Countdown 0.5...

Interesting link on the use of new i7's for dsp use. I shudder to think of the cost of a system built around the new i7 processors for this purpose..... Also these versions of these processors haven't been available for long, you really think he's had time to restructure all the code to function on a completely different architecture? Possible but not likely.
Interesting link on the use of new i7's for dsp use. I shudder to think of the cost of a system built around the new i7 processors for this purpose..... Also these versions of these processors haven't been available for long, you really think he's had time to restructure all the code to function on a completely different architecture? Possible but not likely.

Damn, I missed the link you describe, and I do NOT want to go back and read all these post AGAIN. I'll lose my mind.

Would you be so kind as to tell me the post number so I can find it, or a new link? I'd like to read about this DSP and the i7.
I love the countdown! It's sort building excitement and anticipation in a bunch of (I assume) adults on par with my kids before Christmas! Now no waiting up all night for Santa OK?

I was thinking the same thing, it's like waiting for Christmas morning when you were a kid and wondering what the morning would bring! It's all good fun and amusing reading the humor of other forum members. A clever bunch you are!
The very first electric guitar I got was a Teisco Del Ray with a Fender Champ amp. I got it for Christmas when I was 10. My parents hid it under a blanket in their closet. When they weren't home, I snooped around the house and found it days before Christmas. I even played it a bit before they actually gave it to me.

Did it ruin the surprise? NO, IT DID NOT!!! I still appreciated it very much, thank you.

Cliff, here's $20. Go to the movies or something. Let us snoop around. We promise to put everything back before you get home. Honest.
Need Help Moving Your Shit?

Quite honestly it's a good thing I have a sense of humour, as this otherwise seemingly insolent carrot dangling could be construed by many as an immature act of self pontification. If I were to judge a person's character on whether they actually "got off" on something like this - 1000's of seething blokes on line, waiting the beck and call of Master Cliff, completely driven by maniacal meanderings - I'd say fuck off to the owner and move my shit elsewhere.

Bigger people, with bigger money, with bigger problems, NO time to waste; and NO tolerance for bullshit.

Just saying, careful if this is just that... Things can backfire.


If you think this could be "construed by many as an immature act of self pontification" I have to wonder "Who are the 'many' that you refer to?" The members of the forum for who the thread was created? Where are these people? And who told you that you had a sense of humor?

As far as telling the owner to F off assuming he "gets off" on something like this, maybe you better do just that and "move your shit elsewhere". If I had a successful small company with a loyal base of customers who I knew would enjoy speculating on an online forum on what a new product I was about to release might be, I would enjoy creating and reading this thread. I'd call that "getting off". Too bad you see it as "self pontification" and take it as a personal affront. Perhaps you and Kanye West can hook up since he seems to be easily offended by almost anything as well (sorry Kanye fans).

I'm no shill for Fractal, I don't worship Cliff Chase, and I don't hold my criticism back regarding anything having to do with the AXE-FX. But I enjoy this thread and if you don't, then again, in your words, move your shit elsewhere if you feel the way you do and maybe keep it to yourself in the process since nobody here wants to hear it. I'm sure we can find a few volunteers here to help you out with that.

Sometimes people need to waste time to unwind. Now where were we?
I'm the kinda guy that doesn't watch sports on TV. Do you know why? Because the score will be the same whether I watch it or not.

And a product release on Monday will be the same whether or not you read and post in a thread speculating about it, but you chose to anyway... so it's ok if you want to tune in to the game every once in a while before the final outcome is determined. ;)
I worked in a CD store for quite a while in the 90's. I thought "New Release Day" was always on a Tuesday.

(waiting for the rocks being thrown at me now)
Now where were we?

Wasting time and unwinding..:lol

Hell yeah, I don't see why some guys are getting uptight about the motives of the countdown or if their resale vale will go down( did you buy it just to flip it?) or if cliff is getting off on watching us squirm around whats coming. I personally like this thread, Its all good fun and a great giggle for Cliff I'm sure. so what.... Take it easy Francis..8)

nobody calls me francis,call me psycho,anybody calls me francis..........i'll kill ya.and if any of yous homos get any ideas...............i'll kill ya!

see, fun.:)

we should all enjoy the speculation going on here,come monday this forum's going to be a ghost town.value knobs a turning,edit buttons pushing and store and what not.
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The very first electric guitar I got was a Teisco Del Ray...
Wow, that takes me back. My first solid-body was a Del Rey. Super-short scale, sweet to play, but the worst pickups I've ever known. I needed an Electro-Harmonix LPB1 booster cranked wide open just to make the level match that of a normal guitar. And microphonic? I could shout into the pickups and hear my voice in the amp. It's the main reason I spent the next 20 years playing a classical.
If you think this could be "construed by many as an immature act of self pontification" I have to wonder "Who are the 'many' that you refer to?" The members of the forum for who the thread was created? Where are these people? And who told you that you had a sense of humor?

As far as telling the owner to F off assuming he "gets off" on something like this, maybe you better do just that and "move your shit elsewhere". If I had a successful small company with a loyal base of customers who I knew would enjoy speculating on an online forum on what a new product I was about to release might be, I would enjoy creating and reading this thread. I'd call that "getting off". Too bad you see it as "self pontification" and take it as a personal affront. Perhaps you and Kanye West can hook up since he seems to be easily offended by almost anything as well (sorry Kanye fans).

I'm no shill for Fractal, I don't worship Cliff Chase, and I don't hold my criticism back regarding anything having to do with the AXE-FX. But I enjoy this thread and if you don't, then again, in your words, move your shit elsewhere if you feel the way you do and maybe keep it to yourself in the process since nobody here wants to hear it. I'm sure we can find a few volunteers here to help you out with that.

Sometimes people need to waste time to unwind. Now where were we?

Druzhok? Sultan? Zhuchko? Tsygan? Which one are you??

Wait for the bell, good lad...wait for the bell.

It's the main reason I spent the next 20 years playing a classical.

All I know is, if I would have gotten an Axe Fx the same day I got the Del Rey, my head would have exploded.

Hey Cliff, I've been looking all over for the link to the new firmware, but I can't seem to find it. What gives? ;)
I think the countdown is a lot of fun too. The countdown messages at G66 have been creative, entertaining, and downright hilarious. I don't think the product release will disappoint.

If someone has a problem with a countdown, why even hang around here? It's not like someone is forcing your head to stare at the screen (of course, some here might be an exception :) )

Its a good lesson in patience, something our culture seems to lack in the day of instant gratification.

I think all the excitement around the countdown is due to the fact that Fractal has a ton of very satisfied customers who are very loyal and dying to see what great invention they come out with next. If they hadn't come through so brilliantly with the Axe Fx, this countdown would have not have nearly the energy behind it as this one does.

For those who get angry about having to wait, go dial up your Diezel and play some death metal ;)
I think the countdown is a lot of fun too. The countdown messages at G66 have been creative, entertaining, and downright hilarious. I don't think the product release will disappoint.

If someone has a problem with a countdown, why even hang around here? It's not like someone is forcing your head to stare at the screen (of course, some here might be an exception :) )

Its a good lesson in patience, something our culture seems to lack in the day of instant gratification.

I think all the excitement around the countdown is due to the fact that Fractal has a ton of very satisfied customers who are very loyal and dying to see what great invention they come out with next. If they hadn't come through so brilliantly with the Axe Fx, this countdown would have not have nearly the energy behind it as this one does.

For those who get angry about having to wait, go dial up your Diezel and play some death metal ;)

How'd you know I had a Diezel?? Amongst others of course...

Nice play ;)

This was a great way to get some future product idea proposals and initial reactions to them from your customer base... :)
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