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  1. S

    All my wah's autoengage wrong!

    I have the same issue, but I haven't had the time to look into why.
  2. S

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 15.00 Released

    Haha, crystal clear
  3. S

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 15.00 Released

    So does the UPDATE AMPS ALL PRESETS in the utility menu mean that you do not have to reset them manually/individually? I only ask because the Release Notes mention doing the dance in the first paragraph but don't mention this utility function until later on in the notes.
  4. S

    GoPro AxeFx II

    Damn, you can play bud!
  5. S

    Ever notice.....?

    There are always two people in the READ ME section of the forum viewing. Haha. It doesn't say read me forever!
  6. S

    Best lead amp model?

    Same here, Boogie Mk IIc for solos.
  7. S


    Because the Boogie amps are that good, and all he ever used.
  8. S


    Pinkycramps, I half believe that the triaxis' are only part of his distortion tones. There's no way he is just using the axe for delay and verb. As a long time DT fanatic, he must be using the MKiv and rectos in the axe. Maybe others as well.
  9. S

    Wanted to share a FW 14.04 Beta improvement (Audio Clip)

    I Actually laughed out loud
  10. S

    Anybody ever successfully model a Hughes & Keltner?

    Anyone? Possibly a tubemeister? Edit: kettner... Autocorrect.
  11. S

    Demo videos of the MidyAX (AXE-FX + BCR2000 + VGA Screen Display)

    Interesting enough, but for the love of God dust that poor Axe off. Haha.
  12. S

    AFII day one

    I only get freezes when connected to ax edit and I scroll too quickly.
  13. S

    One last try before I pull the pin

    Download some patches in your genre that are already tweaked, then add salt to taste. That's how I was able to get that sound I have been searching 20 years for.
  14. S

    I FINALLY NAILED JOHN PETRUCCI'S TONE!!! Cover of The Bigger Picture

    Hey guys, I had to share this. It took me about 30 hours in total, but I finally deciphered and recorded The Bigger Picture off of Dream Theater's newest self-titled album. I triple tracked the guitars L, R & C using the Axe's Mesa Mark IIc models and the TriAxis, all using the JP cabinet...
  15. S

    Funniest reviews ever

    Haha, what shaved blue ass animal is that? He's genealogically engineered for mooning people.
  16. S

    Is re-ordering possible?

    Yea buddy! That will definitely work in the meantime. Thank you!
  17. S

    Is re-ordering possible?

    Just wondering if there is a way to easily reorder presets using axe edit. Instead of doing a preset by preset copy and past.
  18. S

    Here it is - LINE 6 Amplifi

    I don't know man, I have recordings from 6 years ago using my XT that sounded better than my HD did after my usual tweaking.
  19. S

    Here it is - LINE 6 Amplifi

    I've used line6 stuff for years and I think their gear sounds great for the money, but their technology has been stagnant ever since they released the x3. Even the hd series line sounds like the same processing, only the unit's exterior changes. They are disappointing in my opinion.
  20. S

    Axe-Fx II Firmware Version 12.04 Public Beta

    Features and new goodies aside, I feel like 12.02 was huge sounding, on 12.03 some of the high altitude shimmer was lost, and on 12.04b that shimmer is back with some stank on it. Having no trouble finding dozens of factory presets benefitting from the beta.
  21. S

    Axe-Fx II Firmware Version 12.04 Public Beta

    So I know what beta means, but if the update is confirmed to be functional and superior to 12.03 before released to us, then why is this labeled a beta only? Just curious is all.
  22. S

    Axe-Fx II Firmware Version 12.04 Public Beta

    I just think it's hilarious that the "leading guitar modelling manufacturer" whose name I won't mention, but rhymes with Fine Dix (haha) took two years to improve upon their flagship modeler and all they did was change the color of the buttons.
  23. S

    Anyone successfully emulate a double tracked guitar?

    Yes. I use a 7 or 9ms delay on a dual-amp patch on one's I've created one panned hard L, the other hard right. Two differ amp models obviously works best. There is a John Petrucci rhythm patch I downloaded that also is great.
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    High Pitched Squeal

    Ya beat me to it
  25. S

    AXEFX2 as a recording interface... Gotta a question for experienced users.

    Thanks, I think the better route is to go spdif into the emu, or USB to Cubase, but keep the emu for keys and vox. I appreciate the replies.
  26. S


    Good luck and come back soon.
  27. S

    AXEFX2 as a recording interface... Gotta a question for experienced users.

    Hi all, I currently use a 4-5 year old EMU 004USB interface to record my guitars from the Axe, my Krome keyboards and my buddy's vocals. Problem is I am using the quarter inch outs of the Axe to feed the EMU (which converts the signal to analog), then the EMU feeds Cubase 7 (which converts...
  28. S

    Contemplating buying an Axe FX??? READ ME.

    I know I read it somewhere... I think it was even a Jeopardy question... Or answer.... Or question... Fuck Trebek!
  29. S

    Contemplating buying an Axe FX??? READ ME.

    Haha, yes I have tried it. Very nice little unit, kinda like a scaled down Axe 2 as far as features. I don't like the crap they pulled on their pricing, the unit initially was $1750 and once it gained some popularity they upped the asking to $1975. Nothing was added as far as I read.
  30. S

    Contemplating buying an Axe FX??? READ ME.

    What's up guys I had an Ultra some years ago and was forced to sell it. Since then my financial position has improved but I have been through ALL of the following in search of that perfect tone that I once had with the Ultra. LINE 6 Vetta II Pod HD 500 Pod HD Pro X TC G System Fender...
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