Contemplating buying an Axe FX??? READ ME.


What's up guys
I had an Ultra some years ago and was forced to sell it. Since then my financial position has improved but I have been through ALL of the following in search of that perfect tone that I once had with the Ultra.
LINE 6 Vetta II
Pod HD 500
Pod HD Pro X
TC G System
Fender Mustang
Digitech GSP 1101
TC Nova
MESA Road King
And yeah even a Behringer V-amp.

Instead of giving you yet another long review to read, all I will say is...

Rest assured my fellow Fractalites: we own the single best piece of guitar equipment known to man. Nothing at all against these other products, they all have their good points but many not so good points.

I just purchased an AxeFx II, Mark II and I am flat out amazed at the quality of the sound. Best money I've ever spent. There is virtually nothing left to want for with this black box. I play mainly progressive rock/metal which utilizes a huge array of tones and effects. Axe handles everything I could possibly wish for and more.

So again, its great to be back and shall God fling a flaming turd at me should I even think about leaving again.

Happy new year all and thanks to your reviews and comparisons to other gear which swayed my decision to return.
Congrats on the new purchase. I went from Pod XT, Pod HD, Eleven rack, then bought my friend's axe standard. Bought an Axe 2 in November and couldn't be happier. The standard is now my backup and all others sold except the hd which is my foot controller.
It's an expensive and heavy ****er, but the real deal and a lifer, that's for sure. Only reason it'd be obsolete is if the same quality product was downsized in a light all-in-1 pedalboard in the future.
I allways try to be balanced if i talk about gear, including the Fractal products. It ain`t easy though :)
You did not try the K ;) Just kidding

Haha, yes I have tried it. Very nice little unit, kinda like a scaled down Axe 2 as far as features. I don't like the crap they pulled on their pricing, the unit initially was $1750 and once it gained some popularity they upped the asking to $1975. Nothing was added as far as I read.
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