Wish Wish List: New Amps

After analyzing, after listening to the entire list of fractal amplifiers, I realized that there were not many amplifiers left for modeling. Everything begins to be repeated and can be replaced by analogues.

But there are several amplifiers that are difficult to replace, sampled. This is primarily Solid State AMP and Omega Granophyre, Krank Rev1 - a very characteristic sound.

* Omega Granophyre

  • Randall RG100/ Warhead X2
  • Marshall Valvestate 8100
  • Randall V2/ T2
The unfortunate reality is solid state was really a 90s thing, even in the metal community it is a tiny amount of us who still care for those kind of tones. Most people who play guitar think these sounds are awful.
The unfortunate reality is solid state was really a 90s thing, even in the metal community it is a tiny amount of us who still care for those kind of tones. Most people who play guitar think these sounds are awful.
There are interesting ways to use Solid State AMP not in the rhythm, but in Lead.

Overloading Solid State components has its own character, a lot of compression, cleanliness, an interesting sound that is different from Tube AMP. I tried to sample it in Axe FXIII, it turns out not very similar. Although it may have the opportunity to do this, but I have no deep understanding difference in the overload of Tube and the transistor.

In addition, some Solid state AMP have a very soft pure sound.

I would like to have the opportunity to make Presset where the Tube Rhythm Distortion and Solid State Lead or Clean Tone combine.

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I do not think people bought the RG100, Randall V2/T2, etc for the lead sounds imo. I do not necessarily disagree with what you're saying, but cant you just use a clean amp + a pedal? So you could have the Roland Jazz Chorus set up with some drive models.
I do not think people bought the RG100, Randall V2/T2, etc for the lead sounds imo. I do not necessarily disagree with what you're saying, but cant you just use a clean amp + a pedal? So you could have the Roland Jazz Chorus set up with some drive models.
RG100, Randall V2/T2 - This is for lovers of Death Metal, Pantera and other dirty sounds. Mixing, for example, the Randall Warhead amplifier to Tube AMP, gives a very interesting effect, since the peculiar Solid stat distortions complement Tube AMP. This is an interesting field for experiments.

Randall RG100 was used by Dime, not only due to the rhythm but also Lead, since he could get a special Lead sound from him, which he called "Fry". He later did this with Krank Rev1, but the sound was too fat and had a different character of tone.
First you say you want it for the lead sound now you are saying the opposite. "There are interesting ways to use Solid State AMP not in the rhythm"

I am aware of how great a solid state sound can be. This is a Warhead mixed with a Dual Rectifier or 5150.
Сначала вы говорите, что хотите, чтобы это был ведущий звук, теперь вы говорите обратное. «Есть интересные способы использовать Solid State AMP не в ритме»

Я знаю, насколько прекрасным может быть твердотельный звук. Это боеголовка, смешанная с двойным выпрямителем или 5150.

Randall Warhead + Mesa Boogie Power Amp. This tone kills! :)

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Try the JMP1 model. Thats basically what the Valvestates are, and it was used on this Fear Factory album. I do not think we need a Valvestate model.

Has anyone mentioned Magnatones? Particularly the original stereo ones? Some relatively obscure beauties might be better than more ultra high gain monsters (awesome as they of course are :D..... ) for some of us - Selmer made some beauties, Silvertone, Harmony, more Supros - all amps with very distinct characters that would add considerably to a recording muso's palette of tones!
Throwing my hat in for Magnatone, specifically the combo amps. Starlite, Twilighter, Super 59, etc.
..... and if you look closely it seems that two amps are actually plugged in and one cab mike'd up (bottom right) - all show, little substance. I think the bass player had an SVT sitting on an 8x10 cab just left of frame - as did both guys in Animals as Leaders when they played in Brisbane - that was a treat!
I can't tell which amps are actually on. Can you really? How? There are definitely way more heads than cabs, more than if the cabs were stereo wired even. Don't see any cab mics either, but why would he need them. Nonsense.
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