Announcing MFC-Edit - Official editor for the MFC-101

I know very little about business with the exception of this fact: if the business does not make money, the business ends. Unfortunately, I have been on the receiving end of some of those business failures (i.e. Alesis Andromeda). Moreover, when I attempted to find parts for this clever machine, it was to no avail and eventually I had to let her go. It was a painful loss. I still have the free software. Frankly, as much as I was smitten with some ancient, analog tone monster, I am deeply in love with the Axe Fx II (Frank sings about this love for inanimate objects in his greatest released rock opera). If I have to part with a few more baubles and shells to ensure the longevity of my Fractal, then so be it. She has provided me with more hours of entertainment than any nights of hooker and blow (with the exception of August 1, 1984 in Las Vegas). So, to paraphrase Mr. Zappa, "Shut the phuque up and play yer guitar." Also, pay the 25 bucks so I can be happy with my little Fractal (she is really the cat's meow).
I watched the video first off thanks for the incredible work put into this as someone that barely still has scratched the surface of the monolith here I am constantly learning.
I can tell this is complex I just sent off for another cable too update mfc 101 so I gotta do that first then Im going to purchase this..

The sets and songs part of this program I can tell will be something that would be helpful in organizing my sounds by song and the idea of being able to make up
several for instance if you played in a country band and a rock band or a tribute band say 3 different bands you can just pull up the set list.

I cant imagine how many thousands of hours you spent thinking this out but thank you for doing it.

I can see I have alot of work to do in learning this but the end result would be set lists organized to be able to gig right now.
Its a tremendous amount of work..

I will for sure buy this just about to update the mfc 101 im a bit nervous but ive been able to get everything else so far updated to 18.4
just some things on the mfc are not working correctly and thats got to be because its the last to be updated.

I gather you will have tutorials on how to use this not unlike CC's classes I will need some help I can tell right now but it wont deter me from

This is the Dream ive had for 30 years to just get my switching system down where I can control it and be organized
its been a constant thorn in my paw to ever get it working correctly..

So this is exactly what ive wanted my entire life.. I just need some help learning it.
I think with great tutorials I can do this solo.

I have no one near me to help me on axe so its been quite a steep curve I paid someone well
to come do tech work here but its so far for him I think he burned out on me or thought
I was not getting it all..

Since then 13.4 ive been able to update everything but the mfc which I thought I needed power adapter for and
5 pin so I am waiting on 5 pin to update things.

I will purchase this it looks very well done I hope you do some in depth tutorials as well.
Anyway thanks for the amazing work..

I just want so badly to be able to say yea Im ready I just need a set list of tunes and
I can program them all into set list and drag drop in any order quickly..
Then walk in for practice and have things totally organized and not have to stop just be able to go song by song.

Ive spent thousands of dollars trying to get just that so 25 dollars is well worth every penny if it brings and end too the means.
If one thinks about it what would you pay for that ?
sure the initial cost is alot but this is no game you want the best you should reach for it.

I see this as something very very helpful so count on my 25.

Well done !
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