Waitlist Email

It's seriously the gift that keeps on giving.
Truer words were never spoken. And we get updates for free! It just gets better and better.

I'm saving at least 140 a year on tubes and because I can tweak presets in my studio monitors ahead of time, I can give FOH a quality sound; arguably better than what I could have with them mic'ing the amp. Fractal is awesome.
That's awesome to hear! I'm also coming from the L6 world but an older generation having played Spider Valve amps for the last 10 years. I am used to programing the amp via a computer but I'm sure FAS is a totally different experience. Enjoy your new rig and keep us posted while we all wait.
Actually I think you'll be quite pleased with the fractal fm9 edit software. It works fantastic. So if you're used to programming everything on the computer, you can keep doing it that way. I only got my unit last night, but other than editing some things over in performance mode, I still don't know how to modify patches on the actual unit, but I'll figure it out lol. Anyway, I think you'll be delighted by FM9 Edit.
Actually I think you'll be quite pleased with the fractal fm9 edit software. It works fantastic. So if you're used to programming everything on the computer, you can keep doing it that way. I only got my unit last night, but other than editing some things over in performance mode, I still don't know how to modify patches on the actual unit, but I'll figure it out lol. Anyway, I think you'll be delighted by FM9 Edit.
I'm trying to get ahead of the curve a bit and started Cooper Carter's master class last night. Most of it will have to wait till I get the FM9 in front of me but it can't hurt to go thru the info and at least get a jump on the language and processes.
I'm trying to get ahead of the curve a bit and started Cooper Carter's master class last night. Most of it will have to wait till I get the FM9 in front of me but it can't hurt to go thru the info and at least get a jump on the language and processes.
Sort of did the same thing last night - downloaded and installed FM9 Edit. I started nervously laughing when I launched it.
It sure seems like they'll be reaching the end of the waitlist pretty soon, eh?

Mine shipped roughly 2 weeks ago (I had RSVP'd on 8/17/22). And now they're into October. They are clearing almost a month's worth of RSVP's per week (roughly).

Hopefuly inventory holds out to get through everyone else. It's worth the wait though.
I'm trying to get ahead of the curve a bit and started Cooper Carter's master class last night. Most of it will have to wait till I get the FM9 in front of me but it can't hurt to go thru the info and at least get a jump on the language and processes.
Did the same thing. Bought the MC almost a month before receiving the unit lol. If nothing else it gave me something to look forward to. One refreshing thing about the FM9 is that so many of the stock presets are great, so I'm not stuck having to dial in presets from scratch on day one if I don't want to. This way I have some great tones to have fun with and then I can get on with making my own presets when I'm ready. I did make my own clean preset last night following along with Cooper Carter's Masterclass. The clean sound is pretty straightforward to set up.
Dunno. That's probably determined by stock on hand vs. the number of remaining invites in the queue. They'll get there eventually.

Like I said, hopefully inventory holds out.

If so, it's not an unreasonable prediction. Just look at where we stand today. The RSVP goes back approx. 4 months - AND - they appear to be clearing one month per week.
If so, it's not an unreasonable prediction. Just look at where we stand today.
It's definitely not unreasonable, it'll happen.
The RSVP goes back approx. 4 months - AND - they appear to be clearing one month per week.
It was actually 405 days total as of today, starting from 8/27/21 and processing a request from 10/6/22. They're at 17 weeks wait time now, based on the entries in the thread. We've come a long way. :)
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