Axe-Fest II

If there is a Duran Duran corner, please save me a space.

I saw them last year, and they have still got it, and more. They have got so much better with age.

Oh my yes! I think we can arrange to have a DD side bar chat.

A little brag: I caught them in Montreal on their warmup tour before the last stadium tour for AYNIN. Me and the rest of my DD tribute band and only 996 other Duranies in a little club. It was possibly the greatest live music moment of my life. Power went out during Planet Earth but that didn't stop the song:

Due to logistics, I'm afraid I just won't be able to make it out. Definitely next year though :)
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Hotel booked. Ticket bought.

That peace of mind that comes after all the pieces are in place for an excellent weekend -- there should be word for that.

Looking forward to meeting everyone!
Man, I am glad I checked the forum today. Would have sucked to book flight and hotel and then not get ticket. Got some fractal stickers as well along with free t shirt. Already have a t shirt or two, but more can never hurt.
Sorry guys... I can't make it to the fest this year...
I soooo want to go...
right now, I just can't justify parting with the best part of $2k for this...

hopefully next year things will be a little different...
Is there a one day ticket available for a lower price, like if I just wanted to go on Saturday, or is there only one ticket option?
This year the only ticket option is for 2-days.
Trust me... you don't want to miss Sunday this year. We have something very special planned.

Arg, I have to miss quite a bit of Sunday, as well as later on saturday afternoon.

M@, would it be kosher to "time share" my ticket? For the times I can't be there, I'd love to let someone in in my stead. If not, no worries, just thought I'd ask. :)

I really hate to miss, but I like making money too.... Plus I've already got John Mayer tickets for that saturday....
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