Axe "crackle" repair cost

I knew Cliff would hook you up, that's very cool of him. This is just another reason why Fractal not only produces the finest in a quality product, but they also are just as dedicated to their customers!
Send it to us. If the repair costs are more than $60 I'll cover the excess. I'd rather you be happy than deal with the hassles of filing a claim through eBay.

Cliff...I have some problems with my old car. Could we make a similar deal to get it fixed? ;)

Fractal-Auto could be your next big thing :D
Just one possibility to eliminate. Perhaps someone has already mentioned this, and you have already tried it, but could it be a noisy guitar cable?
I have had a crackly guitar cable once or twice in the past, and it sounded like this.
It sounds a bit like having the buffer set too low on my sound card.

Baffled again! Awesome gesture!
That is seriously impressive. Makes me proud to be a Fractalite. I'm a lifelong customer indeed.

This is nothing new from Cliff, once I fried the whole unit (bad grounding) and they repaired at no cost. Welcome to lifelong customers club . You are in good hands.
I can't name another company that would do something like this, especially after the warranty is up and when it wasn't bought directly from them or a distributor. In my line of work, we deal with lots of really high tech and expensive equipment, and most manufacturers just pray your warranty runs out before it needs a repair so they don't have to fix it for free. Even then, they hope it shitcans on you and you have to buy another.

Cliff and the rest of the team are a fine example of how businesses should be run, and what true customer service is all about. :eagerness:
Not a clocking issue as its happens in the headphones as well. Support says it needs to come in. As for buying a used one as opposed to new, it takes me a long long time to save this kind of money, and I was really excited to get one for 500 bucks less. Seller claims it never made a sound at his house and that it must have happened in shipping. Support says worse case could be north of 1000 dollars to fix, best case is 40 bucks. I don't know what to do. Try to get the seller to refund me my money I guess. What a crappy ending to a bright starting week :grey:

If you used PayPal for the transaction you should be able to file a claim with them.
I commend you Cliff. Unfortunately, if anything it was the rotten seller's butt that was saved. Times like these I want to believe in karma.
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