Newbie Axe-fx user!

Hi Guys! Newbie here! So as a new Axe-fx user (just ordered my unit yesterday) I wanted to get opinions from you guys and perhaps get some of my questions answered. My thanks in advance for any help!

So I decided to downsize my guitar rig and what better way to do it if not going with this unit? There's a few racks that I plan on keeping on my rig such as , ISP Decimator, BBE sonic etc...the thing I'm not 100% sure is regarding the power amp, I've always used solid state and love them, currently I have a Rocktron Velocity 300 and I wanted to get an idea if anyone on the forum has used one of these with the axe-fx? What's the best Power amp there is for this unit?

I have my rig setup in stereo, and I'm addicted to my ernie ball stereo volume pedal (2 in/2 out), would I still be able to use this same pedal or perhaps need to downgrade to a mono pedal?

And last, I'm almost set on the Liquid Foot Jr Controller, any thoughts on this unit? It's a bit pricey but I believe it to be worth the $ for all the functionality that it offers with the axe-fx!

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I would appreciate any help from this great forum! :mrgreen:
OK, I'll take a crack at this.

1. Try the Velocity with the Axe and if it sounds good, keep it. I wouldn't start shopping another power amp until you're sure you need it. The "best" power amp is the one that works best for you.

2. Unless you're outputing a stereo signal from your guitar (Rickenbacker "Ric-O-Sound", for instance), you won't need a stereo signal going into the AxeFX to have a stereo audio path. The AxeFX' routing allows for many complex setups. That said, you could go left/right into the rear inputs if you can get the signal up to line level. You would lose the "special sauce" input buffering that the front input provides. Not the way I'd go, but there are many ways to skin this cat. Also, your Ernie Ball pedal would probably work as a controller allowing you to control many parameters on a per preset basis, including volume, wah, whammy, and more.

3. The LFjr gets good reviews, as do many other MIDI controllers. Personally, I went cheap (a used Rocktron MIDIMate) in anticipation of the upcoming Fractal MIDI controller. Some reading in this category can give you a sense of the good and bad of the various options available.

I understand wanting "the best" for all of your rig components to complement the best guitar processor in the known universe, but really there's only "the best for you". My rule of thumb is to work with what I have until I reach a limitation of my current gear, then purchase new kit based on what my unmet needs are at that time. There are so many ways to configure the AxeFX that there is almost never just one way to do what you want. Embrace the experimentation and enjoy!
HailHalford said:
OK, I'll take a crack at this.

1. Try the Velocity with the Axe and if it sounds good, keep it. I wouldn't start shopping another power amp until you're sure you need it. The "best" power amp is the one that works best for you.

2. Unless you're outputing a stereo signal from your guitar (Rickenbacker "Ric-O-Sound", for instance), you won't need a stereo signal going into the AxeFX to have a stereo audio path. The AxeFX' routing allows for many complex setups. That said, you could go left/right into the rear inputs if you can get the signal up to line level. You would lose the "special sauce" input buffering that the front input provides. Not the way I'd go, but there are many ways to skin this cat. Also, your Ernie Ball pedal would probably work as a controller allowing you to control many parameters on a per preset basis, including volume, wah, whammy, and more.

3. The LFjr gets good reviews, as do many other MIDI controllers. Personally, I went cheap (a used Rocktron MIDIMate) in anticipation of the upcoming Fractal MIDI controller. Some reading in this category can give you a sense of the good and bad of the various options available.

I understand wanting "the best" for all of your rig components to complement the best guitar processor in the known universe, but really there's only "the best for you". My rule of thumb is to work with what I have until I reach a limitation of my current gear, then purchase new kit based on what my unmet needs are at that time. There are so many ways to configure the AxeFX that there is almost never just one way to do what you want. Embrace the experimentation and enjoy!

Wow! Thanks for shedding some light on my thoughts and for taking the time to go through each of my questions! Very appreciated! :mrgreen:
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