
  1. Great South Bay

    Head phone editing.

    Hello. Im an old dog trying to learn some new tricks so please bare with me. I was just wondering if anyone could recommend a set of good quality headphones I could use with my new FM9. Something that can get in the Fletcher Munson curve and have a relatively flat frequency response. I'd like to...
  2. maxolla

    What Studio Monitors

    I've recently been forced to buy some studio monitors to replace the ones my son blew up for me. They were Rokit 5s. I have to say I like the sound of them for electronic music but they did not represent guitar modeled tone so well. That being said the price point on them was pretty decent...
  3. the.oud.dude

    In-ear monitoring

    Hello friends, i know the subject has already been discussed but not extensively. i use Axefx 3 for yeas now with my Xitone cabs. Sounds fantastic. i have recently acquired Shure SE 846 , which are kind of the best from their In-ears. i have noticed a lot of fizziness in the sound ( which...
  4. datasundae

    Wish FX-III Sound Design Monitoring & Logs

    I come from a IT server OS background where logs are ubiquitous. I wonder if anyone has pondered the idea of creating log records for the FX-III? Of course, some of those could focus on system health, but I'd be more interested in what was happening within individual blocks and then across the...
  5. P

    Avid Pro Tools Latency?

    Hey everyone! I'm running a 48khz/24 bit Pro Tools session and am using the Axe FX III as the audio interface. I'm recording a dry signal and then using the Axe FX III to monitor the dry signal through a simulated amp along with rest of the recorded session: Main outs for the session are...
  6. jdiz86

    Possible to monitor with 2 pairs of headphones at same time?

    Buddy is coming over to track some bass. I want to be able to listen to him tracking his bass and monitor at the same time as him. I have 2 pairs of headphones. He will be using phones coming out of the front panel phones jack. I have tried using connecting the second pair of headphones to the...
  7. Max_H

    Logic Pro X and no sound with Axe FX II XL+

    Hey dudes and dudettes, I hadn't tooled around in Logic for a while when I thought I'd do a titch of a recording when I found myself to be unable to hear inputs 1+2 for the Axe FX. I see the input lights on the Axe but no output lights. This is only when Logic is open on my Mac. Setup: Guitar...
  8. LLCoolJosh

    AXE-monitoring question

    Hi New Friends, I am an AXE newbie (working my way through the manual to avoid asking 'dumb' questions). I sold my dearest Soldano SLO-100 and bought the AXE FX II XL+. My friend and former band-mates, Nothing More, converted me to the AXE after I started hearing the tones this beast could...
  9. actionjackson12


    I'm curious how some of you setup your stage monitoring w/soundguy/FOH. I run axe-fx DI to FOH and also to matrix PA that powers my Orange 4X12 as a backline on stage. I'm the only guitarist in the band and only have one side backlined on stage. The last show we played, the stage volume was so...
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