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  1. gdgross

    "FM9 Can't Do Natural Feedback Like an Amp"

    Yeah, I'm not envisioning modulating it live, so maybe the foot controller is overkill. I was just sort of thinking that during setup/soundcheck, one could adjust the timing on that block to make feedback as easy as possible based on where they are standing/distance from monitor, etc. Then flip...
  2. gdgross

    "FM9 Can't Do Natural Feedback Like an Amp"

    I bet we could add a variable delay in series, 100% wet, to mimic phase rotation and give us the most positive feedback at "normal" FB frequencies. I'm guessing the most common freqs are, say 100Hz-1kHz, so if we set up a delay to be adjustable between 10ms and 1ms, maybe controlled by a foot...
  3. gdgross

    Feels like a tipping point for live shows has hit the bar scene

    Sorry, meant to reply to this, then got distracted w covid lol. Here's what I use: The in ears themselves are UE7s or UE RRs
  4. gdgross

    Feels like a tipping point for live shows has hit the bar scene

    My gig rig has been all-digital since the original Ax-FX Ultra days. I used to get sound guys that would throw a mic on my monitor, but that tended to be in setups with multiple bands and short sound checks. Nowadays I often don't even take the monitor anymore, and just hear myself though my...
  5. gdgross

    Help with Looper?

    depends on whether you stop looper playback by bypassing the block or by using the stop/play function. Personally I do it by bypassing the looper block, so I set the mix to mute out (or mute fx out; I can't recall, but it should be the same result either way.)
  6. gdgross

    Acoustic Tones

    IMO. The only argument for a separate, dedicated acoustic DI/pedal is if you have a passive piezo pickup in your instrument, and don't run it through an onboard or external preamp. Those like to see very high input impedance, 10M+, and IIRC the FM9/etc is fixed at 1M. My acoustic...
  7. gdgross

    Help with Looper?

    like dis
  8. gdgross

    Help with Looper?

    Can you put the looper block in parallel with your dry signal, and set the mix to 100% wet? I expect that would fix this issue.
  9. gdgross

    Mini pedalboard mixer + headphone driver

    TBH i just tuned it IRL to the levels I was already working with from the fractal and various monitor feeds. So no, i didn't bother attenuating. 🙃 That being said, the monitor isn't going into the FM9 anyway, just the headphone mixer box. fractal just provides guitar outs and click out.
  10. gdgross

    Mini pedalboard mixer + headphone driver

    This pic is months old, but I did rebuild this into a new enclosure. Barely fits. It's so tight that the two monitor input jacks don't both fit as XLR/combi, I had to downgrade one to TRS. If I do redo this thing in future, I think I can get two combi/XLR jacks if I'm very careful about where...
  11. gdgross

    In ears

    I do this: TLDR: basically a souped up, small-ified rolls pm351
  12. gdgross

    Instrument Input Impedance/secret sauce

    Yeah definitely possible, but not worth the effort AFAIK for this one little situation. Would have been be nice if the FM9 could accommodate on its own, but I'm not going to bother much about it!
  13. gdgross

    Instrument Input Impedance/secret sauce

    I haven't (away from my rig at the moment), but I expect it'll be worse, as it's the cable capacitance (and other capacitance) that bleeds the high end from high z sources.
  14. gdgross

    Instrument Input Impedance/secret sauce

    Ah, bummer. It doesn't go higher than 1M. For passive piezos, most recommend 10M.
  15. gdgross

    Instrument Input Impedance/secret sauce

    Thank you!
  16. gdgross

    Instrument Input Impedance/secret sauce

    Hi all, I remember reading something about being able to change the input impedance for the main instrument input. However, I couldn't find this info in my manual. Am I inventing this idea, or possibly confusing it with the "secret-sauce" on the input? I ask as I'd occasionally like to plug...
  17. gdgross

    Silent (er) footswitches

    here ya go!
  18. gdgross

    Underwhelming Live Recordings

    That's why I wrote the rest of that post haha.
  19. gdgross

    Underwhelming Live Recordings

    The recordings don't lie. That being said, live is a lot more forgiving when you're actually there listening or playing. You just don't hear the warts as much for whatever reason. So it probably sounds good in peoples memory despite the recording. 🙃
  20. gdgross

    Silent (er) footswitches

    Have done that already! :cool:
  21. gdgross

    Silent (er) footswitches

    Agree, but this goes against my other goal of having the smallest pedalboard possible 🙃
  22. gdgross

    Silent (er) footswitches

    FYI in case anyone encounters something similar: I got some pushback from one of my church gigs that my tapping on the tempo footswitch was loud and distracting. Personally, it was a bit of a WTF!?! moment, but whatever. In their defense, it is suuuper reverberant room. Ordered some of...
  23. gdgross

    Stereo IEM

    +1 on this. I've used a lot of IEM systems, and the most satisfying were always the ones that allowed me to pan instruments/channels. panning really helps you hear everything you want, but get the volume you want for the most important instruments. For me, I keep my guitar and vocals...
  24. gdgross

    Mini pedalboard mixer + headphone driver

    Sorry for the delay, had issues logging in remotely. Sent you a DM with the schematic and parts list :-)
  25. gdgross

    [not possible] Monitor cab off

    Can't you just set up your preset routing to do this?
  26. gdgross

    Wish Names for Block Channels

    +1 on this. The only workaround I have now is to try and keep roughly the same idea across the blocks. ie, amp channel 1 is clean, amp channel 4 is overdriven. Usually I try to go from least effected/aggressive to most effected/aggressive as the channels increment.
  27. gdgross

    Wish New Years Looper wishes

    Beats would be fine too; same result!
  28. gdgross

    Mini pedalboard mixer + headphone driver

    Sure, it will have to wait a couple of days, but I'll share one. It's on my work computer, which is currently powered off, so I can't get at it until someone's in the office and can turn it on for me 🙃 But like I said, there's nothing fancy going on. Just a few op-amp gain stages/buffers...
  29. gdgross

    Mini pedalboard mixer + headphone driver

    I'm just using the FM9 metronome routed to output 2!
  30. gdgross

    Wish New Years Looper wishes

    Happy 2024 all! Just adding my looper wishes here now that I've realized we have a wish list forum. I'd love for the looper to behave a little closer to looping in Ableton live. Specifically: 1. Fixed Length Looping: This means you can set a certain number of bars for the loop length and...
  31. gdgross

    Fly gig and FM9 + IEM

    I've used myFM9 with in-ears probably ~50x or more, and the quality for me really depends on the sound setup and the sound engineer. So I built myself a little mixer for my pedalboard: It solves almost all my...
  32. gdgross

    Are most of you gigging with your FM9's?

    I use mine live at every gig, usually 2-4/week. Had some issues early on with the tap temp changing layouts, but that was resolved a year or so ago.
  33. gdgross

    Quiet the footswitches?

    Replying to this old thread, cuz I had someone mention it to me at one of my church gigs. (My first reaction was to roll my eyes, but...) Did you ever find a solution Douglas? My first thought is an appropriately sized rubber o-ring around the shaft of the footswitch right underneath the...
  34. gdgross

    Tempo Sync with ProTools

    The other option is to do the trem inside PT...
  35. gdgross

    Mini pedalboard mixer + headphone driver

    One of the dilemmas I've had in setting up my perfect FM9-based pedalboard is how to route everything to the PAs and monitors so that I can do everything I want, whether I'm on IEMs, or floor monitors, in various different groups. In my band, I play guitar, I sing, sometimes I loop too, and...
  36. gdgross

    short TRS connector

    Oh yeah, i ordered a few of those, I think they will work!
  37. gdgross

    short TRS connector

    yeah I've used those too (and i LOVE them, they are about as flat as you can get), but in this case I want a straight one as it'll be in active use, ie plugging and unplugging frequently.
  38. gdgross

    short TRS connector

    Cool options, thanks guys. If i go for those G&H ones I gotta find a better source tho - $20 for shipping a few plugs!
  39. gdgross

    short TRS connector

    so switchcraft makes this cool, super-short 1/4" plug: Switchcraft Super-Short ¼" Plug I can't find one in a TRS. Anyone have any leads?
  40. gdgross

    Reverb Stack Hold Carrying across scene changes?

    Right, i think the second point was my initial confusion. I'd had the plex block set to scene ignore, and when I activated the hold CS, it would work fine, and hold through scenes. I'd assumed that scene ignore would take all CS's with it. But when i didn't have the hold CS activated, it...
  41. gdgross

    Reverb Stack Hold Carrying across scene changes?

    Sure, but setting it to "last" seems to have cured the issue!
  42. gdgross

    Reverb Stack Hold Carrying across scene changes?

    Sure thing, here it is. Yeah, possibly. I do have scene ignore on for the plex block (which is what I'm using for the stack/hold.
  43. gdgross

    Reverb Stack Hold Carrying across scene changes?

    I had the CS set to "Off", but "On" didn't do it either. I needed to use "last" so that it left the CS alone when I changed scenes.
  44. gdgross

    Reverb Stack Hold Carrying across scene changes?

    HI all, another question if you'll permit me! I have a Plex Dly block set to "Plex Verb", and a CS2 assigned to the Stack/Hold button, and the CS2 assigned to a footswitch, which works just fine, as expected. I also have the plex block set to scene ignore. When I hit the stack hold CS so that...
  45. gdgross

    Can we do this??

    Yeah, i actually did this for another preset to control 2 CSs with the same switch. Worked fine and I have the midi loopback cable already permanently in the back of my FM9 :-) For this, I think the scene with looper bypassed is the way to go though!
  46. gdgross

    ⅛" TRS plug with screw on adapter

    found it at B&H!
  47. gdgross

    ⅛" TRS plug with screw on adapter

    Hey all, figured someone here might know: Where can one buy a 3.5mm TSR plug that has threads to connect one of those screw on 3.5mm->1/4" adapters? Like you have on the end of pro studio headphones. I much prefer the screw on adapters to the non-screw type. I can't seem to find them on...
  48. gdgross

    Can we do this??

    Thanks all, I'm gonna keep it all internal to the FM9 for now. Think i'll use the looper bypass per scene idea, and that way I'll know for sure the loop will always be in time with the metronome anyway.
  49. gdgross

    Can we do this??

    So you would use a control switch to stop playback or start playback based on a certain scene?
  50. gdgross

    Can we do this??

    Yeah that's not a bad idea! Think that may be my path forward. I assume the looper will just keep playing the loop in the background, so this would only work for songs that have an even number of same-meter bars, since when I click back into the looper-active scene it would need to start the...
  51. gdgross

    Can we do this??

    This is on a regular FM9. Not sure that I've ever created a hold function other than the built in reverb hold :-D
  52. gdgross

    Can we do this??

    Is it possible to set up a footswitch to both switch scenes, AND stop the looper playback on the same press? Alternatively, I'd accept a setting in the looper block that stopped playback whenever you changed scenes or bypassed a certain effect. This would be veeeery convenient for me...
  53. gdgross

    putting a phase reverse on a footswitch

    Yep, perfect. Not sure why those didn’t occur to me haha. Thanks :-)
  54. gdgross

    putting a phase reverse on a footswitch

    I use my FM9 for acoustic as well as electric duties and was thinking it would be pretty handy to have a phase reverse switch assigned to one of the switches. Seems like the phase reverse switch in the filter, at least, cannot be assigned to a modifier. Are there any blocks that do allow...
  55. gdgross

    help me get closer to this tone

    Thx, will give those a try. Also found this- same guy explaining exactly what he did to get this tone. of
  56. gdgross

    help me get closer to this tone

    ooh yep. thx for that catch!
  57. gdgross

    help me get closer to this tone

    I can see where the thought on the midi-guitar comes from, but this looks to me like a bigsby without the arm, and maybe a rubber bridge or some black foam as suggested...
  58. gdgross

    help me get closer to this tone

    Yeah, similar to that - might be worth a spin with flats if I decide to really try for this sound. I did zoom in on the vid a bit and it looks like he's actually on the bridge pickup, though it's hard to tell cuz it also looks like the selector switch hat is missing. But my ears confirm that...
  59. gdgross

    help me get closer to this tone

    yeah, been fooling with that for a few minutes now. there's no MV in the fractal model, but I'm fooling with the gain structure. (also did vox make a non-TB ac-15? The only model in the FM9 says "TB")
  60. gdgross

    help me get closer to this tone

    yeah, that's where mine is too! hah
  61. gdgross

    help me get closer to this tone

    read through the comments...they say it's just an AC-15!
  62. gdgross

    help me get closer to this tone

    yeah, that lime green thing is actually a roland spd product - like a kick drum trigger. So, can't see his actual pedals 🙃 Will give the pitch + fuzz a try tho
  63. gdgross

    help me get closer to this tone

    Crusty. That's the adjective I was searching for to describe this tone. lol
  64. gdgross

    help me get closer to this tone

    Here's a fun tone that I'd love to get a little closer to having in my stable. Real dry, raw, stiff, crunchy, but not can hear the big "grains" of the overdrive if that makes any sense. (I know it doesn't electrically lol). It kinda sounds to my ears a bit like a farty fender...
  65. gdgross

    Stolen FM9

    Oh man I'm so sorry. What a drag. Hopefully they'll get caught and you'll get it back.
  66. gdgross

    Wish Scene Ignore refinement

    This would be ideal!
  67. gdgross

    Wish Scene Ignore refinement

    yeah, I sort of envision using the block channels as part of the scenes :-/
  68. gdgross

    Wish Scene Ignore refinement

    Would looove if I could set effect blocks to ignore only certain scenes rather than all scene changes. A practical example: I'd use scenes 1-4 to cycle through various basic amp/cab/gain sounds, and scenes 5-8 to cycle through various effects settings (dripping wet, dly only, etc.) while...
  69. gdgross

    FM9 not allowed?

    People really say this?? jeez. nowadays there are so many modelers running around you think they'd be used to it. :rolleyes: Bring FRFR monitor, tell em its your amp and have them mic it up as usual. ;)
  70. gdgross

    small AC power strip with integrated 9/12VDC output

    yeah...way too big haha. would like something in the 2-3 AC outlet + 1-2 DC jack kinda size. kinda looking for something in the size ballpark of the power strip I listed above
  71. gdgross

    small AC power strip with integrated 9/12VDC output

    The title says it all - Does such a piece of equipment exist? I've been rolling my own for a while by cutting into this: and using a small brick AC to DC supply from digikey like this: They work fine but they...
  72. gdgross

    Wish Switch per Scene

    I second this request!
  73. gdgross

    Flying with the FM-9

    Custom ATA style case that fits my 1' x 2' pedalboard. I check it when i fly. Not much help, i know! :-(
  74. gdgross

    FM9 Firmware Version 4.00

    Hm, maybe not the FW then? maybe it loaded wrong or something else strange? I could give it another go after this weekend
  75. gdgross

    FM9 Firmware Version 4.00

    yeah, i have the clock source as spdif rather than external, and I'm intimately familiar with the clock mismatch blips, hah! (although they seemed to be way more present on Ax8 than FM9 when I had the wrong clock selected...maybe FM9 has a tighter tolerance clock? I was even able to remove a...
  76. gdgross

    FM9 Firmware Version 4.00

    I think I may have found a significant bug. Listening through SPDIF in my DAW, I get some pretty ugly distortion. Restarted DAW and my machine, the noise persisted. Backed the FW down to v3 and it went away. I didn't hear this though the Audio outputs though, either in my DAW or through...
  77. gdgross

    Simple DMX controller

    Was fooling around with it just now. Seems like it's gonna give me waaay more options than just set and forgetting my little PAR lights. It's like it was tailor-made for my situation: lots of easy/cool options, with no extra person to run lighting, and not much extra mental bandwidth to think...
  78. gdgross

    Simple DMX controller

    Found this: Venue Tetra Control Intuitive DMX Controller and Footswitch Black The price is right and if it doesn't work well I can return it easily with the "GC rental program" Gonna give it a spin next Friday; if anyone is curious how I like it I'll be happy to report back!
  79. gdgross

    Simple DMX controller

    Does anyone have thoughts on a simple DMX controller that can be used from a stage, preferably with footpedal controls and maybe an audio in to sync some stuff to sound? (like a kick drum mic, for example!) My band is starting to do a fair bit more large private events, and our lighting...
  80. gdgross

    Compact monitor for singers

    thanks greis - 8" is about what I'm thinking. just big enough to keep on the floor rather than on a stand :) I'll check out the yammys!
  81. gdgross

    Compact monitor for singers

    Further down the PA rabbit hole... I'm looking at picking up some monitors for my PA - I've got a CLR for myself, which I love, but looking for something small and portable for singers and others that aren't as picky about their guitar sounds. 🙃 I like the size and portability of the QSC 8"...
  82. gdgross

    Does this exist? (personal "more me" mixer with mic and monitor throughs)

    Thanks all - looks like the Rolls PM351might be the ticket! Gotta be simple to set up, this is for our lead singer who's not super techy. Possibly one for myself too, and I'm always running on limited bandwidth at shows, haha, so easy setup is a plus for me too!
  83. gdgross

    Does this exist? (personal "more me" mixer with mic and monitor throughs)

    Subject says it all. Is there such a thing in existence? I did find the Polsen PMA-1, which is almost there. I'd like one more channel to mix in. Of course, I could construct my own version of this from various mic splitters and headphone amps and mixers, but it sure would be nice to...
  84. gdgross

    Looking for a camera for filming gigs

    yeah, i don't ever bother with 4k, not even for the "good stuff" :-D. For these purposes, I'd be happy with 720 or maybe even less, although I suppose if I end up shooting landscape mode it'd be nice to have some extra pixels so I can crop to portrait mode for mobile devices...
  85. gdgross

    Looking for a camera for filming gigs

    Not a storage limit, that's just the size of your SD card. It's just built into the camera for whatever reason. perhaps to keep the video files from getting too big? I'm not sure tbh.
  86. gdgross

    Looking for a camera for filming gigs

    mine (the a6000) has a 15 minute limit recording time. :-/
  87. gdgross

    Looking for a camera for filming gigs

    Thanks for the suggestions all! I like the gopro idea, and that little zoom idea, just pop a new SD card in for each show and fuggetaboutit. An older laptop with extra equipment is probably too much for me though, there's barely enough bandwidth left to remember to set up a single camera...
  88. gdgross

    Looking for a camera for filming gigs

    we're a techy bunch here, so thought it might be a good place to ask. My band and acoustic duo do a lot of shows without sound support or photographers. We're pretty self contained, and we normally provide our own PA for events. I'm usually the one setting everything up, so, including the...
  89. gdgross

    Wish Larger font

    adding another wish here.... would love for the main screen to be able to display those little thought bubble messages for blocks turned on/off via MIDI or external pedal inputs, in addition to the thought bubbles that already display when you bypass/engage an effect via a built-in footswitch...
  90. gdgross

    FM9 Firmware Version 3.00

    Agreed! - (I would also love to be able to route it to output 3..)
  91. gdgross

    FM9 Firmware Version 3.00

    Ah, thanks! Sounds like this may be a different layout change issue :cool:
  92. gdgross

    FM9 Firmware Version 3.00

    I'll check again tonight, but I'm 90% sure it's a tap only switch, as I was troubleshooting this issue before the v3.0 release.
  93. gdgross

    FM9 Firmware Version 3.00

    I haven't read this whole thread, so not sure if it's been brought up yet, but I can confirm that the strange layout switching that happens when tapping tempo still happens. Happened to me on Saturday. Anecdotally, it seems to be happening less frequently, but it has 100% happened to me a...
  94. gdgross

    WISH: Global Blocks on FM9 would be appreciated.

    So, you're sayin' there's a chance!
  95. gdgross

    How to activate Tuner

    Exactly what I do as well. I really like having the tuner activate when I turn off my volume pedal...don't know why anyone would want it any other way; saves a switch, and usually you mute to tune anyway.
  96. gdgross

    FM9 Firmware Version 3.00

    Ah got it - I wasn't thinking of the SPDIF IN as well :-D
  97. gdgross

    FM9 Firmware Version 3.00

    Isn't that expected? I always have to make my Axe the master clock when recording via spdif.
  98. gdgross

    FM9 Firmware Version 3.00

    yay! waited on the beta, can't wait to get installed :cool:
  99. gdgross

    Removing clock mismatch artifacts

    here's the slow way.. Seems like they are all just 1 sample long, so I guess I'll try a lowpass filter to start. Thanks for being my rubber duck, FM9 forum! :-D
  100. gdgross

    Removing clock mismatch artifacts

    Welp, I managed to spend about two hours recording a guitar track for a song I'm working on without remembering t change the clock source from my interface to the FM9... so there are lots of annoying little clicks in the audio. Didn't notice them when I was recording cuz I was focused on the...
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