What's the word on version 11 firmware?

V.11 sounds great (at low vols though) - warmer, less harsh, tighter - but not too tight on some of the vintage amps. Main thing for me was it tamed some of the 'harsher' amps Some that were a bit harsh with my strat are sounding beautiful with v.11. Only had time to flip through some sims for 20 mins or so...the recto orange - which I never really looked at before - sounds monstrous! Have to wait till the weekend to crank it to gig vols though. Also more sustain/bloom?? maybe not - maybe I was just playing through a bunch of high gain amp sims I'd never used before.
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I would be much less disappointed with this news if we were at least given the Jose modded Plexi. I've been gassing for that thing for weeks. I know the obvious answer is to buy the Axe-II, but I don't have the money for that...

I would be much less disappointed with this news if we were at least given the Jose modded Plexi. I've been gassing for that thing for weeks. I know the obvious answer is to buy the Axe-II, but I don't have the money for that...


plexi I,plexi II,brown,shiva,marsha be&hbe,1987x just to name a few.all based on Marshall plexi's.no disrespect intended,but you should be able to nail that sound with at least one of these.
I'm anxious to try it tonight. I don't use any amp sims live. (OK, one for a clean sound) The Axe Fx was always close, but not close enough for me to perform comfortably with live. Especially with my favorite amp sitting in the same room 2 feet away. Every firmware update has been successful in getting closer. The feedback here sounds very promising, and is describing some of what I've been missing. Would I be happier with a Jubilee amp sim? Yes, I would. But you can't simulate every amp, can you? I was close before with the existing sims. I have no doubt that I'll at least be happier with this update, and that' satisfying enough with an already excellent product. Keep the comments coming. I like to hear the positives.
plexi I,plexi II,brown,shiva,marsha be&hbe,1987x just to name a few.all based on Marshall plexi's.no disrespect intended,but you should be able to nail that sound with at least one of these.

If that were true, Jose wouldn't have made the amp, cliff wouldn't have modeled it, and no teaser clip of it would have been posted by cliff. It's a different animal...

I would be much less disappointed with this news if we were at least given the Jose modded Plexi. I've been gassing for that thing for weeks. I know the obvious answer is to buy the Axe-II, but I don't have the money for that...


+1. I'm actually quite unhappy about that. I wish Cliff had never posted a preview if he had no intention of putting the amp model in. I've been psyched about this for weeks. Hopefully it'll be added in a point release.
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Some that were a bit harsh with my strat are sounding beautiful with v.11.

That's great to hear! I had a few cases where I struggled with some harshness with my Strat. I'll have to revisit those.

I did try out V11 briefly last night at low volume and was very pleased. Was using a HB-equipped (TV Jones) Tele, but will give the Strat a go tonight.
if he had no intention of putting the amp model in

Which as of right now is an assumption, so I'd be inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt until we're told it's a II-only model.

EDIT: Just saw in the technical questions thread that Cliff stated "For now Axe-Fx II only." (bold my addition, hopefully this implies at some point in the future it might be ported to the 1st gen processors).
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If that were true, Jose wouldn't have made the amp, cliff wouldn't have modeled it, and no teaser clip of it would have been posted by cliff. It's a different animal...


I know a lot of people are gassing for the Jose mod. But, with all due respect to everyone, I made a patch using the Brown model that sounds much closer (to me) to the original recording of Beautiful Girls than the Jose mod clip. I think most of the differences can be compensated for with careful programming and the right IR. I have a hard time imagining a model that nails the early VH tone significantly better than the Brown. Perhaps, one day, I'll have the Axe II and be convinced otherwise.
Stupid question here,, but can someone link me to a resource that tells me exactly how to save my presets to PC and bring them back when I'm done with the version update?
Thanks :D
I know a lot of people are gassing for the Jose mod. But, with all due respect to everyone, I made a patch using the Brown model that sounds much closer (to me) to the original recording of Beautiful Girls than the Jose mod clip. I think most of the differences can be compensated for with careful programming and the right IR. I have a hard time imagining a model that nails the early VH tone significantly better than the Brown. Perhaps, one day, I'll have the Axe II and be convinced otherwise.

I have no interest in van halen. I wanted that amp for some of framptons tones. The Jose mod does a lot more than vh.

Stupid question here,, but can someone link me to a resource that tells me exactly how to save my presets to PC and bring them back when I'm done with the version update?
Thanks :D

You don't have to save them. Just install the new firmware using Axe-Edit, your patches will still be there.
I just looked at the source code for the 11.0 patch:

// patch begins
for i = 1 to 383
....preset.flub = preset.flub * 0.5;
// end patch

Nice! :lol
I get a good chuckle out of the people wanting the Jose Marshall sim looking for that VH tone. Jose never did any work on Eddie's Marshall!

I think there are plenty of excellent sounding Marshall options in the Axe-Fx already. If you can't find something you like, then maybe a Marshall isn't for you.
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I get a good chuckle out of the people wanting the Jose Marshall sim looking for that VH tone. Jose never did any work on Eddie's Marshall!

I think there are plenty of excellent sounding Marshall options in the Ave-Fx already. If you can't find something you like, then maybe a Marshall isn't for you.
I get a good chuckle out of the people wanting the Jose Marshall sim looking for that VH tone. Jose never did any work on Eddie's Marshall!

I think there are plenty of excellent sounding Marshall options in the Axe-Fx already. If you can't find something you like, then maybe a Marshall isn't for you.

Is it okay with the forum thought police, if I have GASsed for a Jose Marshall in real life for years, and I am a bit disappointed that it wasn't included in the most recent firmware update in spite of being previewed in the regular Axe forum prior to the existence of any other Fractal processors which led one to believe it would like appear in the next firmware?

Seriously, some of you guys need turn off the apologist Fractal can do no wrong rationalizations and say "You know what? It IS a freaking drag we didn't get a new model, hopefully it'll get rolled in at some point int the future" instead of trying to convince people they don't want something they do want. You guys are like the A**holes at the phone store who won't let someone buy a Droid because they carry the iPhone and if you want something else you must be confused.

I still have hope it'll be added. I'm sure Fractal isn't completely done with FW for the pre-II units.
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