Ultra Res IR cab pack (Mesa, Bogner,Two Rock,Matrix,Marshall ...)

I'm interested too. I quickly test just a few of you Bogner IRs and some were working very well for me. Kudos !
A really great tool for capturing besides the voxengo stuff is the IR Maker in Presonus Studio One V2.x behause capturing and convolution is one process there. It even includes an automated latency correction.
The list of equipment looks great. If you are careful with the mic setup I'm sure the results will be excellent.

Thanks for your message Cliff,

I'll try to have the best possible captures.
We will be three sound engineers to do this.
I'll make 2 or 3 cabs first and send them to you if you want to try/hear all the stuff .
So you could judge of the sound quality.
Hey Tonic , tu es de quel coin ? Nancy pour ma part . Je suis très intéressé par ton projet faisant moi même mes propre IR depuis pas mal de temps . Peut être pourrions nous échanger notre expérience a l occasion ?
Voici mes coordonnées si le cœur t en dit de parler un peu Fractal : 0628044261
If you want to sell them we encourage you to sell the through our store. Our store software is all automated so any updates/fixes are handled by the software. Billing, shipping, etc. is all automated. We send you a check each quarter. Plus you'll sell a lot more through us than if you try to do it on your own and you wont' have to deal with setting up a store-front, gateway, etc., etc. Of course we would have to audition the contents and see if it meets our quality standards.

That is a very generous offer from FAS!

Really eliminates all the hassles.

Bravo and well done.
I'm not trying to start a riot when I say this, but i once converted a batch of .syx files to wav with s specialist sample rate convertor. I then imported them into Redwirez's Mix Ir Utility and then OH's AOM back to syx, once i'd blended them with the Redwirez. Couldn't somebody hypothetically do that and reverse engineer the Ultra Res files and sell them as wavs and circumvent the licensing legalities?
very nice proposal FAS ! and nice work to be done... I appreciate.
I'm on the list to get your Irs... :encouragement:
I'm not trying to start a riot when I say this, but i once converted a batch of .syx files to wav with s specialist sample rate convertor. I then imported them into Redwirez's Mix Ir Utility and then OH's AOM back to syx, once i'd blended them with the Redwirez. Couldn't somebody hypothetically do that and reverse engineer the Ultra Res files and sell them as wavs and circumvent the licensing legalities?

You won't be able to with UltraRes files. They are encrypted.
I'm interested! That sounds sweet! I have yet to mess with the OH UR that came with 13.xx and I'm stoked to see moreof these start to show!
I'm not trying to start a riot when I say this, but i once converted a batch of .syx files to wav with s specialist sample rate convertor. I then imported them into Redwirez's Mix Ir Utility and then OH's AOM back to syx, once i'd blended them with the Redwirez. Couldn't somebody hypothetically do that and reverse engineer the Ultra Res files and sell them as wavs and circumvent the licensing legalities?

I know a way to get them as wavs in perfect condition. But the result would be like a fingerprint of the original, so you could easily see that it is no legal copy.
Great work! Awesome!

Oh and I probably deserve to be called a moron for this question but I cannot add cabs to user slots 51 to 100. The first 50 slots work fine but anything I put in after slot 50 disappears once I put it there. Am I missing something?

I assumed thats just how it was until I downloaded a user preset today that had a user cab placed in slot 76. I however cannot save any cabs in slot 76.

Again Im probably a moron but any help would be appreciated.

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