Can we do this??


Is it possible to set up a footswitch to both switch scenes, AND stop the looper playback on the same press?

Alternatively, I'd accept a setting in the looper block that stopped playback whenever you changed scenes or bypassed a certain effect. This would be veeeery convenient for me.

Thanks all.
Is it possible to set up a footswitch to both switch scenes, AND stop the looper playback on the same press?

Alternatively, I'd accept a setting in the looper block that stopped playback whenever you changed scenes or bypassed a certain effect. This would be veeeery convenient for me.

Thanks all.
Is there a possibility to create a HOLD function for this that you combine the 2 in 1 event?

I cannot recall what footcontroller you are using ( FM9, I see now 😅)

Cheers 🍻
Is there a possibility to create a HOLD function for this that you combine the 2 in 1 event?

I cannot recall what footcontroller you are using

Cheers 🍻
This is on a regular FM9. Not sure that I've ever created a hold function other than the built in reverb hold :-D
I saw the FM9 forum label too late

If its possible, that would come to me as the only solution for your userstory.

Cheers 🍻
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Too obvious maybe, but is stopping required? You could engage the block in scene 1 and bypass the block on scene 2... so you won't hear it.
Yeah that's not a bad idea!

Think that may be my path forward. I assume the looper will just keep playing the loop in the background, so this would only work for songs that have an even number of same-meter bars, since when I click back into the looper-active scene it would need to start the loop back on the downbeat. I will have to make sure that's the case for this set
Too obvious maybe, but is stopping required? You could engage the block in scene 1 and bypass the block on scene 2... so you won't hear it.
This is what I do!

Plus I have a dedicated switch for stopping it if I must. If I need it to stop at the scene change I bypass it during the scene change and stop after.

I use the looper quite a bit and have to say they did an incredible job with it. We have songs where we play to a click track and having the ability to have it to continue in the back ground and be able to turn it back on in perfect sync with the song is great!
Yeah that's not a bad idea!

Think that may be my path forward. I assume the looper will just keep playing the loop in the background, so this would only work for songs that have an even number of same-meter bars, since when I click back into the looper-active scene it would need to start the loop back on the downbeat. I will have to make sure that's the case for this set

Keep in mind control switch modifiers are also great for the looper depending on what you are doing. I have scenes where I never want the looper on, scenes where I always want it on, and scenes where i want it to be on or off depending on whether it was on or off in the previous scene. Control switch modifiers work great for this.
Keep in mind control switch modifiers are also great for the looper depending on what you are doing. I have scenes where I never want the looper on, scenes where I always want it on, and scenes where i want it to be on or off depending on whether it was on or off in the previous scene. Control switch modifiers work great for this.
So you would use a control switch to stop playback or start playback based on a certain scene?
So you would use a control switch to stop playback or start playback based on a certain scene?

Not stop, bypass. So while you can't hear it, it is still playing in the background. I'm not aware of a way you can attach a modifier to the actual stop function itself, but bypass most certainly.

Band I'm in does mostly U2, and one song we play is Magnificent.

For that song I have scene 1 setup where I capture the first bar with the looper. I then play on top of the repeats for a couple measures.
I then go to scene 2 for the next part while the looper continues with it's part. So looper NOT bypassed in that transition to Scene 2.
From there when I go to scene 3, the looper IS bypassed.
Later in the song I have to go back to Scene 2, however this time the looper IS bypassed because I control the bypass state of the looper with the control switch modifiers.

So to simplify, Scene 1 has the Looper engaged (not bypassed), Scene 3 has the looper bypassed, and Scene 2 leaves the looper bypass in the same state as the scene you are coming from. (hopefully that makes sense)

Using FM9 Edit I do that by selecting the looper, right clicking the bypass button and assigning control switch 1 as the modifier
Then I go to Controllers->CS Per Scene and set the scenes for "CS1"

To get the behavior I described above, in the CS1 Column you would do the following settings
Scene 1 "Off" <-- a little confusing because off in this case means NOT bypassed
Scene 2 "Last" <-- means you are set to whatever the setting was on the scene you are coming from
Scene 3 "On" <-- Again a little confusing because in the case on means "bypassed"

The on and off is a little counterintuative when used as the modifier for whether a block is bypassed or not but makes sense when used with other properties.

I use the looper on two longs we play live and am getting ready to add a 3rd. Love the loop on the fractal. The loop quantize and record threshold features work great!
That’s a great midi-controller function, and I could do it with my RJM, but I don’t think you can set up two independent commands on a single button press with the native layout/functions. It would be a useful option if you could choose the secondary function, i.e. decide whether it was a “long press” secondary function or “immediate second CC” function. Of course, there’s no end to the “it would be awesome if it could …” possibilities, so I’ve no idea if something along that line will be of interest. Just an idea.
You could do it with CS MIDI and a loopback cable. You'd need to set up MIDI CC#'s for scene select and looper stop in the MIDI/Remote menu. CS MIDI can send up to four separate MIDI commands with a single press. Make sure MIDI Thru is turned OFF if you use a MIDI loopback cable between the IN and OUT ports to avoid a message feedback loop.
You could do it with CS MIDI and a loopback cable. You'd need to set up MIDI CC#'s for scene select and looper stop in the MIDI/Remote menu. CS MIDI can send up to four separate MIDI commands with a single press. Make sure MIDI Thru is turned OFF if you use a MIDI loopback cable between the IN and OUT ports to avoid a message feedback loop.
This is what I came in to say. I've been considering purchasing a Morningstar MC6 to do some advanced looper controls myself.
Is it possible to set up a footswitch to both switch scenes, AND stop the looper playback on the same press?

Alternatively, I'd accept a setting in the looper block that stopped playback whenever you changed scenes or bypassed a certain effect. This would be veeeery convenient for me.

Thanks all.
yes, no problem.

Up to 6 commands for normal press and 6 commands for long press can be controlled by any footswitch on the MX.


More info on
Thanks all, I'm gonna keep it all internal to the FM9 for now. Think i'll use the looper bypass per scene idea, and that way I'll know for sure the loop will always be in time with the metronome anyway.
You could do it with CS MIDI and a loopback cable. You'd need to set up MIDI CC#'s for scene select and looper stop in the MIDI/Remote menu. CS MIDI can send up to four separate MIDI commands with a single press. Make sure MIDI Thru is turned OFF if you use a MIDI loopback cable between the IN and OUT ports to avoid a message feedback loop.

Thanks all, I'm gonna keep it all internal to the FM9 for now.

Just to clarify......the CS midi and loopback method would be all on the other controller needed.
Thanks all, I'm gonna keep it all internal to the FM9 for now. Think i'll use the looper bypass per scene idea, and that way I'll know for sure the loop will always be in time with the metronome anyway.
Totally agree to keep it on topic.
My point is that it is possible to combine events with 3rd party controllers, so a Fractal unit should/ could be able to have such a functionality. If its not available, then a wish for combined events under a footpress could easily make it to the Fractal drawing board imho.

Cheers 🍻
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