Why is my axe-2 almost always crackly/buzzy?

I just listened to the recording.. that's NOT static or power related... OP should contact support...
Agreed. It's not static, it's not a ground loop, and it doesn't sound like any kind of clipping you'd expect. There's weird crud and signal cutting out. If that sound happens with a simple preset (just amp and cab), it's time to contact Fractal support.
Let me tell you that my axe fx did the exact same thing. I accidently ran 90 tube watts into the output of the axe fx and fried something internally. It sounded exactly like this. Sent it to fractal, and they had the unit back within about a week. Every thing was fine after that.
That almost sounds like you've got the thing in bypass and are overdriving everything trying to compensate for it. If that's not it then it's borked....contact support.
Judging by the sound I hear in the clip, it sounds like you either blew a virtual tube or your virtual tranny is about to blow up! LOL! Send it to Fractal so they can replace them!
Yes if it's under warranty and not your fault. Either way they have a reputation for quick turnarounds and great service. I predict whatever the cost it will be worth it.
Well, it would really help the resale value if it was fixed...

That definitely sounded kaputt. Never heard such a tone form mine. Actually it's pretty unique. I think Neil Young would love it.
Yes if it's under warranty and not your fault. Either way they have a reputation for quick turnarounds and great service. I predict whatever the cost it will be worth it.

When I had my Ultra, the Data knob wasn't working properly, so I sent it back to Fractal and I got it back faster than any other piece of gear I ever sent to get fixed. Fractal Audio's costumer service is the best I ever seen!
cool. Well I sent them an email on the 27th and haven't gotten anything back yet. Think I should just write a note on whats wrong with it and send her in? I've never sent anything back in before.
That definitely sounded kaputt. Never heard such a tone form mine. Actually it's pretty unique. I think Neil Young would love it.
:lol Gotta love it. The electric version of Out of the Blue sounds exactly like something's broken.
Got the same thing. Had to try a lot of things to cause this, but finally found something similar.

Do not use AE and Fratal-Bot at the same time!!

That can cause this. AE and FB while you save messes up things. Turn of both and restore system settings = back in biz.
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