New Axe-fx user!

So I finally ordered my axe-fx unit this week! Had a few newbie questions and wondered if you guys could share some light!

I decided to downsize my guitar rig and what better way to do it if not going with this unit? There's a few racks that I plan on keeping on my rig such as , ISP Decimator, BBE sonic etc...the thing I'm not 100% sure is regarding the power amp, I've always used solid state and love them, currently I have a Rocktron Velocity 300 and I wanted to get an idea if anyone on the forum has used one of these with the axe-fx? What's the best Power amp there is for this unit?

I have my rig setup in stereo, and I'm addicted to my ernie ball stereo volume pedal (2 in/2 out), would I still be able to use this same pedal or perhaps need to downgrade to a mono pedal?

And last, I'm almost set on the Liquid Foot Jr Controller, any thoughts on this unit? It's a bit pricey but I believe it to be worth the $ for all the functionality that it offers with the axe-fx!
Congrats on your purchase. :)

Regarding poweramp, what's your purpose of using it?
Because within AxeFx you have really great poweramp and cam sims,
imo it works best and offers the most when going directly to PA and that's what 99% of people are doing for gigs anyways.
Poweramp and cab might do you good for on-stage monitoring,
solid state amp might be even better cause it doesn't color the sound a lot like tube poweramp (that depends a lot on brand and model tho),
I haven't tried Rocktron Velocity 300 so I can't tell you much about it.
As for stereo volume pedal, what do you use it for?

Now, midi controller is gray area, there are too many choices, LF Jr is great but there are many others as well,
you should really decide what is it that you need from controller (and how much money you're willing to spend on it).
Muris_Varajic said:
Congrats on your purchase. :)

Regarding poweramp, what's your purpose of using it?
Because within AxeFx you have really great poweramp and cam sims,
imo it works best and offers the most when going directly to PA and that's what 99% of people are doing for gigs anyways.
Poweramp and cab might do you good for on-stage monitoring,
solid state amp might be even better cause it doesn't color the sound a lot like tube poweramp (that depends a lot on brand and model tho),
I haven't tried Rocktron Velocity 300 so I can't tell you much about it.
As for stereo volume pedal, what do you use it for?

Now, midi controller is gray area, there are too many choices, LF Jr is great but there are many others as well,
you should really decide what is it that you need from controller (and how much money you're willing to spend on it).

Thanks a lot for your reply mate! Main reason for the Power amp would be really for on stage monitoring! I believe the Rocktron should hold up just fine, will know once I have the axe-fx in hands! :mrgreen:

Regarding the volume pedal, my current setup as I mentioned is all stereo, reason why I've been using the ernie volume stereo pedal, since this pedal has 2 in / 2 outputs i was debating if I would just sell it and get a mono pedal...

I don't do much home recording as I'd like to , but I do play lots of gigs and having a FC that would give me total control of this unit is a must! So I'd be willing to spend a couple of hundred dollars to get the best there far my vote goes to Liquid foot Jr...any others I should be looking at? Thanks again and sorry for the noob questions!
I still didn't quite get the use of stereo volume pedal but no problem. :D

Personally, atm I use Rocktron Midimate and it does the job,
I don't use IA that much, mainly switching presets and that's it.
Some people prefer to see tuner on midi controller display, Midimate can't do that.
Fractal Audio is about to release (hopefully soon enough) their MFC-101 which will, reasonably,
give you full interaction with AxeFx.
There is also Ground Control Pro from Woodoo Lab and ofc Liquid Foot Pro
but that one is kind a BIG.
Muris_Varajic said:
I still didn't quite get the use of stereo volume pedal but no problem. :D

Personally, atm I use Rocktron Midimate and it does the job,
I don't use IA that much, mainly switching presets and that's it.
Some people prefer to see tuner on midi controller display, Midimate can't do that.
Fractal Audio is about to release (hopefully soon enough) their MFC-101 which will, reasonably,
give you full interaction with AxeFx.
There is also Ground Control Pro from Woodoo Lab and ofc Liquid Foot Pro
but that one is kind a BIG.

Sorry! Just disregard my comments on the volume pedal...I guess it was just me thinking main concern was if I was still going to be able to do stereo setup with the axe-fx. Thanks for the input on the F. Controllers, I've used the midi mate as well, right now I use the lexicon MPX R1, I guess I will give it a try before moving to something there's no dates announced for the MFC-101 right? Voodo and LF Pro are huge! That would be a issue since I'm also trying to reduce size/weight!

You've been a big help man! Also I've checked some of your videos! Fantastic guitar playing! Keep it up!
No specific date on releasing MFC101 but there has been an update and more to come in upcoming weeks,
that's at least what they said!

Sorry for pushing "stereo volume" topic but I just can't help myself. :D
What's your stereo setup and how do you hook this stereo pedal,
before preamp, after preamp, after poweramp?

Thanks for your kind words tho, cheers!
I'm including a Pic of the current's about to go through changes once I get my Axe-fx unit. The EB volume pedal goes right before the power amp! so it follows right after my equalizer! :mrgreen: then from the power amp it follows to two mesa cabinets!


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Ohh, I see, you use it to control overall volume on 2 cabs,
no big deal, with one expression pedal connected to a midi controller you'll be able to do the same
by controlling general output of AxeFx, master or level inside amp block etc,
with quite less cables too. ;)
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