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  1. P

    FRFR QSC K series settings

    Same settings on my K10 here! Normal + Flat Happy camper! :D
  2. P

    rihanna rude boy video (sup 2.0 axe fx ultra)

    LMAO... stick to the guitar playing dude! Your moves got me laughing hard! :lol:
  3. P

    AXE-FX GAS has hit!

    New units will come with the latest firmware! I will leave the rest to the forum experts since I'm running out! Good luck on your decision mate! ;)
  4. P

    Fractal Audio welcomes Steve Vai!

    Great news! It's great to have such names as Petrucci, Vai standing behind a product we all love! :D
  5. P

    FYI: Liquid-Foot Status

    no e-mails so far...
  6. P

    Trying to order a Liquid Foot Jr

    For those who do not want to wait go score this one on ebay :mrgreen:
  7. P

    Atomic FR vs QSC K10?

    Running my Ultra with 2 K10s! Couldn't be any happier! :mrgreen:
  8. P

    AXE-FX no Brasil

    Saudacoes celestes ao meu caro amigo alvinegro! Poise rapa! + uma trauletada noceis so! Quanto ao Juiz, se ele errou ou nao o culpado e ele, apesar de nao ter assistido o jogo creio que fomos superiores! Mas deixa isso te abalar nao, e tudo minas mermo! Pode deixar que dou um toque se for vender...
  9. P

    Trying FRFR... Not Digging It

    Hey mate...sorry to hear that your impression was the opposite of mine...did you tweak your presets? 'cause mine sound way better on the K10 than on my Velocity 300 + my Mesa 1X12 combo. The factory presets (most of them) did sound good to me as well! Again I'm using a pair of K10s and I could...
  10. P

    AXE-FX no Brasil

    Em relacao ao Controller da Fractal audio, nao acredito que eles tenham alguma data definitiva...existe grande expectativa mais nada foi anunciado momento estou usando Liquid Foot Jr / Pro, provavelmente estarei vendendo um deles em breve! Em termos de controle do Axe-fx nao...
  11. P

    LF Jr - Axe-fx Autoload error!

    Great! Got it loading now! It seems the only step I didn't try was "real time susex - Tuner" That did it! Thanks Jeff!
  12. P

    LF Jr - Axe-fx Autoload error!

    So far I was able to load 10 ouf of 252 presets...for some reason it's taking forever to load...I reset all the parameters on the Axe-fx and that seemed to work at least I haven't got any more errors...however the LF seems to be stuck on the process of loading the presets...
  13. P

    AXE-FX no Brasil

    bota grave nisso meu brother! Tive que tirar do "deep setting" , o modo Flat ja tem grave pacas! To viajando no som! :mrgreen:
  14. P

    QSC K10!

    Oh I see.... only had one XLR plugged in! perhaps I will try that tonight!
  15. P

    AXE-FX no Brasil

    Grande amigo alvinegro! Blz entaum rapa! Quanto a mim, acabo de adquirir dois QSC K10 e estou completamente FRFR! Putz! Que diferenca! AConselho aos amigos a fazerem um teste com FR PA!
  16. P

    LF Jr - Axe-fx Autoload error!

    yeah...There's some people experiencing the same problem on the LF forums as well...kind of frustating... :shock:
  17. P

    QSC K10!

    Did not have a chance to hook up both speakers yet...will have up and running 2night though.
  18. P

    QSC K10!

    Just fine man! I mean, I had the "deep" setting selected when I first turned the speakers on, after playing a few minutes I had to change it to "flat" 'cause there seem to be excessive low end to the sound imo! You will be hooked I'm sure! Off course it can only get better once you start...
  19. P

    LF Jr - Axe-fx Autoload error!

    Thanks , I will try this out tonight. :geek:
  20. P

    LF Jr - Axe-fx Autoload error!

    I did try setting that to "NONE"...did not work...still got the same error and only the first 2 presets loaded.... :(
  21. P

    QSC K10!

    So I finally decide to go FR...sold my mesa 4 X 12 and got two K10's...OMG.....last night I was blown away by the "real" axe-fx's sound...what I huuuuge difference going into FRFR speakers! I definitely recommend to those that have been using regular guitar cabs, do yourself favor and go TRY a...
  22. P

    LF Jr - Axe-fx Autoload error!

    hum...would that be I/O or utility...not sure but will give it a try tonight...the weird part is that LF loaded the first two presets only (studio lead, albert lead) and will not load the remaining... :o
  23. P

    LF Jr - Axe-fx Autoload error!

    hey I updated the LF Jr to the latest firmware (2.03) and I keep running into this error when trying to autoload the axe-fx presets! Has anyone experienced this? If so can you guys help me out here? my specific error is: 51 - 00 - 010 thanks!
  24. P

    New 1U Rocktron Velocity 300

    Actually it weights 21.5 lbs, pretty heavy indeed ... I'm going FRFR and shall be posting mine for sale shortly! : o
  25. P

    Axe Fx with Mesa 2x12, Yamaha MSP5 or anything else?

    I use Mesa cabs for my ultra and they work great! very clean/punchy sound! At home I have a 1X12 and at the studio a 4 X 12 (stereo) go for it!
  26. P

    AXE-FX no Brasil

    Sem problemas! abracos! PS. Recebi meu Ultra hoje! putzzz! sem palavras! Agora e comecar a gastar tempo nos meus patches! :mrgreen:
  27. P

    New 1U Rocktron Velocity 300

    Got the very same PA, it works great with my Axe-fx! Lot's of power too! I will upload a youtube video with some samples as soon as I have a chance!
  28. P

    AXE-FX no Brasil

    * lembrou de uma piada...sabe quando o galo disputa libertadores? quando o Atleticano joga video game...*Rs....Sem ofensas meu caro amigo alvinegro! afinal de contas estamos representando minas uai so! Quanto a compra do seu axe-fx, de repente ficaria mais facil se vc tivesse uma...
  29. P

    U2 delays...

    Awesome! thanks guys!
  30. P

    AXE-FX no Brasil

    zeeeeeeeeroooooooooooo!!!!!!!! Sangue azul aqui mano! Mas ultimamente estou de bem com os atleticanos! Depois de segurarem nossa vaguinha p/ libertadores *Rsss! Estou com o standard mais vou trocar pelo ultra! Acho que compensa uma vez que o standard fica meio limitado (CPU) em relacao a...
  31. P

    U2 delays...

    Thanks! Can anyone share more or less the settings to achieve this? :mrgreen:
  32. P

    U2 delays...

    I've seen a couple of videos (most are made with the Ultra) on youtube , I wondered if the axe-fx standard is able to achieve the U2 delay type of sound? thanks!
  33. P

    Introducing: Axe-Fx How-Tos (wiki)

    Awesome mate! Thanks a lot! Donation shall follow! :mrgreen:
  34. P

    AXE-FX no Brasil

    Opa! Sou brasileiro no exterior (NY), natural de BH. Estou recebendo minha unidade Axe-fx amanha! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  35. P

    New Axe-fx user!

    Great to hear that! Sometimes I get trampled with some many cables... :lol:
  36. P

    New Axe-fx user!

    I'm including a Pic of the current's about to go through changes once I get my Axe-fx unit. The EB volume pedal goes right before the power amp! so it follows right after my equalizer! :mrgreen: then from the power amp it follows to two mesa cabinets!
  37. P

    Newbie Axe-fx user!

    Wow! Thanks for shedding some light on my thoughts and for taking the time to go through each of my questions! Very appreciated! :mrgreen:
  38. P

    New Axe-fx user!

    Sorry! Just disregard my comments on the volume pedal...I guess it was just me thinking main concern was if I was still going to be able to do stereo setup with the axe-fx. Thanks for the input on the F. Controllers, I've used the midi mate as well, right now I use the lexicon MPX R1...
  39. P

    New Axe-fx user!

    Thanks a lot for your reply mate! Main reason for the Power amp would be really for on stage monitoring! I believe the Rocktron should hold up just fine, will know once I have the axe-fx in hands! :mrgreen: Regarding the volume pedal, my current setup as I mentioned is all stereo, reason why...
  40. P

    New Axe-fx user!

    So I finally ordered my axe-fx unit this week! Had a few newbie questions and wondered if you guys could share some light! I decided to downsize my guitar rig and what better way to do it if not going with this unit? There's a few racks that I plan on keeping on my rig such as , ISP Decimator...
  41. P

    Newbie Axe-fx user!

    ? .. ? .. ? :shock:
  42. P

    Newbie Axe-fx user!

    Hi Guys! Newbie here! So as a new Axe-fx user (just ordered my unit yesterday) I wanted to get opinions from you guys and perhaps get some of my questions answered. My thanks in advance for any help! So I decided to downsize my guitar rig and what better way to do it if not going with this...
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