VH4 Low end boomy-ness


I do have problems with taming the bass flub with the VH4 Amps. Haven't had that before 10. I really like the sound of 10 but playing just simple powerchords on the low E String (standard tuning) or palm muted singlenotelines it thumps out the speaker of the PA and kills the bassguitar and bassdrum on my InEar ( JH Audio 16 ).
I've tried to compensate this with a PEQ but I have to set the lowcut so high that the sound gets really thin and the Ultra of my bandmate is dominating.
It's especially the low E-string around the A note (5th fret) and the rest of the sound is perfect. Everything I've tried so far has also thinned out the sound.
Here's the patch. It's just a modified Dizzy VH4 CH4 patch but on scene 1 it's a CH2 for Clean, scene 2 CH2 for dirty sound, scene 3 CH3 for rhythm and scene 4 CH4 for leads.
Effects aren't programmed yet so just ignore them.


  • Dizzy VH4 Channels.syx
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different cab doesn't help pretty much except changing the sound to a way I dislike. It's just the low end and this problem occured with 10. haven't had it before and a lowcut doesnt help too because i need to set at least to 170-200hz to get rid of the "oomph" but then the guitar sound is totally lifeless and doesn't sound nice in the band context.
What has changed that there occurred such a drastic bass oomph on all amps and cabs? I've this problem with every factory preset.
If you feel like you have the amp block master volume set correctly (as this can cause low end problems on some amp models), I would try a low cut before the amp block and then use the amp block graphic to add back in the low end as desired.

low cut -> amp -> restore lows ->

Adding back the lows post amp is key. This gets you a tighter low end without the big boom.

For the low cut there are several options, 808 drive block with the drive at 0, filter block, amp block low cut (I believe this is a pre? cut), geq block etc.

If it's only around the low A cut some db around 110Hz with a PEQ bell. Adjust the Q for the range.
Master is set to 3.36 for the V3 3 and 4 and 4.01 for my cleantone with the V4 2.
I don't get the point why it's so boomy. I've played the VH4 for a while and it's tight as shit.Even mic'ed up it sounded amazing. the axe comes really really close but when i cut the low end it gets really lifeless. The low end of FW9 was exactly like the real VH4 reaction was but everything over it wasn't spot on. now it's exactly the other way round.
I'm still dreaming of a Diezel preamp and the axe for fx only. The Diezel never sounded like the real one :-(
Turn down the Master. The Diezels got flubbier along with the Rectos at high MV settings. If it still flubs after that, turn down the LF resonance in the speaker block as others have suggested.
it's annoying to be so close to the way you want it to sound, except for one thing (boomy bass in this case). i had the same thing with the dizzy vh4. i tried lots of tweaks, similar to those suggested in this thread. the more i tweaked, the less i liked the tone. i just reset the ampblock, got back the tone i liked and checked for boomyness after every adjustment.
This is where things become "divided" for me.

My Diezels (actual amps) never fail me in the sonic department. Hence my reluctance to let them go.

Just sayin'...
I switched from the VH4 to the Herbert for this reason

the Herbert offers a very similar voice to the VH4, but in fw10+ it seems somehow a little tighter
Check where the low freq res frequency is set in speaker page of the amp block. Many amps now seem to have this set at 114hz. Lower it to about 80hz and see if this solves your problem

edit: just checked the VH4 and the low res freq is 110hz - which is what A2 is - http://www.phy.mtu.edu/~suits/notefreqs.html

lower this frequency to 80
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I'm going to put the VH4 through the MIMIC process again. Perhaps something was set wrong.

although I'm not a Diezel owner, a few years ago I was fortunate enough to spend a day with a Herbert and a VH4
ok so it was quite a while ago..
but my lingering memory of that was that both amps had a very similar voice
but for me the difference was that the Herbert was somehow just a little softer / smoother / more forgiving
and that the VH4 was a little tighter / little more aggressive / more focused

there was something about the VH4 ch3 that for me was real special..
it sounded ultra tight, but despite the lower gain it felt like playing a higher gain amp
for me that was the 'magic' in ch3..
I've never been able to quite recreate that with the Axe
someone once said [in another thread] that the VH4 ch3 has this sort of 'pixie dust'..
and I have to agree..

like I said though, I'm just reciting a memory of a day I spent with them a few years ago..
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thanks for the tips guys!

I've tried simeons tip to lower the freq to 80. this helped but it's still not spot on.
Like clarky said, the VH4 has something special. With FW9 the low register was really spot on, with FW10 the midrange and highs are really close. So if there would be best of both worlds I'm more than happy.
@Cliff: It would be really cool if you check it again. I've played the real deal regularly (miced and none miced) and there's just this flub thing and a bit of "in-your-face-i"ness missing.

I've tried all cab's too and then I've tested the Two Notes free software and compared to all CAB ir's and the redwirez I've bought, the Two Notes was more "I-Y-F" than the others (although it was running through my mac with logic and the effect insert which should cause more latency).
I use the multi comp to control my low end. I move the low frequency to 160Hz. The attack set pretty fast and the release at half. I turn off the rest of the freq off. I use the multi on all my patches and it works great.
I mix tracks for a living and I've used a multi band comp to tame down the bass, kick and guitars.
It keeps the bass consistent since I'm only compressing the low end and it makes the low end tighter.
I'm going to put the VH4 through the MIMIC process again. Perhaps something was set wrong.
This would be cool. I can get a real good sense of most of the amps that I own compared to the A2, but the VH4 is just not there yet within the A2. IMHO, YMMV.
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