AFII day one


Well day one as an AxeFX owner is in the books. Spent way more time than I should have yesterday. However, when I tried to build a patch to take to rehearsal, it was quick and easy. No midi, no patch changing. Just nice an simple single channel Marshall. Worked great. Couldn't tell I wasn't using my Marshall head. It was great.

Also of note, I was cycling through presets rather quickly using the menu buttons and it froze. A reboot fixed it and it worked great all night. Anyone else ever had that happen?

Nothing connected but the guitar. Admittedly...I was rapid fire scrolling through the presets.
I heard of a rogue preset once that causes some error. Not sure if that is it. Make sure you download from the fractal side and upload the new presets to your Axe.
Are you on the latest firmware with the freezing? I think there were a couple of problems with some of the 11.x-12.x firmware releases that could cause freezing. Bad IR's and some parameters for the multidelay. I believe an update all presets in the utility menu can fix the latter.
Good to know. It's currently running on 12.X. My pc is being reworked at the moment. I'll update as soon as I get it back.
I get (happened once after i deleted one of my presets) a freeze and at the same time, something like a test tone. Not loud. Mac, Axe etc freeze completly. My guess is that it is Axe-Edit.
I actually use AE sometimes now. ;)

I only use my own presets..
I get (happened once after i deleted one of my presets) a freeze and at the same time, something like a test tone. Not loud. Mac, Axe etc freeze completly. My guess is that it is Axe-Edit.
I actually use AE sometimes now. ;)

I only use my own presets..
Yeah there's a lot of issues with certain Mac OS versions and the Axe USB. However, that problem is not caused by the Axe USB drivers, but Mac OS. The Maverick beta release fixed it, so I heard.
I was having random freezes with FW 12.03 but haven't had one since I reset everything and updated to FW 13. I don't use Axe-Edit or keep a USB cable connected, so I know it wasn't that issue. FW 13 sounds amazing!
Yeah there's a lot of issues with certain Mac OS versions and the Axe USB. However, that problem is not caused by the Axe USB drivers, but Mac OS. The Maverick beta release fixed it, so I heard.

Correct. It is an OS problem affecting everyone who wants to record via USB. Mavericks 10.9.2, currently in beta, has addressed the problem for me. The current theory is a weird interaction between the Core Audio interface and the new Fusion drives.
Always wanted know the criteria about a "point release" and a "full number" release...
To me make sense that an all new feature is a full number release... and a bug fix is a point release... but...
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