Countdown 0.5...

I understand what you mean. I've been a long time lurker and just recently decided to join the forum. Cliff could be my best friend for all you know. Lets stay on topic here though. We can all agree that Monday will be a lot of fun.
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Really good try!

Thx. :D

I asked Cliff a direct question earlier but no answer was given even though I thought the question was vague enough that nothing would be given away. He probably just didn't see it as this thread is moving so fast. Maybe you would answer. All I want to know, whatever it is, is it something us bass players would be interested in?
Well it was worth a try. lol

I asked Cliff a direct question earlier but no answer was given even though I thought the question was vague enough that nothing would be given away. Maybe you would answer. All I want to know, whatever it is, is it something us bass players would be interested in?

I made a promise to Cliff and I will honor that promise so I can't and wont say anything. Watching all this "action" sure is fun though.
Hey I got one.

What if Cliff somehow with his algorithms and magical voodoo genius made it so that the axe fx acts as the dongle for axe pc? And the full blown axe edit aside from all that it does makes the axe like a standalone program? The only problem is... MIDI only sends commands and not sound correct? If this is the case, then maybe Cliff made an add on so that somehow the axe could be usb or firewire so that it could transmit sound.
The current hardware as DSP for Axe Pc would be great, but even on an ultra you'd pretty much max out at 2 instances. If the add- on had it's own additional DSP (and allow for expanded user cabs) I'd be done for life (or until v12 whichever came sooner).

Figure it's pretty unlikely
I've noticed that people who really have a sense of humor don't waste their time pontificating as to whether or not they would tell someone to 'fuck off' for what is essential nothing more then a marketing scheme to excite their user base... something pretty much every company does.

+1 - They're doing some entertaining marketing. Forum members have run with it from there. There's a maturity here that's on a higher road than just making judgments about what's BS.
All Cliff did was kindly inform us of an imminent product release of sorts with a 10 day count down. Honestly, the rest was us crazy forum members. He has only posted a handful of times in this thread, and it was just in good fun. We could just get a random press release the day it's released, but the 10 day build up is much more fun (although maybe a 5 day countdown would be more compassionate next time!). Although I have to admit that G66 is hyping the cr*p out of it though, so I expect a lot lol.
How about a new unit with massively expanded memory and input/output options like USB/Firewire with a TRADE IN OPTION for current owners? The price is not likely to drop on any new units (why should it when they can sell for current prices?) but if I were given $1500 credit on my Ultra toward a new generation unit that cost $2000 I would be VERY happy.
I've noticed that people who really have a sense of humor don't waste their time pontificating as to whether or not they would tell someone to 'fuck off' for what is essential nothing more then a marketing scheme to excite their user base... something pretty much every company does.

Oh tu chez...

Marketing is also developed for drone bee masses to, subconsciously or consciously, feel the need to have something that prior to said marketing, never entered their thought processes.

Whatever, you may or may not come to realize I'm quite tongue in cheek - not your cheek sailor, don't get yer hopes up - but the fact is, I'm the kinda guy that doesn't watch sports on TV. Do you know why? Because the score will be the same whether I watch it or not.

Have a great night, lest we pontificate in unison on the eve cusp of the newly revered Fractal Audio eminence to be....and therefore grace us with its profound and royal essence.

I love the countdown! It's sort building excitement and anticipation in a bunch of (I assume) adults on par with my kids before Christmas! Now no waiting up all night for Santa OK?
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