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  • Users: Fro
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  1. Fro

    Countdown 0.5...

    I don't get it. How do you change size, thickness, and pick material? There's no interface.
  2. Fro

    Countdown 0.5...

    All I know is, if I would have gotten an Axe Fx the same day I got the Del Rey, my head would have exploded. Hey Cliff, I've been looking all over for the link to the new firmware, but I can't seem to find it. What gives? ;)
  3. Fro

    Countdown 0.5...

    I worked in a CD store for quite a while in the 90's. I thought "New Release Day" was always on a Tuesday. (waiting for the rocks being thrown at me now)
  4. Fro

    Countdown 0.5...

    The very first electric guitar I got was a Teisco Del Ray with a Fender Champ amp. I got it for Christmas when I was 10. My parents hid it under a blanket in their closet. When they weren't home, I snooped around the house and found it days before Christmas. I even played it a bit before they...
  5. Fro

    Countdown 0.5...

    Crap, I'm back. What did I miss??
  6. Fro

    Countdown 0.5...

    OK, that's it! I'm done with this thread. I'm not coming back until Monday.
  7. Fro

    Countdown 0.5...

    Isn't a raised fist solidarity, strength or defiance?
  8. Fro

    Countdown 0.5...

    Hey, is pic 4 fast food, or specifically a Double Whopper?
  9. Fro

    Countdown 0.5...

    It's a major software update. I just got mine in the mail. Though I'm not sure where to put it.
  10. Fro

    Countdown 0.5...

    Cliff just simplified the whole thing.
  11. Fro

    Marshall Jubilee - Take 2

    First I realized that I hadn’t tried the cap yet. And then it hit me, and I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of this before. I’m sure some of you have. Here I am meticulously listening to the difference in sound by moving the mic back and forth by just one inch. But what if the 57 that I actually...
  12. Fro

    Marshall Jubilee - Take 2

    Thanks bigness for the JCM 900 info. I’ll be honest, I never even considered it because my limited experience with the 900 in the real world wasn’t good. In all fairness, I never liked the lead channel on the Jubilee either until recently, I always just cranked the heck out of the clean channel...
  13. Fro

    Marshall Jubilee - Take 2

    Simeon, this is my understanding on this. And a good question BTW. Finding the differences between any Marshall amp is a good question. There are so many. Now, I am the farthest thing from an expert, and everything I know is from misinformation I’ve found the web. The 1987X is from the Plexi...
  14. Fro

    Marshall Jubilee - A Long Work In Progress

    Hey guys, I changed gears a bit, so I started a new thread. Basically, I'm taking a break from the cab sims and direct sound, and I'm going back to the power amp and cab sound to get that to match better. Then I'll come back...
  15. Fro

    Marshall Jubilee - Take 2

    OK, so I’m starting a new thread because technically I changed gears just a little bit. The original thread was: I’m trying to match my Axe Fx Standard to my Marshall Jubilee, which I currently run with...
  16. Fro

    Marshall Jubilee - A Long Work In Progress

    Don’t worry Merlin17, I haven’t completely discounted your opinion either. It’s the old Buck Owens mixing theory; it should still sound good on a cheap pair of speakers. Your right, sometimes that will accentuate the differences I’m trying to uncover and help fix them. Unfortunately, part of...
  17. Fro

    Marshall Jubilee - A Long Work In Progress

    Thanks everyone for chiming in. This forum is always helpful. Thanks Scott for the suggested mix. If anything, it will give me another good reference point for more experimenting. I’m sure it will sound good. I’ll also keep in mind how it can be changed to suit my taste. And your right, the cab...
  18. Fro

    Marshall Jubilee - A Long Work In Progress

    Thanks. This is something I’ve really been struggling with. And my ears can get fatigued pretty quickly. Then I find myself adjusting things when I shouldn’t be. I think what I may do is record both of these going through the 2x12 with a 57 and compare them like I did with the direct signals...
  19. Fro

    Marshall Jubilee - A Long Work In Progress

    So, I’m going to try to keep this short and to the point, but I’m sure that won’t happen. I absolutely love my Axe Fx Standard, and also hate it with a passion. With that said, it’s been a main part of my rig since I got it, and I honestly don’t see it going away anytime soon. My mainstay...
  20. Fro

    Introduction thread

    Hi, My name is Tom. Some people call me Fro. I'm 39 and work at a music publishing company. I've had my Standard for about 8 months now. I feel like I've been spying on everyone since I've been reading the Forum from day one, so I thought it was about time I join the fun and add a comment or...
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