Search results for query: freqout

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  1. E

    Wish Feedbacker (DigiTech Freqout)

    Would love something similar to the Freqout pedal. Such a useful tool. Line 6 has implemented it and I know fractal can too.
  2. TheRedDevil

    How to combine Digitech Freqout with Expression Pedal in AXEFX?

    I'm not the effect experienced guy, but I bought a Digitech Freqout and I would like to combine it with an expression pedal of the AXEFXIII. To link it via Input/Output ports of AXEFX is no issue but how to use the expression pedal as a kind of switch to mix the guitar signal not or more or less...
  3. Sydchotti

    New helix feedbacker - better than the freqout?

    So, I don’t have the helix though I do own the freqout. Came across this frank comparison, wonder if someone else has given it a try? Perhaps now a serious feedbacker from the axefx might come along somewhere down the line.
  4. DiedTrying

    DigiTech FreqOut Natural Feedback Creation Pedal

    Has anyone here ever tried one of these...
  5. Rex Rox

    Freqout 4.01: Glitch-free Feedbacker Using New Optical Sustainer in advance!) When 4.01b dropped I noticed the optical sustainer compressor addition and wondered if it could make me happier than the Freqout stuff out there using the pitch follower and a synth block (pre 4.01). So I used my real amps and cranked them enough to get some feedback and...
  6. lloydhendrix

    Digitech freqout

    Hello FAS brain - any advice on whether I should run my digitech freqout pedal in series with the FM3 or in the FX loop? Currently running fm3 and fc6 with OMG 9 layout.
  7. SacredGroove

    Freqout Pedal sim

    In case you haven't seen this from the AxeFx 3 forum - Freqout Pedal sim that should work on all FAS formats.
  8. simeon

    Freqout sim (all units) how to do it with the synth block

    i thought i'd copy this here in a separate thread, so more people might see it and it's easy to link back to. it seems to be a pretty perennial topic of discussion it only uses one block, so it'll work on the FM3 put a synth block into your preset before the amp block. i like to have it in...
  9. Metalmouth420

    Feedbacker FX like Digitech Freqout or Boss FB2??

    Is there anything in the FM3 to get a feedbacker fx like the digitech freqout or boss fb2?
  10. Robhimself

    Wish FREQOUT digitech...?

    A Digitech FreqOut would be an awesome addition to Fractal's stomping army. And maybe if you can make it polyphonic... it would be like walking through the heaven's gates.
  11. Jimmykonsta

    FM3 Digitech Freqout FM3 Jam

    Just a quick impro, hope you enjoy!
  12. F

    Presets for controlled feedback (a.k.a Freqout)

    Hi everyone, Are there any FM3 presents with options for controlled feedback similar to the Freqout pedal. I'm on the fence on whether to purchase a freqout but saw that there are a number of Axe Fx III solutions available. Could not find one for the FM3. Thanks in advance for any help!!!!
  13. O

    AFIII Bryan Adams- Run to You (w/ Freqout)

    Second recording I’ve made with the Axe, once discovering the ability to record direct to iPhone! The Freqout pedal can be heard in the solo which I reckon added a nice touch!
  14. warlockII

    Best placement for Freqout pedal in the grid?

    ...for the Frequout pedal. I've been running the simulated feedback in most of my presets, but wanted to regain the pitchblock, so I have a freqout being shipped today. I'm planning on permantly mounting the pedal in my rack and running it through in/out 3 and using a momentary switch on my...
  15. deakle

    Digitech Freqout or Sustainiac - Thoughts?

    I am in the market for either a Digitech Freqout or a sustainiac equipped guitar and was wondering if anyone had used both and has any thoughts/comparisons of the two? Not much on line in the way of a comparison. The sustainiac equipped Schecter's are a good bang for the buck, but if the same...
  16. N

    Closed Improved Virtual Capo & FreqOut-similar feature

    Would love to ditch my digitech drop tune and use the built in virtual capo for downtuning 2 whole steps or more As well as something similar to the freqout - feedback on demand I'm a dreamer :)
  17. T

    Wish New effect block: Digitech FreqOut emulation

    I think an emulation/concoction of something along the lines of the Digitech Freqout/Fernandes sustainer effect would be absolutely incredible with the parameters like the Freqout to change feedback style etc. This would be extremely useful for guys who do straight up in ear gigs but want to...
  18. plasmatic

    Feedback Simulator

    I did a search on here looking for how folks were simulating feedback instead of using an external pedal like the Freqout. I can't find the thread at the moment (I now realize it was on YouTube), but I think it was @simeon or @Mark Day who put a patch together that I found for the AxeFx II. I...
  19. boardwlk17

    Wish FREQOUT pedal

    If we could get a FREAKOUT pedal in the Axefxlll that would be so cool instead of running cables to a pedal by your pedalboard
  20. Douganator

    Wish Digitech Freqout Pedal model

    I love this pedal... especially with lots of gain. You would need a button to use it "on-demand" like I do, but there is an auto setting too. Pete Thorn does a pretty good demo of the pedal on You Tube. What say ye?
  21. N

    Axe-Fx III block to simulate FreqOut?

    I'm just curious if anybody has been able to create a block or scene that can mimic what the digitech freqout pedal does? It seems like it might be possible by using a combination of drive, delay, and pitch but I haven't been able to quite replicate the sound and feel yet. Anybody else have...
  22. Sustainerplayer

    Can a Digitech Freqout pedal be modded to "always on"?

    I have to hit the switch every time I switch the power on. I would like to use it in a loop of my Axe III as "set and forget". And would like to put it somewhere where it isn't easy accessible.
  23. slinky005

    Digitech Freqout?

    Since getting my Axe II Mk2 I have never gassed for a pedal. This looks like a must have for those of us who don't use a cab onstage. Sounds very convincing on youtube. Anyone who owns one going to talk me off the edge?
  24. rmp5s

    You've GOT to get one of these!!

    One thing I've always hated about recording direct (the only thing, really) is that getting feedback is all but impossible. Well, this fixes that! I LOVE this thing!! What do you think!? Anyone else using one of these?
  25. rmp5s

    Digitech FreqOut + Axe-FX II = Win

    One thing I always found limiting when recording direct is how you can't really get feedback. Well, the Digitech FreqOut solves that! I really like it so far and made this little vid while I was messing with it. What do you think!?
  26. Beyond

    Digitech Freqout pedal

    Anyone try this out...does it work with your setups. We are thinking of going iem and if so I will be leaving the cab at home. Was thinking that this might help with the cab interaction. I know it's simulated and not physics but for basic ring outs was hoping for.
  27. L

    Digitech Freqout pedal is legit

    ...and it also requires it to be pretty darn loud. Louder than I really like in fact. So, like many I'm sure, I was intrigued by the new Freqout pedal, which promised to produce musical sustain at the press of a button. Well, it does, sort of..... See, its not true feedback, that is produced...
  28. Dan Hill

    Wish Digitech Freqout

    killer feedback pedal. Love to to see that in my AX8
  29. U

    FreqOut! Is it possible to create a preset to do this?....

    Since the DigiTech FreqOut seems to be doing a pitch shifted hold that fades in, I wonder if it's possible to do a similar thing with the FX8?
  30. boardwlk17

    Freqout pedal in Axe?

    A pedal block of this pedal would be great! Can the axefx2 do anything like this? I think this would be a Great block!
  31. rushfan

    Pete Thorn Freqs Out!

    Another fantastic Demo by Pete Thorn. The Digitech Freqout feedback creator. A new pedal that I just preordered, and I haven't bought a pedal in years! Just now I'll have to run a line from my rack to the floor for this one.
  32. C

    Digitech FreqOut simulation?

    Have you guys seen this thing? Seems like a pretty useful toy. Can we simulate that using an AX8?
  33. mgavin

    Digitech freqout pedal

    How sweet is this pedal. Could this be implemented in the axe fx? Super sweet !
  34. silence.speaks


    DigiTech will introduce a feedback simulator at NAMM. Looks like a cool option for IEM and silent stages.
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