The EUs AFX2s are HERE! Cliff! Everyone!

March, you ought to get one off ebay :lol
I'm in may and hope for delivery in november. It's okay, while I'm gigging fine with my Standard. But I would never benefit the guys, who have received an AXE II and sell it on ebay for profit. Never ever!
More delays..........another week.......

AXE-FX II Shipping Update 20, October:
Next Axe-Fx II shipment should be ready Friday 28th - we will inform when we get the shipping date and quantities confirmed.
Well, Cliff did say a couple of pages back that he expected the next shipment to be ready by NEXT friday (IIRC he said that last Sunday or something). I also assumed that he meant the 28th.
It seems that in G66 they thought he meant this friday whereas in fact he meant the next friday (28th).
Now that got me thinking... You see, some of the Mayan 2012 (end of world as we know it) theories speak of this date (28th of October 2011) as a day of great significance!
Who knows, maybe we will be lucky to experience the proof of these ancient Mayan prophecies. Maybe the next shipment WILL actually be ready at the 28th!
It was Saturday, October 15th. So next friday means October 21st :) I don't really think G66 were mistaken either when they released their update on twitter :p
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No, if it was last Saturday and he said next friday, then he obviously meant not this (comming) friday (21st) but the next one (28th).
At least this is my understanding of this friday and next friday.
Let's hope there's plenty II's in that shipment at least...

somebody that still has not lost his hope!
cute! :)
i also hope that instead of the usual 3 devices we may see 4 or even 5 delivered ;). of course not on october the 28th. i'd rather expect the october delivery to be ready by next christmas or so. next year's christmas, of course!?! ...that is 2012's christmas... or am i getting totally confused?!
Man all this complaining. Think positive!! The longer it takes the sooner the AFXIII hits the market.
And be glad that the relationship with G66 and FAS is still intact.
Poor Sussi.............
Another delay ... this is a joke or what? Cliff said on Saturday October 15, that the shipment would be the following Friday, or 21, not 28, that's two Fridays in my country. We continue with the lack of speech and what is worse, the lack of communication between Fractal and G66. Unfortunately, it is clear that there is no communication between them. Before you write the ad G66 shipping on Friday 21, I knew from the forum here at the hands of Cliff. My sense of who wrote it without talking to Cliff, as we do from reading the forum, like another user, too bad.
Why not speak out and respond at once to its customers, with specific data. I do not think so hard, we live in the XXI century, communication is easier than ever, you do not communicate by smoke signals.

Easy questions to answer:
What day is the shipping?
How many units are going to send?
Send enough units to meet our waiting list to the American list?

I hope this new delay is for the latter to meet the demand until at least June 2011.
I do believe Cliff said last Saturday thwt the shipment will be ready by NEXT friday, he didn't say anything about the following (21st) friday.
Of course that doesn't mean that all this delay is normal... Just saying...
sorry johna, next Friday is 21, that does not need clarification. As next month is November and next year is 2012. Things are as they are. Another thing is you want to defend what can not defend. Written words are not carried by the wind, sometimes it takes them an administrator, but not the wind. So once again broke his word. At least give some clarification, but honestly have lost much credibility. It's like the story of the wolf ... after so many lies no one believes you. I am sorry to speak so clearly, but you must tell the truth. It is more than well known that Europeans are already very, very tired by now. Nobody seems to remedy and many people are so tired that has left waiting and decided to buy other products. Many people have been faithful to the Axe from the beginning and now feel cheated by the lack of attention and the inability to acquire the product in a logical term. It is reasonable to expect nearly a year, while others (Americans) have it in about 3 months. Going out and firmware 3 and almost no one in europe has a ax II. It makes no sense to advance research more than just production.

For me, Cliff has all my admiration for the product offering, but I can not be subject to the production and distribution of Fractal. Sorry.
I have had this discussion countless times over the years in both business and personal life.

Many people take NEXT Friday to mean the one after THIS Friday. So for people that think that way it would have been the 28th. I for one have always thought this way as do most my colleagues.

Many other people take NEXT Friday to mean the very next one. ie the one coming up this week. For them it would have meant the 21st.

It's a common misconception that has gone on for ages and no doubt will continue for many more. I have no clue what Cliff meant when he made his comment but I'm pretty sure there was no intent to deceive.
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Guys, just relax and look at this discussion with a clear mind. This Friday, next Friday - this is ridiculous. Take a break. It's only a tool, it's not the coming of Christ or the end of the world...

As long as there are enough units to get mine, I don' care whether it's THIS or NEXT Friday ;-)
Guys, just relax and look at this discussion with a clear mind. This Friday, next Friday - this is ridiculous. Take a break. It's only a tool, it's not the coming of Christ or the end of the world...

As long as there are enough units to get mine, I don' care whether it's THIS or NEXT Friday ;-)

Amen to that. Just think of it this way, the extra 7 days gives Cliff more time to make more units. hopefully mine will be there too. It looks like Firmware 3.0 is going to be awesome. Cliff is a genius and working his butt off so let's cut the guy some slack!
Indeed. This Friday would been the Friday coming - next Friday means the Friday after. I took the comments to mean 28th.

We've got to get this straight...otherwise, who knows what could happen...

Man all this complaining. Think positive!! The longer it takes the sooner the AFXIII hits the market.
And be glad that the relationship with G66 and FAS is still intact.
Poor Sussi.............

still intact? if they apparently do not even seem to know the quantities a week before the shipment? :)

but yeah: at least something is communicated. i believe that jacques and sussi do their best. and i can understand their potential frustration about the complaints here, because it follows the "say nothing --> complaints; say something --> complaints" schema. however, the situation IS highly unsatisfactory and at least fas could potentially do something about it by increasing the size of overseas shipments. and while the whining and irony potentially do not change anything at that front, at least it is a bit comforting for all the waiting people to "share frustration".
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