V6 firmware: Time to Release the Monster - Speaker Resonance Page

Hi guys, a quick question if I may. Going to try this tonight. I was wondering what sort of effect this might have on my rig as I run through a VHT 2/50/2 poweramp still, and then to the cab. It would still be valid right?

as long as you find out what the low resonant frequency of your actual cab is. add 10hz to that and make the settings accordingly.
out of curiosity....

how would these settings change is you used a cab block but decided to also run through a real Marshall cab like a 1960b V75
out of curiosity....

how would these settings change is you used a cab block but decided to also run through a real Marshall cab like a 1960b V75

Dunno. Try it and tell us.

Does the Low res need to apply to free air frequency or cab resonace frequency?

Cab; but as in all things --- trust your ears. You won't blow anything up and no one gets electrocuted. What is 'right' might not be what you prefer. Start with the speaker resonance numbers and then try moving it up and down and listening.
out of curiosity....

how would these settings change is you used a cab block but decided to also run through a real Marshall cab like a 1960b V75

find out what the low res frequency of your real cab is, then follow along a fibonacci spiral until you reach the next prime number. divide this number by the molecular weight of carbon and then multiply that by pi. then find out the low res frequency of the cab block you are using and divide that by the charge of the higgs boson. this will give you the "cern" number for your cab block. this must be averaged down using the sum of the hypotenuse and aristotle's formant to 2 decimal places. once you have these two values for the cabs, they must be hybridised in liquid nitrogen for 3.2 minutes. this will give you the new low res value relative to C, so calculate the absolute value by simply plugging the numbers into a mobius quadratic and swapping the lambda values. easy.
I didn't build any patches from scratch yet using your resonance curves, but I also haven't completely given up on it yet either. I'll revisit the concept down the road. I played pretty loud. Granted, I'm a novice here, and only have my monitor speakers at my computer at home and do not have a nice $3000 FRFR system to test it through. This may be my weak link...as in, STOCK settings are best for recording and getting the mix right on tape, and your findings might be best for live playing.

Questions come up, though, like what is Cliff's intention for the stock settings of this parameter, and what if something involved in the science behind what you and Jay came up with may be relying on a specific assumption that may or may not be true. Not saying you are wrong at all, I'm just curious since your numbers are severely different from stock. If this is hard science, why hasn't Cliff had this setup like this from the beginning. I feel there has to be something missing here...

Did you do the cabinets too? Did you redial your amps from scratch? Everything changes everything. What volume did you listen back at?
find out what the low res frequency of your real cab is, then follow along a fibonacci spiral until you reach the next prime number. divide this number by the molecular weight of carbon and then multiply that by pi. then find out the low res frequency of the cab block you are using and divide that by the charge of the higgs boson. this will give you the "cern" number for your cab block. this must be averaged down using the sum of the hypotenuse and aristotle's formant to 2 decimal places. once you have these two values for the cabs, they must be hybridised in liquid nitrogen for 3.2 minutes. this will give you the new low res value relative to C, so calculate the absolute value by simply plugging the numbers into a mobius quadratic and swapping the lambda values. easy.

That is ridiculous.

It should be .32 minutes in liquid nitrogen.

find out what the low res frequency of your real cab is, then follow along a fibonacci spiral until you reach the next prime number. divide this number by the molecular weight of carbon and then multiply that by pi. then find out the low res frequency of the cab block you are using and divide that by the charge of the higgs boson. this will give you the "cern" number for your cab block. this must be averaged down using the sum of the hypotenuse and aristotle's formant to 2 decimal places. once you have these two values for the cabs, they must be hybridised in liquid nitrogen for 3.2 minutes. this will give you the new low res value relative to C, so calculate the absolute value by simply plugging the numbers into a mobius quadratic and swapping the lambda values. easy.

thanks for that Sim.... I'll give it a bash....

and if you see a mushroom cloud rising from about 150 miles east and a little to the south of you...
just assume that your advice failed...
in an epic way...
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I didn't build any patches from scratch yet using your resonance curves, but I also haven't completely given up on it yet either. I'll revisit the concept down the road. I played pretty loud. Granted, I'm a novice here, and only have my monitor speakers at my computer at home and do not have a nice $3000 FRFR system to test it through. This may be my weak link...as in, STOCK settings are best for recording and getting the mix right on tape, and your findings might be best for live playing.

Questions come up, though, like what is Cliff's intention for the stock settings of this parameter, and what if something involved in the science behind what you and Jay came up with may be relying on a specific assumption that may or may not be true. Not saying you are wrong at all, I'm just curious since your numbers are severely different from stock. If this is hard science, why hasn't Cliff had this setup like this from the beginning. I feel there has to be something missing here...

You are assuming too much here. There's no intention at all, and there's no 'recording' vs. 'live'. Cliff exposes parameters so we can adjust them. It's not 'severe' to do so; he expects it. I think this is a more natural and organic sounding way to address that part of the parameter set we have available. I'm not saying this is right and he is wrong... far from it. I am saying the default curves sound great - as you have already noted - and I feel these sound greater (yes, I made up a word). LOL. So I share that experience and opinion. This isn't a 'right' vs. 'wrong' or black and white battle of wits with Cliff or anyone else.

You either hear it/feel it sounds better or not. One thing to also keep in mind is that I've simplified it to express it against confusing the issue and topic to better communicate what I am getting across. Different amps I might deviate from my formula because of the highly subjective and very unscientific gold standard I always follow - I trust my ears.

You should trust yours too. If it sounds better to you to set the parameters another way or to leave them stock... then do it. The parameters are not some sort of mystical magic formula, they are collections of settings.

I feel that - for me - the curves I am using work better for what I want to hear and feel. I've logically asked experts in the field and done my own research and laid it all out as to how/why I came to where I am. I am sharing in the hope that others dig it. Nothing more, nothing less.

The only thing missing is when folks do not understand how/why different pages of parameter sets are exposed and broken out. Cliff gave this parameter set its own page in the amp block for a reason - it is VERY important to dialing in your tone. Many are afraid of this page or at least have no idea how/why to approach it. I worked with it for over a year and didn't really 'get' it until I got a hold of Jay. Cliff has posted many times that there is no way to do this in a default manner because it assumes too much. Everyone uses different rigs, different cabs, different approaches and goes for different tones. No default curve can cover all of it.

I don't think Cliff has his feelings hurt if we change settings on the Axe-FX... that's why he put them in there. So we could.

In the end, you trust your ears. If you like the stock curves better, then you roll with them. It's ok, my feelings won't be hurt. :D
I tried it out and to me it sounds muffled. I like the stock (with speaker-matching LF Resonance) better. Thanks for sharing, though, of course.
I tried it out and to me it sounds muffled. I like the stock (with speaker-matching LF Resonance) better. Thanks for sharing, though, of course.

This is what i found too...

...another huge factor here is how our listening setups are arranged. Just like in the REAL guitar world, one person's muffled is anothers smooth and warm. It could be that your and my monitor setup is warm already and these settings just put it over the top where-as Scotts and others might have a more neutral bright setup which makes these settings work better.

I'm keeping these numbers on file, though, since there is obviously a scientific background on where they came from.
I for one never touch stock settings on anything. Some may argue that I am not getting the best from my high def tv at the 4:3 ratio but if the manufacturer felt it best to have that be the default then who am I to actually use the parameters and adjust them? :mrgreen

It's not rocket science (though semi close) and what works for one may not work for others depending on their systems. What I find truly impressive is that we are actually given all these options to experiment with and find out what suits our needs and environment best along with people who give up their valuable time and knowledge to share what has worked for them. I know many would just rather have a couple knobs and simply play guitar. For myself, I enjoy learning the science behind it all nearly as much as playing the music. Of course my playing suckage could have something to do with that! :)
what would be great to understand the difference between the 2 approaches is why fractal has the curve set the way they do? I'm curious what their approach was to setting that, it may help us understand the set of parameters more. I could read threads like these all day :)
whoops, silly me! 3.2 minutes!? imagine what would happen to the mcfly values they were in for that long! doesn't bear thinking about....


Alright folks, that was Clarky´s space blown away... move along nothing more to see there...
@Simeon, I understand you feel a bit guilty about Clarky. But I assure you that as long as he didn´t follow Scott´s advice about listen and trust his own ears, the only one to blame is himself...

@Scott, thanks for your sharing. I look forward to test this out...

...now... where´s that Theremin patch when you need at this kind of day and date...?
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