things that make you laugh

curb your enthusiasm on hbo. A WAY dirtier Seinfeld. From the co-creator of Seinfeld, Larry David. Several episodes should be in some sort of comedy hall of fame, especially the "The Car Pool Lane (2004) and "Grand Opening" with The Tourettes' Chef (2002 season). I guarantee you will laugh your ass off.

My last girlfriend used to say I reminded her of Larry David. She would get embarrassed all the time when we were out in public due to my constant questioning of others about the silly things we all do. Once I quizzed a clerk at IKEA as to the reasoning behind the design choices of the wheeled carts they have you use to get stuff out of there. Four steering wheels? The insanity of it.

"You guys have, arguably, some of the slickest designers in the world making stuff. You then lay out the stores according to some high level social calculations relating to product placement, foot traffic flow, how groups of people react according to sense of space, color, light, etc. And yet, the store and parking lot are full of people crashing into each other because ALL FOUR WHEELS rotate in ALL DIRECTIONS on these DAMN CARTS!"

The ex was halfway to the car by that point...
Once I quizzed a clerk at IKEA as to the reasoning behind the design choices of the wheeled carts they have you use to get stuff out of there. Four steering wheels? The insanity of it.

"You guys have, arguably, some of the slickest designers in the world making stuff. You then lay out the stores according to some high level social calculations relating to product placement, foot traffic flow, how groups of people react according to sense of space, color, light, etc. And yet, the store and parking lot are full of people crashing into each other because ALL FOUR WHEELS rotate in ALL DIRECTIONS on these DAMN CARTS!"

The ex was halfway to the car by that point...

:lol I heard some wear that IKEA is Swiss for a million parts.
Brief Ikea geek-out (which is bound to amuse someone in a look-at-the-nerd kind of way): Putting four steering wheels on a cart is an added expense. To make the most use of floor space, I think they need carts that can turn in their own radius.

I'm not so sure I agree that they have the slickest designers in the world. I've always thought Ikea furniture looks like what you'd get if you went into a middle-school shop class, chained all the boys to a bench, and told them they couldn't leave until they'd built a piece of furniture. "Can you make a square cut in a piece of particle board? We've got a job for you!"
Brief Ikea geek-out (which is bound to amuse someone in a look-at-the-nerd kind of way): Putting four steering wheels on a cart is an added expense. To make the most use of floor space, I think they need carts that can turn in their own radius.

Well, they should add the expense of little bolts that can lock the front wheels if you choose... but, they'll never do this because once word got out, customers would never unlock the front wheels, at which point it would be obvious that they should just have normal, everyday STEERABLE carts.

I'm not so sure I agree that they have the slickest designers in the world. I've always thought Ikea furniture looks like what you'd get if you went into a middle-school shop class, chained all the boys to a bench, and told them they couldn't leave until they'd built a piece of furniture. "Can you make a square cut in a piece of particle board? We've got a job for you!"

This is why the designers are so slick. Consciously we all know the stuff is garbage... and yet, it penetrates the unconscious mind and millions of us walk out of there with garbage we're all to proud to display in our homes. Did I say designers? I think I meant to say BLACK MAGICIANS and SORCERERS! hahaha
This is why the designers are so slick. Consciously we all know the stuff is garbage... and yet, it penetrates the unconscious mind and millions of us walk out of there with garbage we're all to proud to display in our homes. Did I say designers? I think I meant to say BLACK MAGICIANS and SORCERERS! hahaha
I'm a nice guy. I think of ants and how they gotta work and they could've have a bad day and this giant dork like me finishes the crap day and crunch them up or feed them to spiders or something. I don't really believe in karma much but what if all the ants you crush or drown or raid or feed to spiders or set them up to fight in a gladiator like setting with their giant red brethren (that one was interesting) equaled the number of bad things that will happen to you? that and I generally just got a lot more passive as I've aged. I say that as if I'm an ancient of the past or something :lol I turned 21 not long ago. Some wisdom I have :razz
The question was rhetorical, I wasn't really expecting a reply.
Existential depression? The answer is... The Marx Brothers, of course.

That was great! I forgot that scene. I used to be a huge Woody Allen fan. Now I'm just a big Woody Allen fan. This was my favorite movie of his after Annie Hall and Manhattan. Thanks!
I wanna say thanks to all the grand people who posted :) life still throws some curve balls but I feel some form of better. It really warms the spirit up to know that there are great people in this forum. I really do appreciate it. If you still got some funny stuff, post away as maybe someone else is feeling down in the dumps and needs some laughs. :) once again, thank you all for your kindness. Keep the smileys and emoticons to the max!
but here is the last thing that made me laugh:

Q: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?

A: No.

Q: Did you check for blood pressure?

A: No.

Q: Did you check for breathing?

A: No.

Q: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?

A: No.

Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor?

A: Because his brain was sitting on my desk, in a jar.

Q: But could the patient have still been alive, never the less?

A: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practising law somewhere.
I wanna say thanks to all the grand people who posted :) life still throws some curve balls but I feel some form of better. It really warms the spirit up to know that there are great people in this forum. I really do appreciate it. If you still got some funny stuff, post away as maybe someone else is feeling down in the dumps and needs some laughs. :) once again, thank you all for your kindness. Keep the smileys and emoticons to the max!

Dude, this one will crack you up ALL day!!!

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OMG, that was awesome!!!

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I know, but the poster edited out to much stuff.

From my recollection:
Sheldon: Penny, why do you have the chinese character for soup on your butt?
Penny: it;s not soup, it says courage.
Sheldon: no, it says soup, although it takes some courage to show that kind of commitment to soup.
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