Warning! Presets not installed correctly???????

This makes me think about the factory presets burned into the device. Now that we're up to FW 8, I wonder how the 1.0 presets sound on an updated system.
Heeeey.... I'm here. (to)

What can i do? I reinstalled everythings many times, but this turn on warning message still on my screen. :ambivalence:
Heeeey.... I'm here. (to)

What can i do? I reinstalled everythings many times, but this turn on warning message still on my screen. :ambivalence:

Contact support and stop messing around in hidden factory menus. Those menus are hidden for a reason.
I did mean: I am here... (in the forum)
I really don't know what can i do.
How can the support solve my problem from thousends of miles away?
Is it a secret solution?
I did mean: I am here... (in the forum)
I really don't know what can i do.
How can the support solve my problem from thousends of miles away?
Is it a secret solution?

Why ask? Just contact Support.
I too unknowingly, entered that menu myself a few years ago with my Ultra.

Freaked the #*!#(^!%!& out of me!!

As Scott advised me back then......Contact support.

They solved my problem :) (from thousands of miles away) :p

Thanks FAS.

One more question?
How many fail or incorrect words can you find in my sentences? :)
I think everybody's laughing, no matter what i wrote :D
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