Waitlist Email

Okay, still in the honeymoon stage here as I just got my unit fired up last night, but all I can say is that if you are on the waitlist, stay on the wait list. Do not jump off of it. You want this thing. Stay on the wait list, comprende? 🤣

It has been so refreshing to have really good factory presets. Not all of them are something that I like or would use, but there are so many that I would use.
It's just so much more encouraging when you are switching ecosystems to be able to have some great tones already in the box. This makes me feel like okay, all of this is overwhelming, but it's okay because I have some awesome presets here that I don't have to do anything to and so I can enjoy these while I learn how to make my own presets.

My initial experience getting the Helix floor unit over 4.5 years ago was very different. Some of the factory presets sounded okay but mostly I spent a lot of time with a huge learning curve and my experience overall was one of fighting the unit. Sure, I definitely got some good tones out of the helix, they are there, it's just that for me at least, it was hard to wrangle certain tones out of the unit. Never really did find a good Bryan Adams classic rock sound that I liked or if I did it took a lot of persuasion. I don't know how to explain it but there's just something extra for sound quality in the fm9 versus the helix. The fm9 just sounds more hi-fi, for lack of a better way to put it. And pitch shifting effects and arpeggiated effects don't sound like absolute garbage.

The fm9 edit software is amazing.

I'm not joking when I say that there were many times when I would start playing through one of the rotary effects and I would tear up. It was emotional lol, it's that good.

Anyway, take heart and don't you get off of that wait list!
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Okay, still in the honeymoon stage here as I just got my unit fired up last night, but all I can say is that if you are on the waitlist, stay on the wait list. Do not jump off of it. You want this thing. Stay on the wait list, comprende? 🤣

It has been so refreshing to have really good factory presets. Not all of them are something that I like or would use, but there are so many that I would use.
It's just so much more encouraging when you are switching ecosystems to be able to have some great tones already in the box. This makes me feel like okay, all of this is overwhelming, but it's okay because I have some awesome presets here that I don't have to do anything to and so I can enjoy these while I learn how to make my own presets.

My initial experience getting the Helix floor unit over 4.5 years ago was very different. Some of the factory presets sounded okay but mostly I spent a lot of time with a huge learning curve and my experience overall was one of fighting the unit. Sure, I definitely got some good tones out of the helix, they are there, it's just that for me at least, it was hard to wrangle certain tones out of the unit. Never really did find a good Bryan Adams classic rock sound that I liked or if I did it took a lot of persuasion. I don't know how to explain it but there's just something extra for sound quality in the fm9 versus the helix. The fm9 just sounds more high five, for lack of a better way to put it. And pitch shifting effects and arpeggiated effects don't sound like absolute garbage.

The fm9 edit software is amazing.

I'm not joking when I say that there were many times when I would start playing through one of the rotary effects and I would tear up. It was emotional lol, it's that good.

Anyway, take heart and don't you get off of that wait list!
That's awesome to hear! I'm also coming from the L6 world but an older generation having played Spider Valve amps for the last 10 years. I am used to programing the amp via a computer but I'm sure FAS is a totally different experience. Enjoy your new rig and keep us posted while we all wait.
FM9-Turbo has been shipped; ETA is Tuesday January 31, 2023. My Birthday was on January 22. Thank You Fractal for the best Birthday present i could have wished for. My wife just told me now you have no excuse to sell a room full of amps and cabinets taking up so much room.
Wow she might just be right for a change. I'll keep my favorite ones and donate the others to upcoming rock stars that can't afford equipment. People helped me so time to pay forward. Thank You Fractal Forum Members for everything you do! What a family you are take a bow you disserve it.
Just wanted to update on my FM-9 Turbo delivery. Was supposed to be delivered yesterday signature required with UPS. waited all day never arrived. UPS Tracking last info was Fort Worth Texas, I live in South Texas. Ice storm keeping it from moving any closer to my location. I guess I can wait a few more days, as long as it's not sitting in the back of a delivery truck freezing my Turbo Unit Lol.
We're down to 17w 6d wait time.

This is a different chart than I usually show, but it's the progress of the wait time since the beginning of the wait list…


As always, this is for our amusement, don't try to use it for forecasting as there are too many unknowns. And, Fractal is rocking this!

PS - anyone who's followed the list since the beginning can remember what caused those big jumps up, especially the main one, so it's impressive to me to see how they've almost caught up to where they were just before COVID hit.

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Okay, still in the honeymoon stage here as I just got my unit fired up last night, but all I can say is that if you are on the waitlist, stay on the wait list. Do not jump off of it. You want this thing. Stay on the wait list, comprende? 🤣

It has been so refreshing to have really good factory presets. Not all of them are something that I like or would use, but there are so many that I would use.
It's just so much more encouraging when you are switching ecosystems to be able to have some great tones already in the box. This makes me feel like okay, all of this is overwhelming, but it's okay because I have some awesome presets here that I don't have to do anything to and so I can enjoy these while I learn how to make my own presets.

My initial experience getting the Helix floor unit over 4.5 years ago was very different. Some of the factory presets sounded okay but mostly I spent a lot of time with a huge learning curve and my experience overall was one of fighting the unit. Sure, I definitely got some good tones out of the helix, they are there, it's just that for me at least, it was hard to wrangle certain tones out of the unit. Never really did find a good Bryan Adams classic rock sound that I liked or if I did it took a lot of persuasion. I don't know how to explain it but there's just something extra for sound quality in the fm9 versus the helix. The fm9 just sounds more hi-fi, for lack of a better way to put it. And pitch shifting effects and arpeggiated effects don't sound like absolute garbage.

The fm9 edit software is amazing.

I'm not joking when I say that there were many times when I would start playing through one of the rotary effects and I would tear up. It was emotional lol, it's that good.

Anyway, take heart and don't you get off of that wait list!

I agree. I always walk away satisfied. After all the mistakes I've made, moving to Fractal one of my wins. Still very happy!! Good luck and enjoy!!
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