Axe-Fx II "Ares" Rev 2.00 Firmware Release


Not being critical, but wondering if there's something wrong with the 1959SLP Treble model. It seems a bit more "farty" than i remember.
I tried, I had to tweak a lot, Im rolling back to retest, to see if its just my ears that day or if I would tweak the same presets. I was quite happy prior, and dont want to tweak like crazy for another 3 months.
I tried, I had to tweak a lot, Im rolling back to retest, to see if its just my ears that day or if I would tweak the same presets. I was quite happy prior, and dont want to tweak like crazy for another 3 months.

I had the same experience. Lost a lot of bass-end on many presets and they sound kinda "fizzy" to me now :/ Is it possible to just install the previous version or do I need to do a wipe or something first?

Edit: I feel stupid but I was using wrong settings on my interface which caused the tone to suck. I had played through a cab and forgotten to change a setting when I switched back to my monitors. Line/instrument selection was wrong and now it sounds as amazing as always or probably even better, lol! <3
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I had the same experience. Lost a lot of bass-end on many presets and they sound kinda "fizzy" to me now :/ Is it possible to just install the previous version or do I need to do a wipe or something first?

You can just install the 1.03 version and it will be like before.
Gigs with Ares 2.0 went fine. Everything felt more responsive and sounded more realistic and detailed. I briefly checked presets beforehand (about 20 different amps): Vox amps sounded cleaner like they had less gain. I bumped gain on maybe 1 of those. That's about it apart from leveling presets in general (Marshall Plexi sounded louder than I remember). I have 4 low-pressure gigs this week so I can pay more attention.

Bottom line, everything sounded great in the mix through my own bi-amp system at a decent volume. Through a loud QSC array system at a festival it was big, detailed, and touch responsive. The Zeppelin tribute act had a III with FC16 and a couple beautiful 7-strings from a luthier in Poland (attached). We talked shop before his set. His tone out front was detailed, expressive and sounded great in the mix.

Nothing out of the ordinary, just the typical everyday impossible next-level tone/feel improvement that Cliff continues to do for 12+ years running...LOL

This afternoon I finally got around to installing and testing 2.0. My conclusion: more mid-range clarity on clean sounds. It really brings out that Telecaster bite. The impact is more welcome on some Amp types than others. My clean Dr Z Highway 66 sounds wonderful with no changes, whereas my cleanish Bludojai need a bit of work to adjust gain and tone. I can see how some people find they generally need more gain.
In my setup (Axe + Mesa 2: 90 + Real Cabs) Ares 1.03 didn't sound good!
The problem in my case was the Grid Clip which was shrill as well as the Speaker Compl (on or off)! Even adjusting was not good.

Ares 2.0 is just perfect !!! I feel the brutal difference when I play with the pick and the fingers!

Thanks so much Cliff! Today your company is the best in the world! Nobody treats your customers like you! Nobody !!!

Thanks, Sir !!!
A hug from Brazil
I have wondered how changes to the amp modeling algorithms are handled.

Is there a common pool of library code that each amp model calls to for specific functions in addition to the code unique to each model? So changing one file affects multiple models? Would not each affected model need to be auditioned, tested, tweaked, retested, and finally approved? Sounds like a lot of work.

Or is each model is a totally complete algorithm separate from all others? Again, would not each changed model need to be auditioned, tested, tweaked, retested, and finally approved? Again, sounds like a lot of work.
I too would be curious what 'improvements' are actually made to 'all amps' by FAS. What is the intended outcome/consequence. It's hard to 'use my ears' on hundreds of patches that I cant a/b directly. One can start hearing things, or imagining things with subtle differences. Even different volumes, different guitars and different days can change what Im hearing. Just curious.

If Fas or anyone else can elaborate in general without giving away 'secrets' I would appreciate.
Must definitively find some time to try this upgrading from FW 9.04. I'm so damn happy with that one that I'm not sure I'll change; but it must be better. Thanks a lot for this present FAS.
Thanks Cliff and team - this is what makes Fractal so special! I can‘t think of any other company that would provide any updates on legacy product firmware. As others said before: They may not make any money out of these updates DIRECTLY - but it creates super customer retention. Should I ever need to upgrade from my MKII, there‘s no doubt where my money will go... It‘s such a joy to be part of the Fractal Customer Group. The MKII has proven to be a gift that keeps giving. Even after years.
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