This new firmware sounds great...

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Rest assured, it's just you LOL
I don't have the habit to throw the stone and hide my hand, as we say in Italy.
There've been cases of people showing their knowledge with a certain arrogance here around ;D

First of all, hiding your hand won't help as I'm sure it's attached to your arm still showing, duh! Unless you only use your hand to throw but that surly will result in a wimpy throw causing unsignificant amount of damage, almost in the lands of "I won't even bother turning around for the 'fly' that just hit me"

Secondly (oh yeah I'm on fire tonight) Either you just referred to Nikki again still, nothing wrong with that as stated in post above ( I allow for a lol here: lol) (there it was)
hence the mystical smiley of mystique : ";D" or you're applauding me by implying that I've got any knowledge at all, wich to me outlines the show of arrogance.

Third "ly" You complimented either me or Nikki by making us think we even have something to be arrogant about ;D Haha, posts like these seem so agressive when numbered up like that. Love you all! Nothing agressive going on here :lol Part from living in europe and waiting for my.. nevermind. Happy toughts :roll
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I just gleaned 2 very important facts from this thread:

1. My brand new axe fx 2 which should be with me within a week got a new firmware upgrade while I wasn't looking!!!! And the ultra still puts ridiculous smiles on my face, I can't even imagine what this is gonna do!!
2. There's a girl on this forum????????????
I am so surprised this thread has yet to be locked for running totally hilariously of course. I'm just glad I received my II yesterday!!! I can't wait to hear what this new firmware offers.

I'm a high gain djent djent meedley meedely meedely type player...

Sent from my iPod.
Firmware, right. I'm really pumped about this high definition samplerate. I am eager to find out if I can hear the difference, wich I'm sure I can with proper source.
There is a difference of importance in the 720p vs 1080p for me so... It's gonna be good 8) Hate 3d-tho. Cliff, don't make the sound 3d please. please don't do that Cliff, please.
@Albert - Thank you very much for that explanation. It was extremely thorough, and it answered all of my questions. :)

Learning is a thing of beauty, and with that, I bow out of the sample rate discussion. Looking forward to hearing the clips and reviews of the upcoming firmware.
There are other benefits other than lower aliasing. Amp modeling should include non-static non-linearities, which means a higher sample rate can allow smaller minimum time step sizes in numerical solvers (if Cliff is using those sort of techniques).
Well said. I'm guessing this is the real benefit of the increased sample rate.
Well I'm not proposing ideas - this is just standard DSP stuff. I'm just trying to clear some of the misconceptions on this tread and giving an example of why sample rate is important outside of just A/D, D/A.

1) No I never said this. I think you are confusing the purpose of the antialias filter. An anti alias filter is used when you change the sampling rate. Simple example: If you had a sample rate of 16Khz, and a sine wave at 1KHz and another at 7Khz, if you changed the sample rate to 8Khz, you wouldn't want the 7Khz wave to alias. So before changing the sample rate, you filter the signal (still operating at 16KHz) so that content above 4 KHz is removed (otherwise it will alias) before you change the sample rate. One it's filtered (i.e. you only have a signal at 1KHz now) when you downsample this signal there will be no aliasing.

Now, when you are doing a non-linear operation, for example squaring a wave (i.e. literally a = sin(X); b = a^2;) - this example operation creates a wave with twice the frequency. If the frequency is above the nyquist limit then it will alias. You are probably wondering, why can't you just filter it then? Because it's been already aliased. To filter it you have to be operating at the higher sample rate to begin with, so the higher frequency generated is properly represented; then you can apply an anti-alias filter before down-sampling to your base sampling rate.

2) Yes. A non-linear operation can create a lot of extra higher frequencies. Don't forget all the possible intermodulation frequencies too with a complex input signal. They can creep into the audible range. Ostensible, this is really low in the axe-fx already. See from Cliff himself:

Whether or not less aliasing will be an audible difference - that's not a debate I will engage in, as it's entirely subjective :)

There are other benefits other than lower aliasing. Amp modeling should include non-static non-linearities, which means a higher sample rate can allow smaller minimum time step sizes in numerical solvers (if Cliff is using those sort of techniques).
So we're basically talking about oversampling here then?

Even if that's not the exact correct term for this I think that you just cleared some stuff up that's been floating around in my head. Basically I couldn't ever wrap my head around the idea (and actual occurances I've had) that there is an audible difference between say something sampled at 44.1kHz vs 96kHz since according to Nyquist we should be getting an exact copy. But if it comes down to the filtering portion (which again; I've only got a rudamentary idea of) then it makes a ton of sense to me...if I understand the concept of oversampling that is. ;)
Isn't it the same in any crowded place on earth? :)
The more the power, the more the responsibility, I believe. It's SO easy to make people feel stupid in your field of competence... what's the use of it? Do you really believe that If one gets irritated by attending a non-specialistic forum (no referring to Nikki here) I believe he/she'd better move to more qualified groups.

You seem to imply that a relationship between an expert and a not-expert requires a necessary degree of aggressiveness or arrogance. I have a 20+ years experience in teaching and popularization, and can't agree.
Of course an expert knows more than other people in a given field... if one can't politely manage this de facto gradient I'm not sure the problem lies in the difference of knowledge. It looks more like "can't stand you all, stupid sheep" issue. LOL
If teaching has to coincide with overwhelming, I willingly give up learning from you (not sure it translates properly, I mean from the generic person here).

Peace and Axes

You know, I *think* that if the two of us sat down next to each other and talked, we would actually find it very easy to agree on these subjects, yet here we are engagine in discussion.
That (to me at least) nicely demonstrates what my post pointed out - that written communication is or at least can be difficult.

If you remember that my post was not aimed at you in any way, and represents general observations and then reread my post - you just *might* feel differently about what I wrote, specifically note that I wrote that we should all communicate politely.
I never condoned a knowledgable person to belittle someone else and I never implied anything about "a necessary degree of aggressiveness or arrogance".

Va bene - Back to the scheduled program: Discussing the new but not yet released firmware

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