Countdown 0.5...

I love my Ultra, but would definitely upgrade to an Ultra II if it were that impressive. But, that doesn't mean I wouldn't be any less excited about a FAS combo amp, speaker, rack mounted power amp, etc. Fractal's all about innovation so I'm not holding my breath for 'exactly what I hoped for'. For all I know, Cliff has realized something that I would really benefit from (without me even realizing a need for it!). If a new product replaces my Ultra, great. If it compliments it, even better.
Journal Entry 06May2011:

Day 3 of the siege/countdown. I have finally lost the complete use of my right leg from having sit at the computer for 7 days straight (or it could just be really asleep).

My F5 button finally gave in two days ago from the constant use and my right index finger is now a mere pulp of flesh and battered finger nail.

Not sure how much longer I can hold out under these circumstances.
Cliff just simplified the whole thing.


Love it! :D
I think the nature of disappointment comes from the fact that the "new axe" can produce the same capabilities as the old model and much more - better, faster, more features, etc., unlike for example MesaBoogie rolling out a new model - which doesn't necessarily have the features or sound of the prior models.
Or the ability to split the preamp and power amp sections !

I actually wondered about that too .... If Cliff's come up with a way to keep it from being cracked and reverse enginnered, that could be a real possibility ....
thought about this a bit more and I am sticking with a major software upgrade, not hardware. It is the software where all the magic happens, the hardware only facilitates its ability to run.
That would be f*cking disappointing. I've only had mine for about 5 months.

I really don't believe that a significantly improved Axe is coming. I lack the imagination to envision something too much better in playability/sound quality than what we already have. The (remote) possibility I can come up with for new hardware is a better UI. In that case, I won't be too jealous--I can get along with what I have.
I stand by my call from several months ago.. no wait that was only 2 or 3 days ago.. :)

New hardware lineup, great new features and formats, assembled in China (like the MFC). No more supply issues.

Guys keep saying "why new hardware when they can't keep the current ones in stock?". Well, that's the whole problem right there! My guess is the US contract manufacturer is maxed out and simply can't scale up to the numbers Fractal is growing into. Cliff has no choice here. If he wants to grow the business, offshore assembly is the only answer at any price.

If the above is true, this is the perfect time to update hardware designs as well. Suppose for some reason Cliff wanted the new CM to just build Ultras and Standards to identical specs as the old ones (A 6 or 7 year old design that Cliff did himself). This would still be a brand new item from the perspective of a big factory in China. They have to all get tooled up, get all the parts, program the assembly line robots. This is the same if not more effort as tooling up to build a NEW design (that naturally would include USB, headphone jack, more rom\ram, etc.) They might even have ways to build it better AND cheaper at the same time, such as fitting the whole thing into a 1U enclosure, or a floorboard that looks a lot like the MFC-101.

Costs go down, supply availability goes up. Even if there are no radical core technology changes (i.e. the same firmware runs), many existing owners will pony up cash to upgrade and get the new features. This is something you can't do with Ultras and Standards right now.. sell them to existing owners, most of whom are dedicated, rabid fans.

One more prediction..

Cliff will announce he's getting a bigger car to drop off outgoing orders every day at Fedex. (he's gonna need it :)
That G66 statement ("..the countdown would be the update of my order") is open to all kinds of speculations, thus fueling the rumor mill even more, which I think is the whole intent of the quote. I just got a B-Stock Ultra (I used to own an Ultra last year, sold it, missed it, and now I'm awaiting my order with the MFC-101 as well). If it turns out that it is indeed a v2 release, then I won't be disappointed at all, just curious to see if it adds anything that I NEED.

It reminds me of digital photography forums. As a photographer/musician, I make money off of my tools. I don't need to have the latest and greatest DSLR, however, there are those that do, whether they need it or not. My philosophy is that if your current tools are good enough to satisfy your specific needs then there is no point of upgrading. However, your needs change all the time. For example, I now need to shoot video with my DSLR, so I recently HAD to upgrade to a camera that could handle both. In terms of guitar rigs, the Ultra is all I need. It doesn't cover ALL of my needs (i.e. looper deficiencies), but meets almost all.

Be smarter than the tools you use my graphic design teacher would say. I learned more from him than almost all my teachers in high school.
Cmon how do you think MacGuyver gets out of impossible situations with duck tape, a spoon, a watch, some gum and a swiss army knife?
OK I'll bite. I post in the big giant thread.

Maybe its just because I'm a pessimist, but I expect to be let down.
1. Countdown
2. Cliff's comments: a) won't be disappointed; b) forgot none of the above
3. Possible supply disruption for current models
4. Axe-Edit release AWOL
5. No releases of faster DSP processors
6. B-stock option in the store
7. Current demand exceeds supply

1. Confirmed by 2a, indicates a significant product announcement. Duh.

2a. Can be interpreted to mean that the new announcement enhances the lives of all, including current owners. Or in context it could refer to the countdown being something that will be seen as significant.

2b. Can be interpreted to mean that the poll choices were all off-the-mark, but doesn't have to be. Assumption is that Cliff won't lie to us but might make remarks that can be misinterpreted.

3. Could be related to production bottlenecks related to a new product, intent to clean out existing supply before replacing an old product, higher demand than forecast, or supply disruptions due events beyond Cliff's control.

4. Could indicate that a new version of Axe-Edit needs to stay under wraps until the announcement.

5. Implies it won't be driven by increase in raw computing speeds.

6. If related to a product being replaced or updated there was no need to make this visible before the announcement.

7. Indicates current models are still viable in the market, giving Cliff flexibility to expand in a different direction.
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