Well, My Axe-II just internally combusted!

Hooray! My spare power supply arrived today (within a week which was great), and I installed it into my Axe-II and tentatively powered it all up... Voila! It works again. Whew, now I can breathe easy...

Thanks for the tips and suggestions here everyone, and the offers of assistance. They are all very much appreciated.

As a piece of trivia, I note that the power supply was made in the Phillipines (only about a 4 hour flight from where I am), but the order was placed with Mouser USA, and the unit was shipped from Hong Kong, and came with German instructions. Truly an international part... :D
Great to know! I believe I speak for everyone when I say that even one Axe FX not functioning correctly causes the brotherhood great distress.

So is the new PS specced differently from the previous one? Alot of PSes seem to be blowing...
Literally the exact same thing just happened to me 20min ago. Mouser electronics here I come. Thank god there are threads like this, cheers lads
I think it's just a matter of retraining your eye to look at the bottom of the post rather than the right side.
I am going to start handing out "Thread necromancy" awards shortly.

So now there have been 2 power supply problems in the past 3 years instead of just 1 issue in the past 3 years ?...... the sky is certainly falling.
Plenty of people have heard of plenty of cases. I had heard about it before I bought an Axe. There's basically no other part on the Axe with a "name" for itself in terms of (comparatively) poor quality.

I know we all get defensive of our unit in the face of criticism but let's not resort to strawmans and mocking.

I asked a legit question, and there's either a clear-cut answer (say, up to XL), or there isn't, in which case the same part is in use.

We can assume it's not firmware related or something like that because of a recent failure in the same nature as the OP failure (and others of the sort).
Come on guys. I've been here since forever. I've seen maybe 10 cases of a blown PSU. Out of how many sold? Find me any better performing part anywhere.
Plenty of people have heard of plenty of cases. I had heard about it before I bought an Axe. There's basically no other part on the Axe with a "name" for itself in terms of (comparatively) poor quality.

I know we all get defensive of our unit in the face of criticism but let's not resort to strawmans and mocking.

I asked a legit question, and there's either a clear-cut answer (say, up to XL), or there isn't, in which case the same part is in use.

We can assume it's not firmware related or something like that because of a recent failure in the same nature as the OP failure (and others of the sort).

+1 - I have an AxeII mk 1 that I plan on keeping until the AxeIII comes out. I would also like to know anything there is to know about possible power supply issues or replacement process. Not being paranoid or critical - just want to be prepared and keep things running along nicely.

Also, if the power supply in older AxeII are, in fact, "delicate", I'm wondering what sets them off: Do they possibly get cranky with anything other than hi-quality power supply. My Axe II has run perfectly since Jan 2012, but, it has never moved from the Furman powered rack position I installed it to on the day it was delivered.
Buy a spare as specified above. Mouser and Farnell both have them or at least used to have them acouple of years ago when the II had a couple of bad apples.
Replacing it is just about nuts and bolts and it plugs in neatly. This is not the rocket science bit of the Axe.
Plenty of people have heard of plenty of cases. I had heard about it before I bought an Axe. There's basically no other part on the Axe with a "name" for itself in terms of (comparatively) poor quality.
I think it's valuable to know how to replace stuff that may go bad and the part numbers, etc (especially since I plan to keep my unit indefinitely and it sounds like a very user serviceable part ;) ). So, yes it's a legit/good topic.

However, the above statement is absurd to anyone who has been plugged into the Axe scene for any period of time (or knows a moderate amount of math).. All we know is that the number is non-zero; which is enough to merit documenting it here but hardly enough to get anyone's panties in a bunch given that you have no hard data on total number of units sold that you compute a failure rate with.

If the anecdotal reports are enough to give you pause, order a backup. Heck, I might do so just on principle myself even if I am skeptical. I also ordered a spare boot ROM, too, but I've never needed it. But the Axe is my precious, and I don't want any down time.
The place I work in has literally thousands of pieces of electronics equipment. from BSS audio, to Digico through Oppo Blu Ray players, and many, many, many more including "intelligent" lighting fixtures, video gear, etc.
Every 2 weeks or so, a PSU goes. It's usually the same capacitors. My main tech here has bought a boat-load of capacitors and when a PSU goes, looks for the caps with the top convex, replaces them, and they're good to go for another 3-5 years.
We used to send our soundwebs to BSS on an infuriating regular basis. We have 8 of them and once every 6 month or so, one of them would die. With shipping and minimum work fee, the cost would be about $200 bucks every time. My tech got in touch with the repair man who tipped him off on what cap blows on the PSU and so we just bought the spare parts from BSS. That was 3 years ago.
I have had my Axe FX for 4 years now. I would not be surprised or offended if the PSU died sometimes in the next 2-4 years. These things do take a beating.
I have an mk1 still kicking with the original PSU. For perspective i just bought a new power amp and it came with a 3 year warentee on everything except the PSU. Fractal makes good shit using good shit. There's no defective part scandal here.
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