Axe FX II and Kemper Profiler (Yes, another one...please read!)

One thing I've noticed is that there is a wide difference between the gain and output settings from preset to preset. It seems to me like these should be normalized across the board and then users can adjust from there.
That'll be fixed in the next round of factory presets. to set the MFC up to use it for a live performance...The up and down buttons seem to jump up by intervals of 5, rather than by an individual patch. Is there a way to set it so that the up and down buttons go up/down by a single preset instead of by 5?
Change the bank size to 1.
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That'll be fixed in the next round of factory presets.

Change the bank size to 1.

OMG seriously you guys are going to level the presets so you don;t get blasted out of chair auditioning stuff .That in itself is huge and a welcome feature that many i think have been asking for

freaking awesome news ,thanks Rex
I don't feel confident enough to use it live yet until I have a better grasp on what I'm doing

THe beauty of it is, the MFC is completely customizable.

This is how I'm using mine for one song. I took a picture and did some quick photoshop.

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THe beauty of it is, the MFC is completely customizable.

This is how I'm using mine for one song. I took a picture and did some quick photoshop.

Not completely customizable...I can't put the tap where the down button is. That's a big bummer for me, but in every other way, yeah, it's awesome.
You could probably use an external non-latching footswitch via one of the 4 jacks on the back and be able to position a foot switch where you'd like it on your pedal board. Likewise, I've heard of people taking the Axe apart and changing the physical rows of switches. Unit then doesn't think anything has changed and works as normal, but the physical locations have obviously moved. Never tried this, and its kind of pricey gear to experiment with, but there are some threads that discuss it and its seemingly pretty easy with just ribbon cable connections
...The first thing that struck me compared to the Kemper is that it seems easier to dial in great tones right out of the box on the axe. This is one of the things that some had commented about the KPA...they thought it was easier to quickly dial in great tones more so on the KPA than on the Axe. My experience was the opposite.....
I'm the same way. I don't see how taking a blank preset and adding an amp and cab block is this herculean effort.

And the other thing about "easy" that is grossly misrepresented is that if you are trying to dial in something specific and you don't have enough flexibility it is in fact much harder to dial in something specific. I had an 11R for a few months and it had a very basic layout and was dead simple on the surface. I spent endless hours trying to dial in my tone because I just didn't have the tools to get there.

I'll just give one bit of advice to you....the IR's are about 80-90% of getting the right tone. If you don't have the right one you aren't going to get there regardless of the number of advanced parameters are in the box. And since probably fw5 I just haven't even bothered digging into the advanced parameters because the basic knobs (i.e., gain, master, TMB) are so damn close to the actual amp now that I treat it like a real amp. I wouldn't open up a real amp and start swapping out resistors and capacitors and shit to dial in a tone. It's cool to have that stuff and I do still use some of the hi and low cut (mostly in the cab block), but that's like a final EQ vs. actual tone shaping.

Get your gain structure dialed in and find the right IR and you are done.
I'm glad you found something that worked for you mbrown3.

At first i could not figure out if you had this thread for trolling or not, but as i did not know i kept my keybord shut.

If you had liked the Kemper better would not matter a long as it's intended to get a better understanding of any product.
I've never tried one, but as i understand, it's very capable.

Fight fire with fire does not allways work. Fight fire with gasoline on the other hand, is pure fun sometimes 8)
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