That was pretty frickin slick. Actually a little more simple than some other touring rigs I've seen video run-downs for, but not short on tone for sure.

Thanks for sharing.
I watched that yesterday. Very interesting that he has gone back from Mark V's to Triaxis. Really makes you wonder...

A conspiracy theorist (not me of course...:roll) might form the idea that the Triaxis could be just for show... a decoy in order to keep the Mesa Boogie people happy and to honor endorsement deals, while the reality is that he no longer feels the need to use amps. I mean, all that extra weight and maintenance for 3 measly channels when so many tones can be had in a double rack space? Could it be the AXE is playing a larger role than they are letting out? That conspiracy guy might really wish he could get a look at the back of that rig and check out the cable routing.... Just throwing it out there... cuz you know... conspiracy theorists are out there.:ugeek

(I actually personally find this pretty unlikely, but it might start an interesting conversation)
I watched that yesterday. Very interesting that he has gone back from Mark V's to Triaxis. Really makes you wonder...

A conspiracy theorist (not me of course...:roll) might form the idea that the Triaxis could be just for show... a decoy in order to keep the Mesa Boogie people happy and to honor endorsement deals, while the reality is that he no longer feels the need to use amps. I mean, all that extra weight and maintenance for 3 measly channels when so many tones can be had in a double rack space? Could it be the AXE is playing a larger role than they are letting out? That conspiracy guy might really wish he could get a look at the back of that rig and check out the cable routing.... Just throwing it out there... cuz you know... conspiracy theorists are out there.:ugeek

(I actually personally find this pretty unlikely, but it might start an interesting conversation)

He don't carry anything around, of course ;)
I'm a bit surprised, I though the Axe was going to play a far more pivotal role in his rig, at least when I clicked the link. It plays an important role of course, but mostly as an effect box, and many of his effects are coming from stomp boxes still....

On a related note... I kind of hate it when the artist themselves doesn't do the rundown. So much more enjoyable when its not a tech, as knowledgeable as they may be, talking about a rig. I like the artist themselves to talk about why they are using a certain item and how they came to prefer that.
On a related note... I kind of hate it when the artist themselves doesn't do the rundown. So much more enjoyable when its not a tech, as knowledgeable as they may be, talking about a rig. I like the artist themselves to talk about why they are using a certain item and how they came to prefer that.

Yeah! I really miss JP with the white sneakers showing his two refrigerators for racks and the Ibanez P4!! :encouragement:
Pinkycramps, I half believe that the triaxis' are only part of his distortion tones. There's no way he is just using the axe for delay and verb. As a long time DT fanatic, he must be using the MKiv and rectos in the axe. Maybe others as well.
I'm a bit surprised, I though the Axe was going to play a far more pivotal role in his rig, at least when I clicked the link. It plays an important role of course, but mostly as an effect box, and many of his effects are coming from stomp boxes still....

I'm thinking it still has something to do with his endorsements. Not that he doesn't love his Mesa's, because that is all he has ever really used, so I would not expect him to walk away from those. But he also is a Mesa endorser and spokesperson. Really can't do that if you don't have one in your rig! As for the pedals.. who knows. This is an area where maybe he feels the modeling still has some room for growth, or maybe he wants to avoid a more complicated 4 cable method thing. His pedals could be modded (very likely) and so he can't get the same thing from another unit.

Also, If I was one of the best guitarists on the planet... I'd probably want a layer of personal uniqueness and mystique to my rig. If I only used an AXE, then anyone could be me... tone wise (ya ya, except for the fingers... but anyone remember "Get out of My Yard by Paul Gilbert"? He said some Japanese kid had copped his style and licks so closely that he had to try to create something impossible to play just to try to throw people off. With so many copycat players out there at some point your tone is your last line of personal style defense!)
Hell, Ed's been misdirecting about his rig forever. I don't even think HE know's how it was built anymore.:mrgreen
Last time I saw Steve Vai here in Copenhagen his amps were not even turned on other than some glowing LED's inside. Everything ran from Axe/auxiliaries to FOH.
Pinkycramps, I half believe that the triaxis' are only part of his distortion tones. There's no way he is just using the axe for delay and verb. As a long time DT fanatic, he must be using the MKiv and rectos in the axe. Maybe others as well.

He has two distortion pedals to switch between before the Triaxis. Not sure why he MUST be using the Axe for amp sims.
He has two distortion pedals to switch between before the Triaxis. Not sure why he MUST be using the Axe for amp sims.

Totally agree, also even the Triaxis on its own is incredibly powerful. I know I use to have one!
On a related note... I kind of hate it when the artist themselves doesn't do the rundown. So much more enjoyable when its not a tech, as knowledgeable as they may be, talking about a rig. I like the artist themselves to talk about why they are using a certain item and how they came to prefer that.

Better yet are the rundowns where the artist talks about the rig and plays through it:

Triaxis and 2/90 works, and he's used it plenty before. I don't care who you are if you're eating filet every night at some point you're going for the burger.
I watched that yesterday. Very interesting that he has gone back from Mark V's to Triaxis. Really makes you wonder...

A conspiracy theorist (not me of course...:roll) might form the idea that the Triaxis could be just for show... a decoy in order to keep the Mesa Boogie people happy and to honor endorsement deals, while the reality is that he no longer feels the need to use amps. I mean, all that extra weight and maintenance for 3 measly channels when so many tones can be had in a double rack space? Could it be the AXE is playing a larger role than they are letting out? That conspiracy guy might really wish he could get a look at the back of that rig and check out the cable routing.... Just throwing it out there... cuz you know... conspiracy theorists are out there.:ugeek

(I actually personally find this pretty unlikely, but it might start an interesting conversation)

Maybe ask M@ to clear the mystery…..:)


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