What's the word on version 11 firmware?

I think that everyone seems to be ignoring the front panel knobs, the USB port, the new output connections, etc as well as longer IR support (plus not to mention 50 of them and nameable based on file name). There's a lot more going on than just an extra DSP and some new code....it's basically everything that people have suggested be added to the new AxeFX whenever it's released.

Well it's released. :)
I think that everyone seems to be ignoring the front panel knobs, the USB port, the new output connections, etc as well as longer IR support (plus not to mention 50 of them and nameable based on file name). There's a lot more going on than just an extra DSP and some new code....it's basically everything that people have suggested be added to the new AxeFX whenever it's released.

Well it's released. :)

Yeah, for 200 more over an Ultra he sure packed a lot in there. Damn fine work for certain.
Just wanted to add that I am really impressed with this update. An overall
tonal improvement is worth so much more to me than extra amp sims. There are more than enough to work with already!

Definitely smoother overall. Tighter bass with mid to high gain. Thanks Fractal.
I have to say, even though I ended up with the blue screen of death last night while uploading the Firmware and had to wipe out my hard drive completely, the improved firmware made that completely worth while. Not 100% sure what happened with my computer, but half way through the transmission got lost and the system crashed and Vista never recovered. While I was reloading Vista, I was able to play with V11 and it was inspiring to say the least.
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