AXE-FX GAS has hit!

Hey All

I didn't think it would happen but it did.....

So far I've been able to ignore 90% of the Axe-Fx posts in an effort to contain my GAS. Which I will say has worked nicely, I haven't bought any gear in a year and 1/2. Then I came across some clips, demos, reviews etc. and the Axe bug hit me.

All of a sudden I'm questioning reality, I've got a fantastic amp, that I don't gig with (I have it in case I might do a gig one day ). It sounds pretty good at low volumes but with the settings I like at low volumes I'm doing full tube swaps once a year, which isn't too bad, I guess. In order to really enjoy it I have to crank it up a bit and that's just not feasible at the moment with a baby in the house and working 12 hour shifts.

I need something that's versatile, sounds great, but allows me to either play at very low practice volumes, can turn it up a bit to jam along to my favourite tracks or use headphones for late night practice. The Axe-Fx seems to be able to deliver based on those needs. All of the other features are major bonuses as well.

So I guess I was hoping to get any of the good folks here who have made the jump from Tube amp to Axe-Fx to share their experiences, did you have any regrets? Are there limitations after having used the Axe for a while?
In terms of tone, are you pretty much able to nail some or all of your favourites?

Any of you Mark IV guys, were you satisfied with being able to create Markish crunch and lead tones that the amp is so fammous for?

I've been reading up on the poweramps, it seems the Carvin DCML
and the ART SLA-2 are getting some great reviews with the Axe-Fx. I'm leaning towards the SLA-2, mostly because the reviews/number of owners seems higher and I haven't really seen anything negative yet.

Finally the dreaded standard vs Ultra, has anyone bought the standard and felt the need to upgrade to the ultra? Is the ultra worth the extra money? I understand the standards limitations show up when you start using more than 1 amp sim with multiple effect lines.

Also Do new Units ordered...say today, come with the NEW Firmware?

Sorry for the long post and I appreciate any and all insight you guys can provide.

New units will come with the latest firmware! I will leave the rest to the forum experts since I'm running out! Good luck on your decision mate! ;)
So I guess I was hoping to get any of the good folks here who have made the jump from Tube amp to Axe-Fx to share their experiences, did you have any regrets?

Are there limitations after having used the Axe for a while?
the more you use it, the more versatile you realize it is

In terms of tone, are you pretty much able to nail some or all of your favourites?
yes - all - and discovering new tones - after all, I have...well, quite a few amps, cabs, and virtually all the effects I could have never afforded any other way.

Yeh, I'm pretty satisfied
Here's the deal. Just order it. You will most likely love it.

I have a couple Mesa tube amps. Love them.

Got a Pod X3 on a whim. Yeah, whatever. Bad interface, modeling is just OK.

Eleven Rack. Pretty good, really. User interface is outstanding. But not a lot of stuff there yet.

Axe FX Ultra. Took it out of the box, plugged it in, started stepping through the patches. OMG.

This is very, very good work.

The biggest issue I see for live use is that I'll need to spend some time thinking about programming my MIDI pedal to do what needs to be done. I guess I could just pick one patch and put my pedalboard in front of it for a quick fix, but that's really not how the tool is designed.

But this is an outstanding system, in my view.

(Sorry, not helping with the GAS pains, am I? ;) )

xarkon said:
But this is an outstanding system, in my view.

(Sorry, not helping with the GAS pains, am I? ;) )
LOL - I've tried/owned most of the 1/2 decent modelers - Line 6 XTL, X3L, Flextone, Vetta, Boss GT8, GT10, Roland VG99 - but thought that the 11R wouldn't buy me much over what I had already. So finally got an Ultra and it knocks the socks off the competition. Sure, tweak lightly - or do deep editing. Either way, it was w-a-y easier for me to dial in GREAT tones on the Ultra than it was on the VG99 or the GT10. Pick an amp, a cab, add a little 'verb. Adjust tone, youa re reday to go. No more than that.

Just get one... until you've played one, you will not really "get it" - no matter how good the vids and demo's are :)
I switched from a dual rectifier roadster half stack with a TC G-Force in the loop to an Ultra /SLA-2 rig. The roadster is collecting dust, the G-Force is gone. The Ultra slays everything I have ever owned. I thought I would miss specific tones, but with a little tweaking, I have been able to create all of the types of patches that I loved from other amp/effects combos. I am by no means great at programming this thing as I've only had it a couple of months, but I have created patches that I'm happy with, and that ABSOLUTELY do not have me wishing I had a different amp, or wondering if a different amp will suit me better. For the first time in over a decade, I am not constantly looking for new amps/effects! That's totally worth the price in my eyes :D
My axe-fx is in the post atm, bought from G66 in Europe. They mailed me and the firmware in it is 9.03, so they do update it before sending. :)
Thanks guys for the input.

I ended up ordering the Ultra and SLA-2, which will be connected to my vertical recto 2x12. It should get here mon. or tues. I can't wait.

I've been reading up in some of the other areas of the Fractal Forum, I'm amazed at the knowledge and effort I have seen in people trying to help others, get their axe-fx setup to meet their needs and expectations. Very impressive!
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