Reverb Stack Hold Carrying across scene changes?


HI all, another question if you'll permit me!

I have a Plex Dly block set to "Plex Verb", and a CS2 assigned to the Stack/Hold button, and the CS2 assigned to a footswitch, which works just fine, as expected. I also have the plex block set to scene ignore.

When I hit the stack hold CS so that the reverb tail is hanging on infinitely, and change scenes, all is well, then reverb persists.

When I have the stack hold CS OFF though, and change scenes, it automatically engages the reverb hold.

Any ideas?

I had the CS set to "Off", but "On" didn't do it either. I needed to use "last" so that it left the CS alone when I changed scenes.
I had the CS set to "Off", but "On" didn't do it either. I needed to use "last" so that it left the CS alone when I changed scenes.
That doesn't make sense. The value of OFF would turn the CS off when changing to that scene. Setting it to Last is effectively the same thing if the last setting was OFF.

Maybe it's a side effect of having Scene Ignore on...
Sure thing, here it is.
That doesn't make sense. The value of OFF would turn the CS off when changing to that scene. Setting it to Last is effectively the same thing if the last setting was OFF.

Maybe it's a side effect of having Scene Ignore on...
Yeah, possibly. I do have scene ignore on for the plex block (which is what I'm using for the stack/hold.
I've checked the preset and am confused right now about the initial problem, but most important is that it now works the way you want :).

The following applies:
  • Scene Ignore is about keeping the Bypass state and the selected Channel the same in a block when switching scenes. It can be used in more complex ways though.
  • The state of the Control Switch is not related to or affected by Scene Ignore; it is controlled by the 'CS per Scene' tab.
I've checked the preset and am confused right now about the initial problem, but most important is that it now works the way you want :).

The following applies:
  • Scene Ignore is about keeping the Bypass state and the selected Channel the same in a block when switching scenes. It can be used in more complex ways though.
  • The state of the Control Switch is not related to or affected by Scene Ignore; it is controlled by the 'CS per Scene' tab.
Right, i think the second point was my initial confusion. I'd had the plex block set to scene ignore, and when I activated the hold CS, it would work fine, and hold through scenes. I'd assumed that scene ignore would take all CS's with it.

But when i didn't have the hold CS activated, it would activate on a scene change.

"last" for this CS was the key. Just leave it alone no matter the scene is what I wanted. 🙃
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