Why No Authentic Tab For Effects Types??

After sitting through this video, I’d be down for some additional genuine effect models:

A pedal is friendly and great sounding (or not) quickly

I don’t think that Kurt Cobain knows the resistor / component in his small clone, if it was this or that, he probably don’t give a fuck, like 95% of musicians.

You try pedals , you like the sound, you record with it.

Some pedals are mythic, so when you buy a modeler you want to have them perfectly reproduce in terms of sound and visual . Nothing strange . It’s not being dumb or whatever . Advanced tweaks are interesting , but when you want to eat something sometimes you don’t really care if this meat got 36,7654% protein you know ?
These are tools to play.

Dont know if every car owner knows how a motor work and really care .
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artists and albums « we » love are done with old school rigs with tubes amps and pedals. I cannot mention a cult album done with a modeler .

A pedal is friendly and great sounding (or not) quick.

I don’t think that Kurt Cobain knows the resistor / component in his small clone, if it was this or that, he probably don’t give a fuck, like 95% of musicians.

You try pedals , you like the sound, you record with it.

Some pedals are mythic, so when you buy a modeler you want to have them perfectly reproduce in terms of sound and visual . Nothing strange . It’s not being dumb or whatever . Advanced tweaks are interesting , but when you want to eat something sometimes you don’t really care if this meat got 36,7654% protein you know ?
These are tools to play.

Dont know if every car owner knows how a motor work and really care .
I see your point, but sometimes the little things count.
After sitting through this video, I’d be down for some additional genuine effect models:
Hadn’t seen that and it’s fun to see the degree of nerdiness that goes into these recreations. There is one part of this video I think has some bearing on what we are talking about here. The discussion is about the Astra modulation pedal, cued here to the relevant segment.

Will I be extinguished for asking this? Has it be been beaten to death before? :)

Maybe I am in the dark, but I wonder if there is an "Authentic" Tab in the Amp Block
that mimics and mirrors the acxtual controls on the face of the amp being modeled,
then why is there no such thing for any of the effects types?

Am I wrong for thinking there should be? For instance, I have an old MXR Script 90
Phase pedal that has one control. Couldn't there an an Authentic tab in the Phaser
Block that simply varies the Speed of the Phase, and then another Tab for those
who want to go deeper and tweak to their hearts content?


Would LOVE this for modulations and delays especially.
OP has a good idea supported by many valid points made by many in the thread. Adding a "simplified" of "basic" tab would be a welcome addition for some. I can definitely follow the logic where, since its a pedal that the block represents, the familiar and generically typical controls for a _________ pedal should also be represented clearly.

The crowd sourcing effect blocks thread was also interesting, as was the suggested GUI ability to hide settings, together they may add up to something for future consideration for sure, maybe for next gen, that's a deep discussion for the devs if they so choose.

Perhaps a simpler solution that could be implemented without too much effort may be to identify (re-label) what are the typical controls used for each effect block by labeling the parameters in bold, or perhaps using all caps, different font, etc. This way no additional GUI controls are needed, no additional tabs needed, and both "customers" get what they want. It also has the benefit of having all users in the same tab, and see what other parameters are available outside the typical ones, and they can expand their knowledge on their own time while allowing for quick, pedal-like controls at a glance. This removes or changes nothing for those more advanced and versed in the finer details of the parameters. Of course this isn't perfect as some typical pedal controls modify more than one parameter at a time, but it would be a welcome and useful improvement for many as evidenced by the responses in this thread.

Anyhow, just a thought. I personally appreciate the hell out of having unprescedented access to all the parameters one could ever want and know what most of the typical controls are.

Great discussion all.
The Drive block is already authentic on the main page...

You're probably thinking of the Darkglass B7K model.

I think the challenge is the authentic view is sort of an "all or nothing" for each block. So for something like the Phaser that has both "real" models and "general" types, it wouldn't apply.

Of course, that's really a question for Fractal. These are just my opinions based on past experience and related posts.
Maybe blocks like phaser and delay that are modeled can have a separate block with authentic tabs. Or maybe have authentic tabs for all blocks where the tab just copies ideal for things not modeled.
wish that the effects should be as authentic as can be on tab 1
Boss Chorus should not be overly complicated on the basic tab and I for one would love to ses a authentic Tab (mirror image of the OG)
OFC i do like the advanced parameters but keep that on advanced tab not Basic/authentic


The effects blocks do not have the same range of adjustment as the real pedals. They purposely have wider ranges for more flexibility. Only the Amp and Drive blocks currently have control ranges and tapers that match the real deal.

I could take or leave "authentic" controls display, but I certainly wouldn't mind having more device specific effects models. I've long wanted a Small Clone chorus model. There's something about the swirl on that one that is tough to dial in on the Fractal models.
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