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It's practically 2023 for heaven's sake. I'm in Australia, not on Mars.
Mars being only a little further away from New England, USA. I dont blame any retailer for being cautious with international shipping. I just had a nightmare shipment from Thomann. They’re an excellent retailer but I know for a fact they took a bath on the shipping and they had a world of headache due to my order.
I originally received my invite in August, but wasn't able to purchase until October. It was shipped out the next day. Sorry for jumping the line, but also not sorry because the FM9 kicks ass.
Very strange and frustrating that we haven’t seen an update from Fractal for the last 18 days? I’m now starting to consider a Kemper or Quad Cortex instead of the FM9T. Both are in stock and ready to ship.
Very strange and frustrating that we haven’t seen an update from Fractal for the last 18 days? I’m now starting to consider a Kemper or Quad Cortex instead of the FM9T. Both are in stock and ready to ship.
No update means nothing to share. As Cliff has said several times, it is a free market. If you want to buy something else, knock yourself out.
No update means nothing to share. As Cliff has said several times, it is a free market. If you want to buy something else, knock yourself out.
Glad you agree with me. Exactly my point, it’s a free market. If someone can’t supply, people are going to look elsewhere for someone who can supply. Shouldn’t be any hard feelings over it, that’s just how it is. If the FM9T were available, I would have already purchased it, as it’s a fantastic unit. Good communication and reasonably frequent status updates help people like myself decide whether or not to wait or to pass on for something else. Would just be nice to hear an update a little more frequently to help those like myself to make decisions, even if it’s just an occasional friendly “Sorry, no updates at this point”.
“Sorry, no updates at this point” is pretty much implied by no updates is it not? If Fractal had products to sell, they certainly would. Global shortages have been explained in detail here and elsewhere. They’ve made changes to the unit to make them more available. They’re doing everything they can. They’ll have info for us when there is something to share.
I waited a long time, a year plus, for mine. And I'm happy I did. I only had VERY minor musings of buying a competitor's product. Hang in there, it's worth it. Unless you've got the $$ for AFX3, nothing else will do. Not even close, IMHO
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