was missing in both the G1/G2 (1.xx)... at least with my Carvin F1200, it's there... I don't see myself looking for a tube power amp or even the Matrix now... at least not for now... ;)

P.S. Head to head with the Recto via two identical cabs... preset via headphones...
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Overall... there is a preset called 029 - Energy Ball (mind you the Powerball sim has always sounded buzzy and lacked in the mids quite a bit in the past) preset that has the drive disabled... enabled the drive and it's the best I've heard either the Axe-fx Ultra or II ever sound... there is that high end "sizzle" that was missing in both the G1/G2 (1.xx)... at least with my Carvin F1200, it's there... I don't see myself looking for a tube power amp or even the Matrix now... at least not for now... ;)

Awesome! I can't wait to check this out. Thanks for the info!
Oooh... Just started my nightshift when I read the announcement. Looks like I'm gonna see my bed a lot later tommorow ;-)
Seems like a huge update. Thanks Cliff !!
So much for Monday Night Football.

Looks like I am going to be busy!

Awesome job Cliff and Team Fractal!
Maybe it's something in my brain by I think my tones are much better now. Thanks!

One thing though, I can't seem to access the new amp models in Axe-Edit. I had to access them via the Axe-Fx itself which isn't how I usually get tones.
Will this be updated in the next Axe-Edit update?

Thanks again!
Rotary is now fantastic ! I was struggling with it before and now you can tweak it how you want . thanks!!!
New Axe-Edit will be released shortly giving you editor access to the new amp models and parameters. And, yes, your tones should be better. That was kinda the point of all this work over the last few months, LOL.
I'd be interested in how you are tweaking the new parameters.

Attached the effects block
Rotary rate is linked to LFO 2 with a rate of 0.137 Hz everything else is default in LFO section.

Was looking for Scofield-like rotary sound. This is just from memory, so maybe its not even close, but i like it.


I just thought axe-edit wouldn't save new parameters if they aren't in the axe-edit itself?
Low rate mult - 1.986
Low time const - 7.077
High time const - 8.168
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Seriously good update. Some of my patches feel like they have a faster attack and more brilliance, some have a new snarl on the big E and A strings. The HiWatt and Solo (existing) are even more badass than they were. The Triode Hardness seemed to work backwards from the release description - probably just me - but nevertheless a fine new tool. It's really hard to believe how great the incremental firmware steps perform.

Kudos to Cliff
Hey Cliff thats awesome .
Cannot wait to get my AXE2 from TM

One Question I have and I know this has been probably mentioned is the Cameron sim .Many Cameron owners have commented that it lack the growl and bit of the real amp In their opinion.
It has also been mentioned that you do not have a CCV and went from some schematics.

Do you agree that is one model that still needs to be updated .and do expect that will probably happen in the next update. I know Brad mentioned that you were getting the actual amp to play with.

When you model an amp like a Bogner ,Freidman Cameron you actually talk to the designers and discuss the models .I thought you had done some of that With Dave F
I'm still waiting for my Cameron, like everybody else apparently. Once I get it I will update the model accordingly.

I do talk with the designers but the most valuable thing is having the actual amp. The schematics don't tell the whole story. One big thing is that that schematics don't indicate the output transformer parameters. I have to measure these.
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