things that make you laugh

Watching some good comedy movies,People watching,I mean don't sit out side some ones house and watch:D but is always amusing .
I don't know if this will make you laugh... just a personal observation: Of all the people I've met and known... the most interesting, creative, unique and talented ones have been, almost without fail, left handed people.

Nice!!! I'm a southpaw myself. Funny thing is the only thing I do 'right handed' is play guitar. This stems back to playing air guitar along with Van Halen videos when I was like 7 years old. I guess it works out since my left hand is the fretting hand and I have way more dexterity with it.

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Fun things.. let's see...
Well, and at the risk of getting my post deleted, there was this one time, just prior to my being homeless for the winter in NYC...

Several of us had rented a loft apartment. It turned into a place where friends would crash. And our friends were VERY interesting, and A LOT of fun. At one point, we had access to some high-grade hallucinogenics, and we ended up funneling our subsequent creativity in some fascinating ways. Since our apartment was overrun with cockroaches.. good size NYC roaches.. we decided to utilize them for some entertainment, and research.

Our first project was something we called, "Live Action ShangHai'd CockRoach Theatre." Basically, one of the 'mates crafted a small *hammer* that he became quite adept at using to render cockroaches unconscious without incurring any (apparent) damage to said cockroach. Once unconscious, we would then use #1 Biovec suture (absorbable sutures; we used this in case they got loose so it would dissolve) to form a leash, and place a band of color (Testors paint works fine) on each leg. The cockroaches would then be separated by color, and would then be subjected to taunting with various instruments with colors that were not their own, and rewarded with treats on plates of their color. We figured that with the cannibalistic, vengeful nature of the cockroach, and proper color training, we would have what today would be known as a "reality show." We thought of it more as being "theatre," but what did we know? Interestingly, I did hear that one flatmate, Dan, did end up institutionalized in the 90's after several failed attempts to sue various media giants for "stealing his idea and making stupid, dumber down versions of HIS Live Action Theatre concept." Ah, well.

Our endeavor was, ultimately, a flop (likely due to cockroaches being, unbeknownst to us at the time, colorblind), so we simply ended up placing a single cockroach behind a glass partition, and allowed his friends to watch him living the high life, seemingly in possession of an excess of food stores. Upon lifting the partition... well, as I said... cannibalistic, vengeful buggers they are..

An interesting story.. for another time.. would be an offshoot of the "Live Action ShangHai'd CockRoach Theatre." We took a cue from NASA, and decided to investigate the viability of an aeronautics program for the cute little guys. Yes, this is, sadly, a true story. I still say we should have devised helmets for them...
Fun things.. let's see...
Well, and at the risk of getting my post deleted, there was this one time, just prior to my being homeless for the winter in NYC...

Several of us had rented a loft apartment. It turned into a place where friends would crash. And our friends were VERY interesting, and A LOT of fun. At one point, we had access to some high-grade hallucinogenics, and we ended up funneling our subsequent creativity in some fascinating ways. Since our apartment was overrun with cockroaches.. good size NYC roaches.. we decided to utilize them for some entertainment, and research.

Our first project was something we called, "Live Action ShangHai'd CockRoach Theatre." Basically, one of the 'mates crafted a small *hammer* that he became quite adept at using to render cockroaches unconscious without incurring any (apparent) damage to said cockroach. Once unconscious, we would then use #1 Biovec suture (absorbable sutures; we used this in case they got loose so it would dissolve) to form a leash, and place a band of color (Testors paint works fine) on each leg. The cockroaches would then be separated by color, and would then be subjected to taunting with various instruments with colors that were not their own, and rewarded with treats on plates of their color. We figured that with the cannibalistic, vengeful nature of the cockroach, and proper color training, we would have what today would be known as a "reality show." We thought of it more as being "theatre," but what did we know? Interestingly, I did hear that one flatmate, Dan, did end up institutionalized in the 90's after several failed attempts to sue various media giants for "stealing his idea and making stupid, dumber down versions of HIS Live Action Theatre concept." Ah, well.

Our endeavor was, ultimately, a flop (likely due to cockroaches being, unbeknownst to us at the time, colorblind), so we simply ended up placing a single cockroach behind a glass partition, and allowed his friends to watch him living the high life, seemingly in possession of an excess of food stores. Upon lifting the partition... well, as I said... cannibalistic, vengeful buggers they are..

An interesting story.. for another time.. would be an offshoot of the "Live Action ShangHai'd CockRoach Theatre." We took a cue from NASA, and decided to investigate the viability of an aeronautics program for the cute little guys. Yes, this is, sadly, a true story. I still say we should have devised helmets for them...
speaking of experiments with bugs, when I was a younger lad than I already am, on hot summer days I would drown ants in the dogs' water bowl and after it had drowned, I would put it on the scalding sidewalk and the ants after a bit if time, would in fact come back from the dead and even function normal. To this day, I have no idea why I did that or how I came about my conclusions or what idea made me do that. I'm much nicer to ants now.
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Not funny but pretty cool......................


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