Legacy Vintage Fender Porn (watch at own risk!)


Cab Pack Wizard

The beautiful music you hear was performed by @harmaes (Harry Maes) using the latest Cab Pack - ML USA Combos. Thank you so much Harry! People please check out: http://www.harrymaes.com/

In this digital day and age it's easy to forget that behind every IR there's a real life counterpart, just like behind every nick and avatar there's a real person. :) These amps that the new Cab Pack is based on are pieces of history and having a file called "ML USA Tweed SM57 1" may not really deliver the message of what needed to happen even for that single IR to be created. So I really wanted to create this video and show everyone these fine pieces of guitar gear history that may or may not have something to do with the Cab Pack. They're just pretty pictures in the end.

In a few years I think I'll start a company that creates perfumes like "tube smell" and "moldy tweed" that we can spray on our digital units. Seeing is only half of the experience, but do you like how they look? :)

For more clean and raw out of the mix audio demonstrations please check this thread: https://forum.fractalaudio.com/threads/cab-pack-ml-usa-combos-clean-preview-of-all-combos.124547/
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The beautiful music you hear was performed by @harmaes (Harry Maes) using the latest Cab Pack - ML USA Combos. Thank you so much Harry! People please check out: http://www.harrymaes.com/

In this digital day and age it's easy to forget that behind every IR there's a real life counterpart, just like behind every nick and avatar there's a real person. :) These amps that the new Cab Pack is based on are pieces of history and having a file called "ML USA Tweed SM57 1" may not really deliver the message of what needed to happen even for that single IR to be created. So I really wanted to create this video and show everyone these fine pieces of guitar gear history that may or may not have something to do with the Cab Pack. They're just pretty pictures in the end.

In a few years I think I'll start a company that creates perfumes like "tube smell" and "moldy tweed" that we can spray on our digital units. Seeing is only half of the experience, but do you like how they look? :)

Just wow!
So, I'm ready to pull the trigger on this, if I can get this sound...How plug and play r these for an IR Idiot? Would love to know how the mixes in the video were created (mix, load, axe-fx settings, etc.)...stunning!
So, I'm ready to pull the trigger on this, if I can get this sound...How plug and play r these for an IR Idiot? Would love to know how the mixes in the video were created (mix, load, axe-fx settings, etc.)...stunning!

I'll try to answer your question:

1. I've used this patch for the Telecaster chords (Tremolo / Tweed Amp / Brown Mix IR): http://axechange.fractalaudio.com/detail.php?preset=5228

2. I've used this patch for the intro chords and strat neck and neck/middle lead tone: http://axechange.fractalaudio.com/detail.php?preset=5229

This uses the Shiver amp model boosted with AC Booster drive model using the Black Mix IR. Scene 1 for the intro chords. Scene 2 for the neck and neck/middle lead parts.
Note that I used the Xotic Soul Driven Allen Hinds pedal for boosting instead of the AC Booster drive model but this should get you close. The Soul Driven can be a little more open and has more control over the mids. I'm using a strat with Lollar Blackface pickups which are also very open sounding. Change drive/input and EQ of the amp to suit your guitar.

3. I've used this patch for the last solo part and the part with only the piano and guitar: http://axechange.fractalaudio.com/detail.php?preset=5230
This is a dual tweed model patch using the 5F8 Tweed amp model with the Brown Mix IR and the Tweed Deluxe with the Tweed Mix IR. I used a compressor in front but you can also try the Fet or FAS Boost or the RCB or ACB for boosting.
Thank you guys so much! I think I'll create another video displaying how plug'n'play these IR's are. They are very much so. For example the sound I used for this clip:

Was just the Ace SM57 IR of the Tweed with the Deluxe Tweed amp sim and default settings except for the drive was boosted up. No post processing done on those guitars in that track. That's how it sounds straight out of the box.

The pack does come with presets that work straight away.. obviously with cleaner presets your guitar will affect the sound quite a bit.
Mikko, you're really starting to piss me off. I've purchased damn near every cab pack you offer. Not like I cant make up my mind but it's so easy to select a different cab in a semifinished mix to get the sound you hear in your head, keep up,the great work and running up my CC...:mad:;)


The beautiful music you hear was performed by @harmaes (Harry Maes) using the latest Cab Pack - ML USA Combos. Thank you so much Harry! People please check out: http://www.harrymaes.com/

In this digital day and age it's easy to forget that behind every IR there's a real life counterpart, just like behind every nick and avatar there's a real person. :) These amps that the new Cab Pack is based on are pieces of history and having a file called "ML USA Tweed SM57 1" may not really deliver the message of what needed to happen even for that single IR to be created. So I really wanted to create this video and show everyone these fine pieces of guitar gear history that may or may not have something to do with the Cab Pack. They're just pretty pictures in the end.

In a few years I think I'll start a company that creates perfumes like "tube smell" and "moldy tweed" that we can spray on our digital units. Seeing is only half of the experience, but do you like how they look? :)

I'll try to answer your question:

1. I've used this patch for the Telecaster chords (Tremolo / Tweed Amp / Brown Mix IR): http://axechange.fractalaudio.com/detail.php?preset=5228

2. I've used this patch for the intro chords and strat neck and neck/middle lead tone: http://axechange.fractalaudio.com/detail.php?preset=5229

This uses the Shiver amp model boosted with AC Booster drive model using the Black Mix IR. Scene 1 for the intro chords. Scene 2 for the neck and neck/middle lead parts.
Note that I used the Xotic Soul Driven Allen Hinds pedal for boosting instead of the AC Booster drive model but this should get you close. The Soul Driven can be a little more open and has more control over the mids. I'm using a strat with Lollar Blackface pickups which are also very open sounding. Change drive/input and EQ of the amp to suit your guitar.

3. I've used this patch for the last solo part and the part with only the piano and guitar: http://axechange.fractalaudio.com/detail.php?preset=5230
This is a dual tweed model patch using the 5F8 Tweed amp model with the Brown Mix IR and the Tweed Deluxe with the Tweed Mix IR. I used a compressor in front but you can also try the Fet or FAS Boost or the RCB or ACB for boosting.

I'm really, really digging these tones!

I'll probably purchase the pack today... And also download the presets, which I really never do.

Great job @ML SOUND LAB and @harmaes!
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