Announcing MFC-Edit - Official editor for the MFC-101

Wonderful product.
Gary Heller was awesome. He promptly responded to an issue I had with Yosemite (likely related to Java). It was resolved. You can't ask for better service.
Seems so nice that I could buy an MFC just to be able to play with the editor! :encouragement:
Thanks everyone for all the congrats. I'd like to answer a question that has come up a couple of times already:

"If we bought the earlier version of MFC-Edit (pre FAS) ... where are we with upgrades etc?" - to paraphrase. As long as you have a valid license key you are still eligible for the free updates of the FAS-branded MFC-Edit. The encryption algorithm has changed for the FAS version so your pre-FAS license key will not longer work if you upgrade. I have a database of all my customers pre-FAS and their corresponding license key. When you upgrade to the FAS version please be sure to email me with the following information and if you're in my database of licensees I will issue you with a new license key for free. The information I'll need is:
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Existing License Key
  • Operating System
Once I have this information I'll look you up in my database and issue you with a new key so that you can continue to get the updates.

Please send the email with the above information to and put "new license" in the subject line.

Sorry about the Java thing. Apple and Oracle don't get along very well, but there's a new Mac java version which should work with Yosemite. I've installed it and tested it. Here's the link:

Java Downloads for All Operating Systems

This java version will install and run on Yosemite. However, Oracle, in their infinite wisdom still do not set the location of the new runtime so Yosemite still complains that there's no java. I will make a new build with a workaround and get that uploaded within the next hour or two because I want to test it first.

You can also try the following workaround:
  • Install the "legacy" java 1.6
  • Then install the 1.8_25 from the link I included in this post
  • Then remove the file called '.jexec.txt' in your home folder IF it exists
  • Re-run MFC_Edit - it should search for java versions and find 1.8_25 and use that henceforth

I apologize for Oracle's arrogance - it's an aggravation to me also, but Apple is also to blame in this instance. I'll get a workable fix uploaded to the store for Yosemite before the day is out and figure out a long term, more eloquent solution to the Oracle/Apple spat over the next couple of days. Yosemite is new to a lot of people so expect a couple of road bumps in the early release days.

I'm on Yosemite and did not run into that issue.

I ran illustrator (CS5) that required Java install and I did before trying to run MFC Edit. Maybe that has something to do with it, but I've had no issues with running MFC Edit with 10.10.
I didn't talk about sources of revenue and I don't begrudge FAS every earned cent. It was about the difference that editor A for hardware A is free and editor B for hardware B is not.
Axe edit is not free, the cost was included in your Axe FX purchase and is one of the advertised selling features
I know exactly why it's doing this and why installing java (pre 1.8) doesn't fix it. What I haven't decided yet is what I want to do about it, partly because the solution violates my sense of "secure computing". So I'm looking for a better solution (since Oracle apparently doesn't care) before I implement an installer that might be hijacked by a clever hacker. I *know* that won't be appreciated :ambivalence:
Congratulations Gary on a job very well done!! 8)
Congrats to FAS for getting Gary aboard. :encouragement:
A win/win for everyone 8)
Yosemite MAC compatibility - fixed the launch on Yosemite

Sorry about the Java thing. Apple and Oracle don't get along very well, but there's a new Mac java version which should work with Yosemite. I've installed it and tested it. Here's the link:

Java Downloads for All Operating Systems

This java version will install and run on Yosemite. However, Oracle, in their infinite wisdom still do not set the location of the new runtime so Yosemite still complains that there's no java. I will make a new build with a workaround and get that uploaded within the next hour or two because I want to test it first.

You can also try the following workaround:
  • Install the "legacy" java 1.6
  • Then install the 1.8_25 from the link I included in this post
  • Then remove the file called '.jexec.txt' in your home folder IF it exists
  • Re-run MFC_Edit - it should search for java versions and find 1.8_25 and use that henceforth

I apologize for Oracle's arrogance - it's an aggravation to me also, but Apple is also to blame in this instance. I'll get a workable fix uploaded to the store for Yosemite before the day is out and figure out a long term, more eloquent solution to the Oracle/Apple spat over the next couple of days. Yosemite is new to a lot of people so expect a couple of road bumps in the early release days.

Yosemite Compatibility Fixed!

I've made a good fix that I'm happy with. There's no compromise on security or performance. Yosemite will now launch MFC-Edit correctly whether or not Java is installed and the very first time you execute MFC-Edit on MAC it will take a second or two to detect the java versions installed. If it doesn't find one you are prompted to install it. If you are sure that you have Java installed, just answer "No" to the install it now prompt and MFC-Edit will take another second and perform a more extensive search and find it. Subsequent launches of MFC-Edit will be very quick because it already knows where the Java is installed.

I'll get this uploaded around 7pm tonight, Eastern Standard Time.
That is f-ing hilarious, I actually laughed out loud from this...:lol

What is..?
I know exactly why it's doing this and why installing java (pre 1.8) doesn't fix it. What I haven't decided yet is what I want to do about it, partly because the solution violates my sense of "secure computing". So I'm looking for a better solution (since Oracle apparently doesn't care) before I implement an installer that might be hijacked by a clever hacker. I *know* that won't be appreciated :ambivalence:

Great to hear you comment on this as I like "Yay! MFC-101 editor... Oh hmmm Java erm hmmm"

Look forward to supporting you.
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