Axe "crackle" repair cost

Send it to us. If the repair costs are more than $60 I'll cover the excess. I'd rather you be happy than deal with the hassles of filing a claim through eBay.

WOW... This is how all companies should behave, going way above and beyond. Not only does it end the friction between the two parties and offer to fix the problem with no additional cost over a bench test but it reenforces the confidence in the product and the company in the eyes of the end or potential end user.

Cliff, you sir are a gleaming example of how it should be done... bravo!.
Send it to us. If the repair costs are more than $60 I'll cover the excess. I'd rather you be happy than deal with the hassles of filing a claim through eBay.

Besides the astonishing quality, the products that FAS offers would suit or not your needs, but is UNDENIABLE that you won't find ANY company that has the support and the commitment that this guys has... Any company in any medium, not just music. Period.
This is just plain good business, but also above and beyond "normal" business. Word of mouth is the best form of advertisement (and it's free). Cliff is a modeler guru for sure but apparently he's also a smart business man.
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