The beautiful music you hear was performed by @harmaes (Harry Maes) using the latest Cab Pack - ML USA Combos. Thank you so much Harry! People please check out:
In this digital day and age it's easy to forget that behind every IR there's a real life counterpart, just like behind every nick and avatar there's a real person. These amps that the new Cab Pack is based on are pieces of history and having a file called "ML USA Tweed SM57 1" may not really deliver the message of what needed to happen even for that single IR to be created. So I really wanted to create this video and show everyone these fine pieces of guitar gear history that may or may not have something to do with the Cab Pack. They're just pretty pictures in the end.
In a few years I think I'll start a company that creates perfumes like "tube smell" and "moldy tweed" that we can spray on our digital units. Seeing is only half of the experience, but do you like how they look?
For more clean and raw out of the mix audio demonstrations please check this thread:
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