Axe FX II and Kemper Profiler (Yes, another one...please read!)

Axe FX II vs Kemper Profiler (Yes, another one...please read!)

I will say that one knock on the Axe-FX is that some of its users apparently don't know how to read. :-/
sorry. not gonna read 8 pages of posts trying to convince someone to buy an axe on the axe forum.

Good luck. If you do get one I'll probably be here to help. Check out my website, link in my signature below.
Holy crap. If that's the unit/pedal combined into one, I'd be ALL over it. Too bad no further info from Cliff, apparently.

We don't really know for sure, but I would say a safe bet is that's it's the amp-modeling (and apparently looping) equivalent of the FX8.
sorry. not gonna read 8 pages of posts trying to convince someone to buy an axe on the axe forum.

Good luck. If you do get one I'll probably be here to help. Check out my website, link in my signature below.

To be fair, then, you shouldn't have posted a response to something that you didn't read up on.

Thanks for the offer of help. I may take you up on it.
Axe FX II vs Kemper Profiler (Yes, another one...please read!)

To be fair, then, you shouldn't have posted a response to something that you didn't read up on.

Thanks for the offer of help. I may take you up on it.

My statement still stands.

To be fair, anyone can say anything on a public forum. Perhaps just don't comment on things that aren't in line with what you expected to read. As you alluded to, I think many people won't read all 9 pages of convincing someone to not buy a Kemper on the Axe-Fx forum.

To expect certain things with a question like that posted here is a bit silly I'd say. That said, this thread has gone much better than previous incarnations.
Everyone please leave the shipping the alone. Let's show this newcomer what this community is all about: helping and sharing. I like to think one of the things that differentiates Fractal Audio is the community so let's show him the positive aspects of that.

Agreed! My comment is just to illustrate that life as one knows it, is not always fair and sometimes you just have to follow your instincts and go with the flow. My pappy always told me: don't fight the tape!
I imagine the Kemper to be the bizarro Axe-fx.

Like bizarro superman, the Kemper is the Axe-Fx's exact opposite and the people that use it live in the backwards bizarro world. They have their own bizarro forums where bizarro Cliff leaves tantalizing comments of "later" instead of "soon."
My statement still stands.

To be fair, anyone can say anything on a public forum. Perhaps just don't comment on things that aren't in line with what you expected to read. As you alluded to, I think many people won't read all 9 pages of convincing someone to not buy a Kemper on the Axe-Fx forum.

To expect certain things with a question like that posted here is a bit silly I'd say. That said, this thread has gone much better than previous incarnations.

I'm not sure to what you are referring. I was talking about your response re: shipping cost being a determining factor, when no one actually said that it was. You responded to a position no one here has taken. I'm not sure what you think is "in line" or not, nor what you think I was expecting to read.
I imagine the Kemper to be the bizarro Axe-fx.

Like bizarro superman, the Kemper is the Axe-Fx's exact opposite and the people that use it live in the backwards bizarro world. They have their own bizarro forums where bizarro Cliff leaves tantalizing comments of "later" instead of "soon."

I'm picturing pulling up a model of a Bogner and getting a Crate sound instead. Or, better yet, pulling up a Dumble and hearing farting noises with babies crying in the background.
A side note if you do choose to join the Fractal family and browse through the forums: every so often I've noticed that tensions rise among many different people who visit these threads, and sometimes it leads to slightly hostile arguments over a large range of dumb topics. Under normal circumstances this is an incredibly friendly place where even the trolls won't straight out trash talk on another guitar player's skill or sound, they'll find some other means to get people upset. I have noticed lately a slight increase in these instances where words get misconstrued and strong rebuttals are formed. I'm attributing this current influx due to anxiety over the upcoming full firmware update, and people tend to say things without their full sense about them. What I'm really saying is you shouldn't take any bad forum experience from here to heart.
I'm picturing pulling up a model of a Bogner and getting a Crate sound instead. Or, better yet, pulling up a Dumble and hearing farting noises with babies crying in the background.

Ha, just a bit of humor with nods to Seinfeld. I just like picturing things in a bizarro world way.
I came from the 80's rack generation... ;-) I have a 24 space shock mounted rack with a Mesa Boogie Quad Preamp, and a Mesa 295 Power Amp, with a TC 2290, Eventide, yada, yada... has great tone, but weighs 200+ pounds... withOUT the 4 Marshall 4x12's, and MIDI pedalboard. Was helping my Bass player ( with a hurt back ) load his bass cabs, and hurt MINE... the search ended with the AxeFX Ultra.

I now have a 4 space rack bag, that fits in the overhead compartment of 727 and larger, with the AxeFX II, a L*ne 6 Wireless, and Voltage regulator for fly-gigs and local shows. I can bring my Atomic CLR's for personal monitoring, or go direct into the PA and pipe it back into the monitors on smaller gigs... compact, light, and fits in the trunk of my Camaro... ;-)

Coming from someone who is a Recording Engineer as well as a guitarist, the versatility and Power of the AxeFX, both live and in the studio is amazing... I can get ANY sound I can think of very easily, and very quickly... anything from simple raw amp sounds ( i.e. DoubleVerb amp block, and cab block of choice ), to fully processed sounds the way I would create them in the studio ( Euro Uber for over-the-top gain, with chorus or detune-shift, with delay, reverb, and Intelligent Harmonized lead lines )... anything and everything in-between ( including Tom Sawyer Synth Intro parts... pretty sick ! ). You can then sculpt the sound as little or as much as you want, with Parametric EQ's, Graphic EQ's, compressors, etc. It can be as simple or complex as you want to make it.

V18 has taken this even further, with amazing tones right out of the starting block. With the right amp block and cab IR, I have presets with absolutely NO adjustments... just add the right FX to taste. The Feel of the AxeFX, the response to touch and dynamics, pinch harmonics, pick attack, etc. have all been brought to a completely higher level... the amps breathe, pump, and react just like the amps that I used to sit in front of in the Studio and music stores... it really is sick...

I have one great friend that is a well-known recording artist... after owning the AxeFX II for a while, Cliff introduced Tone Matching.. I took one of the artists songs with multi-layered guitar tracks, tone matched a rhythm part that was in the clear of other instruments... it was a PERFECT match ! I called him on the phone, played it for him... he bought one the next day ! He now travels with it extensively, and has commented MANY times on it has made playing fly-gigs so consistent tone-wise ( no more depending on questionable rental gear ). He has since sold ALL of his tube amps, and used some of the proceeds to buy a second for his studio... ;-)

The Forum also has some of the most knowledgeable and dedicated users you are going to find anywhere... people like Fremen, Simeon, Scott Peterson, Yek, and so many others who chime in and give helpful insight and even preset help... people who do NOT do it to make an extra dollar, but who do it because of love for the unit, and / or to pay it forward from the help someone else gave them... this is evidenced by the sharing that goes on in the Presets part of the forum, and AxeChange.

Cliff himself... I've never seen an owner with such dedication and passion for his creation... absolutely relentless desire to make the best product and tones on the market, and so personally involved in answering questions, and answering requests for product evolution.

I don't have first-hand knowledge about the K*mper, but I do know many on the forum who have had or still have a Kemper, who either switched to the AxeFX or let the K*mper sit unused... one member had both, then Tone matched the his favorite K*mper profiles, and stayed with the AxeFX II.

I am happy to be a Beta Tester, but my praise for the unit and crew are actual love for the unit, and the ease and versatility it has brought to my work and my recreation, not to mention the relief it has brought my back... ;-)

Lastly, about the beaten-to-death shipping costs, I do know, from working in music stores when I was younger, that different manufactures and distributors do have discounted shipping rates due to their high volume of packages shipped... Mesa was one of them, IIRC... others factor the shipping costs into the price of the sale, making you believe that their shipping is less... just a thought...

Hope this helps...
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What I'm really saying is you shouldn't take any bad forum experience from here to heart.

Thanks, wise words...and I won't. I love that people are passionate about what they love/use. That's why I asked the questions here and on the KPA forum. I never let a few knuckleheads represent the whole community.
I saw a video of a guy profiling an Axe Fx with a Kemper. They don't sound the same (use headphones) but it is interesting that it can be done and sound even reasonably good! is the link.
It works both ways ;)

I redid those with 18b, and did many more

They don't sound the same (use headphones) but it is interesting that it can be done and sound even reasonably good
From my experience Kemper profiles from Axe preset loses some mojo, plus the bass frequencies/response to palm muting aren't the same. And there's some axe specifics you can't profile (stereo cab panned wide, or with a micro delay, room reveb in the cab block etc...). But you get a really close clone. On the other way, tonematches of kemper profiles retains the Axe mojo, and are tweakable like the real amps. That's a big plus.

to the OP : I know people that have spent more than 1000 $ on commercial profiles, that should be taken into account too... Profiles are hit and miss, I tried thousands of them (both commercial and free) and kept very few. Sound is a very personal thing and there's not much you can do with a profile you don't like ; you can always do what you want with a "bad" Axe preset.
i just read the entire thread. i am NOT arguing here and i am not trying to start a fight. but i personally have been told that i don't know how to read and that my comments were basically wrong and off-topic. i simply have to respond to that by presenting facts.

i have to say, mbrown3 unfairly snapped at lqdsnddist and consequently at everyone else who discussed the shipping. here are the things he said about the shipping early in the thread, all of these from separate posts/responses:

At this point, I’m leaning toward the Kemper because 1. Less expensive (especially re: shipping),

Yeah, that's a good option. But the shipping cost makes me gunshy about this.

The shipping cost won't make or break it either way...but when you're trying to decide between two otherwise very similar/equal devices, it can push things one way or another…. When you add it to the already more-expensive cost of the unit itself, you bet it matters...

It's one more factor...not the most important, or even important. But it's a factor that goes into the mix with everything else.

I know this doesn't bother other people, and maybe it shouldn't bother me either...but it does.

It may seem inconsequential to some people, but in all honesty, I was ready to pull the trigger when I saw the shipping costs, and my initial thought was, "WHAT?!? F that!"

I'm not going to change my mind on it. It's too much for shipping, period.

You guys may think it's crazy but I'm hung up on why 20lbs of gear costs $80 to ship. But, again, I'd prefer to leave it at that. I'm not going to change my mind, and you guys aren't either.

But I'm simply not paying $80 to ship 20lbs of gear, no matter how "worth it" people think it is.

After all of that lqdsnddist stated

[Shipping is] a major point of contention keeping the OP from buying an Axe

look how many times and what mbrown3 stated about the shipping above. to me, i agree that up until that point in the thread, it seemed to be a major point of contention. one of them he even says "I'm simply not paying $80 to ship 20lbs of gear” which means he would not buy the Axe-Fx new based solely on the shipping, right?

later he said again:

I'm not paying $80 for 20lbs of product, period. I'll wait for a free shipping promo or buy used.

only 4 or so pages into the thread did he show he is considering other ways of getting the Axe-Fx, as long as the shipping cost is lower than $77. regardless, it still confirms that paying $77 for shipping, the official way to buy one new, is a major point of contention.

i feel mbrown3 called out lqdsnddist and others who mentioned the shipping inappropriately. he said

No, it's not. Did you read the thread?


Thanks for the douchy post that misses the point entirely.

after a ton of posts, very late into the discussion he said something that was stated differently from everything else he said previously:

The shipping cost is NOT a deciding factor. I don't know how else to say that. I simply mentioned that it bothers me that it costs $80 to ship 20lbs worth of gear. The end. .

perhaps this is what he originally meant in each of the posts i quoted above. but it is not what was said, and is not how it came across. up until that point, he did not say anything that communicated that shipping cost was not a deciding factor. read the first quotes posted here. do those sound like shipping was not a deciding factor?

"it bothers me that it costs $80 to ship" is very different from “it’s too much for shipping” and “I’m not paying $80 to ship.”

then he went on the offensive saying “reading is hard” regarding people's reactions to his statements on shipping, and "I will say that one knock on the Axe-FX is that some of its users apparently don't know how to read.”

we know how to read. we read what mbrown3 said, the things i quoted above. it seems clear that mbrown3 kept mentioning the shipping over and over, and the mention was “it’s too much for shipping” and “I’m not paying $80 to ship” it, yet kept telling other people to stop mentioning the shipping in the discussion.

if people keep mentioning shipping and you don’t want to discuss it, stop writing about it. ignore those inquiries and focus on whatever you wanted to focus on in the thread. but with as many times as it was mentioned, by the OP himself, it clearly was an important part of the decision making process and a big part of the discussion until the point 4 pages in where he finally said "shipping is not a deciding factor."

the reason people reacted how they did is because it seemed as if shipping indeed was a deciding factor based on the words used that i quoted at the top of this post. when he finally did say shipping is not a deciding factor, the queries about shipping stopped.

please don't tell me i, and others, don't know how to read.

this is not an off-topic post. this is not an attack. this is a response to specific things said by the OP of the post in his own thread. that's as on-topic as you can get.

now who will sell and ship their Axe-Fx to him for free? let's get this going already :)
I think OP handled things fine. He repeatedly said shipping wouldn't influence his decision, seemed forum members wouldn't let it go. To OP, if you have other questions, I'd surf forum a bit or start a new thread. This one took a weird curve somewhere and getting it back on track looks to be tough. I wish you luck and hope you find the info you're looking for.

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He repeatedly said shipping wouldn't influence his decision, seemed forum members wouldn't let it go.

love ya bill, but i disagree. he did not repeatedly say shipping wouldn't influence his decision, look at the first 9 quotes.

i'm done here. i just wanted to defend the fact that i know how to read :) i think everything in this thread stated about the Axe vs Kemper went really well and there is good information here.

people stopped talking about shipping after he specifically said it would not influence his decision, as i pointed out in my post above. that is, until i brought it up again. :)

i know how to read. others do too.

buy the axe.
I'd give one advice to the OP. Get both units, make sure they arrive at your doorstep at the same time. Test the 2 units side by side. Make your mind and send back the one that suits you the least. FAS has 15 days return and Kemper 45 days. Easy.
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